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After trying to shoot at an abandoned location having Hannah rip her favorite pants, encountering a ridiculous amount of ants, and running away from a HUGE spider (it was bigger than my hand!), we decided to shoot at a hotel room I had booked last night before my plane flight out tomorrow morning. 

 The tiles on the floor aren't sealed down, there's black mold all over the walls in the bathroom, the main entrance to my room has seen better days, and all of the furniture is falling apart. There is a gratuitously loud floral couch right next to a window though, and after experiencing torrential rain, the sun came in perfectly. 

I took these and some self portraits using my instax square camera. I'll be posting the self portraits once I have time to scan them tomorrow!




But that colorful couch though!!!


It is really a bit garish in person - but it was beautiful for film!


Sounds like you could use a hug ? A challenge at every turn ? Get home soon ? :-)