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This is oil paint on watercolor paper. Very much not technically correct. And I’m on mobile so I can’t upload all of them from this class, but I forgot to share one and wanted to do that quickly while I remembered. Also, I have been sent several photo sets recently from models who I’ve posted here who, like myself, also take photos. Due to all of the recent changes online in recent months, I have nowhere but here to post them. So I’m wondering if anyone has thoughts on my posting images from fellow women who photograph me here? I’m afraid of everything becoming messy and convoluted, and I feel ethically conflicted about even requesting to use images from any paid shoot here. But the trade images I’ve shot with fellow models who modeled for me seems like it might be fine? Feel free to pose thoughts - in favor or against. I won’t be even slightly offended whatever side you take :)




I'd love to see more of your paintings!


I would love to see any images of you - by anyone ! My stand by position is that you decide - I do not quarrel with your decisions ! At least not once, yet ?


Okay super :) I’ll likely post a few sets by others. I had to delete so much content off of my social media that I don’t know what to do with it all.