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I love to shoot through trash!

I know that sounds weird...but seriously, garbage/plastic wrappers/etc make very nice things to crumple around with and shoot through. Though focusing can become an issue...I have new photos I will be uploading soon though! I worked with Dakota Snow again today, and I completely forgot that I also have not uploaded my set of Masha yet! So, I will be uploading both before the weekend :)



Jeez Liv, I saw your forehead on your other page - you did ding yourself pretty good ? Hope you are feeling good - looks like a nice healing wound ? One good thing - I really like the photos - they have some power and feeling for me ! Try not to suffer too much for your art ? Hope the storming Northeaster lets you be ? ~ warm and well !


I did get myself pretty good! But, it's actually almost healed thankfully. And the storming has let me be :)


I like survivors - actually I like when people I like survive ! ;-)