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I'm finally settled in to my space for the next few days in Houston. And I have internet! Funny how that seems so great suddenly. 

In any case, here is a link to this set: https://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/backlitjerseycity/

I hope you like them! And I updated the travel folder with more cat photos! Delilah had a nice portrait session, and her cute little face is now in the folder. I'll also be shooting self portraits here in Houston tomorrow or Saturday.




I see you tomato pesto meal - as I was just thinking of you - hoping Houston is not considerably warmer than it is here by the Great Lakes ? Usually this time of year not unusual to be 20-25 degrees warmer in Texas ? I guess tomorrow cooler here - perhaps t-storming tonight ? With lightning and thunders ? ~in all cases - be well !


I think it's bad here because of the humidity. It is near 100 degrees and about 90% humidity. So it feels even worse for that. And when it rains, the rain is warm and only serves as a terrible addition to the humidity!