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Sorry for being so late! My sleeping patterns have gotten very bad and erratic over the past few days, and I need to fix that.

But here is the link: https://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/travelfolderjuly2018/




Really lovely bunch - welcome for variety and quality I think ? what struck me first was the mirror images and of course flocks of birds always have me wondering if the are conversing - maybe having a *rally* of some sort ? ~ love your travel pictures; if they don't tell a story they offer up quality elements for myself to imagine stories of you ?


I like to think the travel photos provide some sort of narrative in which all of the nude photos are taken. I think without the narrative to some degree, the work isn't really grounded anywhere.


Haha, I think that picture of you in front of the whataburger sign is one of my favorites ever! So much happy expressiveness on your face in that shot! Plus the colors are great. Fun capture!


Thank you! I was quite excited to be back at Whataburger hahaha