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It feels like I should. I haven't had access to my computer online with working internet in almost a week. Needless to say, but I'm going to say it anyway, that is always a revealing situation. Lacking internet access is far from the worst thing, but due to my job and general methods of making money, lacking access to the internet can be more rough than it should be.

I'm not going to bullet point this entry, but there's a lot of information below.

Youtube still worked on the very slow-running hotspot. For some reason. I couldn't open pixieset to upload images, and I couldn't get patreon to load properly in order to write longer text posts, but goofy documentaries on youtube loaded without issue. I do not understand that.

This is why I never bother paying for high speed internet to stream. I spend most of my internet streaming time watching ludicrous masterpieces showcasing the struggle bus ride that humanity seems to be on, and those load on shoddy hotspots. So, I think I'm good with slow speed internet.

Tomorrow I'll be heading to Houston, Texas. I'm armed and ready with a bag of groceries I couldn't quite get through - I always take food with me in bags to the airport. And they always inspect it after the x-ray machine. I also have my Dunkin Donuts giftcard, a bunch of lingerie, some books, and a notebook I'm currently trying to write a plan in for different readings. I've decided, in preparation for graduate school (I'm applying by next fall at the latest), I have to read through a few things to review and not sound like a moron. I also have to study for the GRE again, and I ordered a study text to do so. The last time I took the test, I did not study, and I got great scores. I'm not looking forward to a repeat of that 4 hour test just because my scores expired. I've only gotten slightly dumber since then, so I really think they should consider cutting me a break.

That's sarcasm - the part about cutting me a break. Undoubtedly I've lost some amount of intelligence since not being in school.

I have spent a sum total of 6.5 years in university so far in my life. So, at this rate, I'll have spent about a decade in school after finishing my next degree. I'm currently hoping to apply to graduate school in Montreal as it's one of my favorite cities (and schooling is quite a bit cheaper, even when being an international student). My plan so far is to apply for a degree in English, and I'm at least getting a Masters degree. I'd really like to get a PhD though. Whether I do it all at once or take a break to work for a bit after getting a Masters degree is not clear to me yet. It takes a long time to complete though. So I'll have to think about that too.

Than again, I have no children, have a pretty flexible job to sustain me through that amount of time, and I don't plan on changing either of those situations any time in the near future.

In any case, I'll be regularly touring/modeling until I go to graduate school. I'd like to model on every continent (minus Antarctica) prior to that life change, and so far that plan seems to be going well. I'll be heading to Australia and New Zealand at some point in the next year - I'm trying to combine Hong Kong on that same trip. I'm tentatively planning to go to Morocco next year as well and might go to South Africa right after. So then I simply have South America left. I'm sure I can figure out Mexico City and Buenos Aires sometime between now and the Fall of 2020. 

Even if I mostly doing my own photography and self portraits in these locations, that would be fine for me. 

Since being in New Jersey, I've been able to shoot a bit with photographers in New York City, and that's been great. There are a lot of amazing people to work with, and many of my regular clients are here. I'm only a short trip away from the city, so it's been really convenient so far. I think the most inconvenient thing so far is not having an elevator while living on the third floor. I figure my legs might end up looking better after living here though.

I can finally upload all of my travel photos! I'm pretty happy about that! I've posted some within this journal entry, but I will go ahead and post the full set soon - right after this actually. I'll need to add more that have not updated within my icloud yet, and I will post a note tomorrow when I do update. I'll post the ones I have already uploaded though.

I'm also currently working on getting ready to leave tomorrow, organizing the last boxes from moving, and retouching the self portraits I took today that I'm very happy with. I realized, through the process of packing and unpacking, that I have tons of clothing. I have way too many clothes. But they're really pretty, tend to follow a similar aesthetic, and I really love them. While packing and unpacking, I was on the phone with my best friend Diana Schenkel, and she was asking me why I never wear them. And I don't. I generally am dressed so badly in comparison with what I really own - big baggy clothes, long linen dresses, turtlenecks, sweatshirts, anything to cover up and conceal for the most part. I'm not sure at what point I started dressing like this. I think in 2016, and when I was going through everything it dawned on me how frumpy I go out of my way to look. If I simply dressed in the majority of the clothing I own, I would not look frumpy at all. 

I think I've been dressing this way for a couple of years to avoid attention in everyday life, and as a way to hide. And I think it's been both because of how I felt about myself and as a reaction to how other people treated me. So, I have decided to make a concerted effort to not do this anymore and to dress a bit better and prettier. 

So on this trip coming up, I will have cuter clothes than normal with me :)

I'll post the link to the travel photos soon.




I like hearing your voice ! Maybe you need a more open closet space (see it maybe wear it ) ? I would defend dressing unassuming in public - seems that might feel comfortable - at that or anytime ? Dressing *prettier* is also very valid way to feel ! Take care of those legs - I like them very much now ;-) ! Studying for GRE sounds less interesting that drawing up a list of things to read ? ~ safe and lovely trip !


Hi, don´t forget Brazil in the schedule :D