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These are my first self portraits on my camera in my new place (I took these in the corner next to my refrigerator). I hope you like them - I find the sunlight in my new place to be more harsh than in my apartment in Baltimore, so my camera adjustments to account for that were a bit unfamiliar for me.

I will be posting this set and the one of Freya Gallows once it’s daytime hours :)




Does your apartment rest in a corner of the building ? That is does it have south and east or west exposure, or north and east or west exposure ? Maybe only one facing, only windows on one side ? Curious about your natural light possibilities (all rooms have windows) ?


All the rooms have windows, and I'm pretty sure the building faces south - I'm not on a corner of the building though. I'm on the front of the building facing south :)


I'm sure if you picked out this apartment to live in, there will be some magical light. You might have to get used to the difference and might miss some of what you had before (your last place was pretty glorious) but I can't imagine you choosing a place without good light. :P I hope we can photograph each other there soon!


There is some! It's an adjustment more than anything I think after dealing with one place for so long and then moving to another where I still haven't pinpointed exactly when it's super pretty light. And I hope we can photograph each other soon too! I'm pretty close to NYC, so if you travel there, you must let me know!