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The other day I wrote the year down wrong. Twice in short succession. I fixed the first incorrect date and then proceeded to incorrectly write down the date on a separate space on the same document. It's 2018, and my brain is lingering somewhere in December, probably right before I got on the last flight I took that month. And on that flight, I had free drink coupons, and I forgot to use them because it was a midday flight and I am under the impression that when you drink in the middle of the day you are an alcoholic.

I had an ex boyfriend who used to deliver pizza in Columbus, Ohio, and there was a middle-aged woman in the richest part of town who would order. She ordered the same thing every time: large pepperoni, edge to edge toppings - the Columbus style pizza. And it didn't matter what time of day he'd show up to deliver it, she was always drunk, slurring, with purple crusted lips and a hot young boyfriend. And she'd slap his ass when he walked away from the house, which he thought was very amusing. I guess it was. That woman drank in the middle of the day. She was an alcoholic. And that's what I think of if I have a mimosa with brunch - a crazy wino living in a mansion overlooking the park. And then I think, maybe if I also lived in a mansion overlooking the park I'd drink in the middle of the day too. And then I think I wouldn't because then I'd be an alcoholic, and I'd really rather not be that.

The other day, I was pressing flowers. I have a flower press, and I took them, put them between wax paper, and put them in the press and tightened it as much as I could. I didn't look up how to do it properly, so it made sense when I removed them and the rose petals were blackened like banana peel. They smelled like wet compost, and I smeared them around on the wax paper and they left gooey residue. I should have read the directions first. 

I decided on a whim the other day that I'm going to Europe again this year. I'd thought last year that I will travel less. I will settle down, I will live at home and do home things and be a home person with home stuff. I sat in my house for a week and changed my mind. So I decided to go to Europe because I can, and I don't really see the point of not going to Norway and Poland (places I've long wanted to travel to), and so I will. And that was that. I will also go to Australia in October. Because I can...it feels like reason enough honestly. I don't know what it was, but it suddenly dawned on me that I might not see these things if I do not make it a point to go see them, and if I have the opportunity to do so it would be a bit silly not to. I'm going to find the goat butter (one of my favorite food items ever) and I'm going to consume a lot of it. 

And tonight! I am finishing up the editing on my travel folder! While I watch movies of course. And then ordering books for people at that tier. And also I shipped out prints for those of you who should be expecting them! 


Nick Gonzales

If nothing is actively preventing you from traveling, then c'mon ... you gotta. Home will always be there for you to return to, but putting off traveling is a surefire way to make sure it won't happen.


Have fun in Europe and Australia!


That's how I feel too...most people I talk to wish they'd traveled more when they were young and now are hindered by their jobs and other priorities. Then they never go. So, I must. :D