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Sorry I've been a bit absent the last couple of days. I've been dealing with more emotional bullshit, but I think it's actually, finally over for good. It's been ongoing for over a year, but I think it's finally over with forever. Which is a bad feeling, but also a good one. 

I had a model over yesterday, and we were photographing one another (Dakota Snow), and I might have cried all over her, and now I feel bad, but I think I still got a few usable images from the brief 5 minute shoot I did with her. I was barely composed, but I think maybe there's a usable image. I'll be looking through and posting them later.

I still need to a bit of time to process a lot of stuff before writing it all down though.

But, I ordered prints, I'll be sending them as soon as they get here. I'm organizing January's little book for the people subscribed to get that. I sent December's - I hope you got them :)

But yes. I'll be shooting a bit more this week as well, and I'll be uploading my travel folder soon. I've, thankfully, been getting a bit of work locally as a model this past week. And I have three shoots, maybe four, within the next week. I rarely schedule locally, so it's been nice to be able to work a bit since my tours in the South typically aren't amazing from a financial standpoint. They don't like my armpit fur, I suspect. I also now have leg hair, so I'm guessing they also don't much like that either. Oh well!

But yes, I'll keep updating and will have some images posted by tonight as well :)


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