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I took these yesterday afternoon. It's possible I'll take more photos today depending on what I feel up to doing. I ended up not going to Montreal yesterday as I had some personal things to deal with, and I'm sad that I don't get to see Phylactere, Stef-des, or Lior Allay. But, it was unavoidable - thankfully I don't have this happen that often! The one plus is I don't have to sit on a 10+ hour greyhound ride tonight, so there's that putrid bronze lining. I hate greyhound, and I need to stop with the greyhound rides.

In any case, I'll still be going to see my grandma in Maine tomorrow. Then I'll be seeing Maya Tihtiyas for a few days before traveling back home. I cut all of my traveling short this month as I'm just exhausted from a variety of things. So, yes, that's an update.

Here is the link to this set: https://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/melancholydaydream/

It's also black and white - I promise I'll also do some color this month though! I need to go buy more instax film, and I'm contemplating buying an instant film camera that I can shoot self portraits with too - preferably not the instax mini as the size of the film bothers me for scanning and possible printing. I've had decent luck printing from instax wide shots, but I don't trust being able to print up to 5x7" from something too small. If anyone has any advice in this area, feel free to tell me! I'm technically challenged when it comes to camera gear, and that includes reading through long tedious articles on the pros and cons of technical things. I'd rather read Wittgenstein than a camera article haha. Also, the thought of going in to B&H and having to deal with that customer service experience makes me think no camera might also be a good thing haha. 



Nick Gonzales

Superb! These are definitely up there with my favorite B&W photos you've taken. Quite melancholy.


I agree...one of your best! Sometimes peaceful, sometimes sexy, sometimes erotic...but always beautiful!