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Almost done editing my travel photos! Almost. I took far too many and my phone editing app keeps crashing on me. I expect to have them done and posted tonight though! And I also have a small set of self portraits I’ll be uploading too! Yes :) I’m in Frederick right now going to a vintage dress shop to update my wardrobe to shoot in. And then a museum after that. I hope you are all having a good weekend! The photo is film by Richard Montgomery in Baltimore a few weeks ago. I loved the colors of the work he sent me.




I think you need to consider carrying your camera on your travels ? Perhaps that would make the editing *easier* ? I doubt it would take up more space than a pair of shoes packing ? Well I don't know - it is a suggestion - maybe carrying a camera makes one feel like a *tourist* or a *terrorist*; maybe if you have your camera you will spend more time making pictures - make it an even bigger job to prepare ? Happy you have a place where you wish to look for wardrobe - hope the museum also has something cool !


I use an app on my phone to edit, and I think I need to start trying to do so on the computer instead. Because even when shooting with my camera, it becomes difficult. Though, I'm tentatively considering switching to a different camera brand which would allow the minimal retouching I do to be completely eliminated! Because you can add grain and different film textures in camera (Fuji brand). So, I'm saving money for that :D And the museum was wonderful. It was the Civil War Medical museum and had a lot of great information about modern medicine and wartime surgery. Which was also a bit gross, but still interesting.


A capital idea ! What size are you thinking for the prints ? The triptych that I have is I believe 5x7 ? They fit nicely in an extended rectangular frame that I have ! If I had several Liv Sage triptychs I would consider rotation them through that frame (or buy several more frames) ? I do like when you chose images - not far from what I would chose - I think ? So how many triptychs to sell to earn this dream camera ?


Yes - I decided to do four prints actually :) And they are 5x7 each. I'm selling them until the 15th of May! I'm donating a bit of the money, so I'd only have about half enough for the camera. But that's still okay I think :)