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I did a set of poses that I occasionally do for drawing classes - though, not quite as strenuous and I don't suck in my stomach at drawing classes. I don't know how much anyone knows about drawing classes, but I model for quite a lot of them and really enjoy it. Many begin with a series of short poses (30 seconds - 2 minutes in length) where artists work on getting what you might call a "description" of the body - a basic outline of proportion and shape. Shading and detail work is generally not present. Then most classes will move on to longer poses from there. 

In any case I hope you like the previews. The set will be posted tomorrow :)




I think that is terrific ! I used to like to draw but cannot say I have ever taken or attended class. Lovely to see and learn ! You think much different subject of drawing , photography and other mediums ? Curious how conscious one is being for each and any purpose ?


Wonderful photos and poses. It's interesting reading your descriptions of the preparation and physiology of the art of modeling. Fascinating, really. :)


The classroom setting is sort of intimidating honestly...I prefer the open sessions as someone drawing. That way people aren't looking at your work in a judgmental way. I'd say it was good for the work to be judged if I was doing it for more than fun, but since I am only painting for fun, I don't see the point in making it less fun. I do think drawing and painting are much different from photography in a certain sense...maybe not in the sense of composition (though if you mess it up in a painting, there's a lot more to starting over), but in the sense of how much time you spend per image. Having to slow down a lot makes things a bit different - I tend to think that, for photographers, painting and drawings classes are incredibly useful. Many of the people I work with do some combination of those are forms - and sculpture.


Thank you! I'm happy you found it interesting - I was worried about creating an uninteresting blurb. But, then again, the majority of people might never have been to such a drawing class before, so it is much different :)