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It's spring, finally! Sort of...yesterday was all clouds and gloom. Today is supposed to have the sun, and I'm planning to do self portraits if it cooperates. When it's cloudy, my apartment tends to stay a bit dark, so accomplishing any work of any value with a camera set across the room on a tripod becomes very difficult. And I still have never come around to using studio lights, so I try to work when the sun is out. 

I've been enjoying being home a bit. I've been here since getting back from Chicago and have done a few shoots locally as well as a few art classes (both modeling and making attempts at some sketches myself). I met a model who was traveling through the other day (blossoms from that day seen above). The day before yesterday, I went out to walk and took a few photos seen below of the new flowers up the street. I also ate a huge burger! And it was amazing. And probably very unhealthy. It was dripping grease and chipotle mayo, so I assume it did all sorts of wonderful things to my arteries and cholesterol and triglyceride levels. I figure I'll worry about that stuff when my metabolism inevitably hits rock bottom. Which will hopefully never happen! 

There are a ton of blooming trees. I am currently in an ethical quandary concerning stealing branches from a few of them...I feel like this is possibly harmful. But also, at the same time, not all that bad? Feel free to comment. I shall keep a tally of those thinking it is not ethical versus those thinking it is not so bad. And then, if the vote is for it being okay, I will steal branches. Not too many though.

I'm still currently worried about FOSTA/SESTA. But I kinda feel hopeless about it currently so have been taking a few days off from trying to worry too much. It's a bit strange to think about my job possibly being considered illegal though - or in a legal grey area even. All sorts of things have been going through my head about that. Things like focusing on my own self portraits and finally applying to grad school (again). I will have to wait and see how it goes though. 

I found a stack of paintings in my room that I'd forgotten to scan and show here! So I also need to do that - along with scanning in instax photos of a model that I still haven't done. I've been procrastinating, but they're very pretty and I'd like to share those here as well. Maybe I will make them a special small bonus set for the $5 level :)

I'm looking forward to the sun finally showing later today, and possibly being able to take self portraits to post. I hope you are all having a good start to your week!



Nick Gonzales

I think you're fine stealing a few branches so long as you don't completely denude the tree. You're using them for something good. Besides, I read a book once that said trees are very giving. I can't remember what it was called. ;p


That opening picture of all the blooms is amazing!


The Giving Tree! :) That was such a good book. And yes, I was planning to take branches from multiple trees so as to avoid denuding an entire tree.


Thank you! I found that tree on a walk and thought it was absolutely beautiferous!