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I've been uploading so many photos over the last 24 hours - and trying to sync my phone to a chromebook has been less than enjoyable. But, I'm almost done! The photos I took on my last day in Warsaw, Cologne, and Paris were not syncing properly to my google drive for whatever reason, so it's been rather slow going. But, I'm 60 photos away from finishing my travel folder finally!

And here is the link to my set in Cologne: https://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/aroomincologne/

I'm also taking more self portraits today, and on Sunday I'll be doing self portraits with Phylactere and Lior Allay in Montreal! So, those will be wonderful. And then next week I'm shooting again with Maya Tihtiyas and, for the first time, with Anoush Anou as well. And then possibly two or three other women. So, I'm thinking I'll buy a new memory card haha. So about 5 new sets will be created over the next week. It's going to be a lot of work being dumped here, so I hope you don't mind my typical, dump everything as spam-posting at once routine that is about to happen.




I think this set is *sculptural* ? Not the first reaction is that I am viewing a breathing thing, more something to ponder more abstractly about the beauty of proportion and how light behaves off surfaces ? Of course that is all shaken by your hair - splendidly *a mind of its own* ! ~ beating of the heart - breath of life !


By the way, please dump your work in my inbox - any time ! I credit myself for being very good about not dwelling on pining between your postings. I feel so adult when I can say - "Liv is busy, imagine the wonder of what she is cooking up today !" What you post has me feeling brilliant each time I see what is next ! ~ hope life is good for you !