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New things

  • Continue not posting the work of others and keep this page for my own work 0
  • Post approving photographer's work at the $1 tier as a sort of image stream so that I have some way to share all of the images I love 15
  • Anything is fine, do whatever you'd like 21
  • 2018-04-22
  • 36 votes
{'title': 'New things', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue not posting the work of others and keep this page for my own work', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Post approving photographer's work at the $1 tier as a sort of image stream so that I have some way to share all of the images I love", 'votes': 15}, {'text': "Anything is fine, do whatever you'd like", 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 22, 18, 19, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 36}


Okay, so due to all of the recent legislation, I've realized that I might not be able to really post nude work, even censored, anywhere. So, I have an overwhelming number of images I've never shared at all, along with a constant stream of incoming images that I also cannot share anywhere. I was using tumblr as my main place to post nude work, but because of recent comments and messages there, I've become a bit disillusioned about the whole thing. Mainly because, when I post my concerns about new legislation that affects my job and many women I know, I get people calling me an angry feminist, insulting me, et cetera. Which seems crazy to me, but there you go.

So, essentially, I'm thinking I might post nude images from my work here (as long as it's been approved by the photographers I work with) at the $1 level. I wouldn't be posting any sets from shoots with photographers who hire me, but I might consider posting them as if it was instagram (though, uncensored of course). But, I wanted to take a poll first! So, feel free to vote however :)


Nick Gonzales

I think posting at least some preview images with links (whenever available) to wherever the photographer is displaying them would be nifty and would direct us to other artists creating the kind of work in which you would participate.


Yes, I'm only planning to post full sets of photos by the models I work with - where I've been taking photos of them and then not posting the sets they take of me until now. But I'll still only be posting single images from photographers while linking them :)


I wrote this a couple of days ago but I failed to post it because I didn’t hit return (duh)! The gist was that it is most important that YOU do what makes YOU happy and comfortable. I’ll appreciate whatever you post especially knowing that YOU are in a good place!!


Thank you so much - I appreciate it :) I’ve made that same mistake about hitting return haha