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Previews from one of two sets I'll be posting of Kelsey Dylan over the next day or so. I have about 5 new sets to post, so I'm trying to space them out just a bit. But I have other shoots coming up as well and will be doing more self portraits. So, I won't be waiting too long between posting all of these :)




I agree Kelsey has great presence. I do see her and wish to know her thoughts, her images are wonderful for that !


You are such a good friend to me ! Don't go away too far - I think we agree so often and perhaps not too safe to agree about certain thoughts and values ? I am less motivated by safety - mostly the sheer joy conversing with you, thinking of you, wishing for good things for you …. Your good feelings an antidote for me ! These times I think you will agree -antidote to despair and disappointment in the public realm ? ~ maybe some ice cream ? ~ lovely day, lovely one !