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I got the date correct this time around (I missed it by about a month on my last entry for whatever reason). Apparently I had so much fun I forgot what month I was in...

In any case, I went out with my sister this past weekend, and we had way too much fun probably. And as someone who does not normally drink, I'm back to being convinced that alcohol is a poison. And also that I need to not drink any of it for a few months in order to properly recover. I found a 64oz bottle of kombucha at the store today, and I'm also convinced that drinking this will help me in my recovery along with eating a lot of vegetables and soup for a few days. Yesterday, I was very productive and laid in bed watching some television show about old ladies with my sister, and she attempted to tell me we are already like the old ladies in the show, and also I was one of them specifically because I'm a weird hippy. Her words, not mine. I do not think I'm a hippy, because I eat way too much beef and ham to be a hippy. And I was so exhausted that I didn't go see the new Sally Mann exhibit that is at the National Gallery! So I'm going to have to go in a few weeks. 

I'm now at home, editing photos (I have two new sets to upload), cuddling with my cats, and looking for movies to watch on the internet. There are so many options, and most of them are absolutely terrible. How many movies are they going to make about zombies, the apocalypse, paranormal activity being caught on cell phone cameras, and superhero movies? There are far too many. Far too many. Pretty much none of them are good either. Now, if all of those things are combined together with a healthy dose of hillbilly cannibals, I'm okay with it. But they never are!

Tomorrow, I am going to an art museum! Because it is free. And possibly to a movie as well but maybe not. I'm also trying to prepare to go to Milwaukee on Thursday, and it's going to be cold and I'm not looking forward to that! Oh well. That is okay.

In any case! I will upload previews for the sets tonight, and will upload at least one of the sets tomorrow. I'm also shooting with one of my favorite people on the planet, Diana Schenkel, on Wednesday. So I'll have lots of photos from that - both of her and myself - that I'll only be uploading here for the most part. And I'll be doing self portraits tomorrow! So...yes, a lot of new photos incoming!



Not sure if you will have time but currently a Mayan exhibit at Milwaukee Public Museum, perhaps not worth $25 admission to you ? I think I noticed you're not in Milwaukee for long and maybe no spare time ? I thought I would mention it, as an interesting culture. ~ be warm !


Unfortunately I don't have time! I booked Milwaukee completely - which was strange to me. But thank you for mentioning it. Next time I'm in Milwaukee, I'm going to try to stay longer. I've gotten so many good recommendations for the city it's going to be difficult to even choose where to eat! :)


Well let me know if you find something good to eat ? You know, I am always curious for your opinion.


I will keep you updated! I expect I'll have time to write some things for my journals as I'm on the train :)