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I spent a couple of days in Quebec City with a photographer friend of mine. And it was so cold! Maybe 30 degrees fahrenheit and very windy with constant rain. Besides that, it was a really wonderful place and reminded my of France quite a bit. I suppose the nickname is "Little France" which makes sense. 

I likely ate too much poutine (french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds), too many macarons, and even weird potato chips with maple syrup all over them (which sounds very weird but they were good). 

I walked around a lot as well. I tend to really love port cities - not necessarily beach cities. But the ones with huge ports for shipping. There always seems to be quite a bit to do, lots of good food that isn't expensive, 

I stayed in a vintage hotel in the Old City area of Quebec in exchange for some modeling. The hotel was about a block away from the Chateau Frontenac (pictured below) which is sort of a famous landmark in Quebec City. I ate at a burger restaurant across from it twice - which was also where I ate potato chips covered in Maple Syrup. I clearly maintained an incredibly healthy diet while in this city. Croissants, burgers, poutine, macarons, and I think the healthiest was some Chinese food. I'm going to have to be very healthy once I'm home to make up for it, because I'm currently in Montreal and have so far eaten a hamburger.  

So, I'm now in Montreal but only for one day! Which was a mistake, I should have planned to stay longer. I think perhaps next time, I will skip Ottawa completely and spend all of the time I would have spent there in Montreal because I love it so much more. Tomorrow I'll be flying home though - which I am looking forward to. I've not been home since April 19, so it will be nice to be back.

Once I get back, I'll be sending out print orders, prints for patrons here at that level, and making the book of this month (which will be very difficult because there are so many photos). I'll also be uploading my travel folder of photos and doing new self portraits.

I hope you are all having a wonderful start to the month!




I think you have a sound plan to concentrate on Montreal and Quebec City to the detriment of Ottawa ? Perhaps a little more contemplation of the season of the year ? Although it is possible each season has something to offer ? Catching the autumn colour could be wonderful or summer in full bloom; I have heard winter can be very beautiful as well ! In winter Canadians can possibly teach how to survive and thrive and even enjoy enough to look forward to some of it ? ~ hope you enjoy your book making process -- cuddle a cat or two !


I've heard winter can be so cold, but cold can be good too - as long as I don't have to be outside! The autumn would likely be my favorite, though autumn is generally always my favorite season. But Montreal will definitely take precedence over Ottawa from now on :)