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So, this will likely be pretty short because I was trying to cut a bagel yesterday and sliced my middle left hand finger. Now, until now I did not realize I do not have bandaids in my house. That was fine because I do have paper towels and packaging tape. So, I wrapped the paper towel around my sliced finger (not too deep a slice, about half a cm in, but there's a lil' skin flap hanging) and then wrapped the tape around that. I'd meant to get some bandaids at the CVS today, but then I forgot so eh. 

In any case, I have a goofy looking cast on my finger, and it makes it a bit difficult to type with efficiency. That being said, my finger will soon be better. Just stings a bit when washing the dishes or my hair. 


Yes, so I got home and proceeded to sleep. I've been having a nice heated blanket party with my cats (I will note that they take more than their fair share) the past few days while getting emails for upcoming trips done. I'm going to Nashville on Saturday and then following that to Atlanta. I'm happy to be going South for the weather and the chance to eat cheap comfort food, but I am not so wonderful at booking as a model in the Southern States. Generally I end up with very good shoots among the ones I do book, which is nice, but I never book a lot of shoots as I do in Canada, Europe, and the East Coast. Actually, I have more bookings at home this month than while traveling - I'm including a full day shoot in Philadelphia as home though. 

Generally, in the South, I've discovered that people think $50/hour is the going rate (it's not) or that I am like a circus animal that they have never seen in real life and must pay to gawk at. And then my arms go numb from holding them in the air as that's the only thing they want to photograph. They also like heeled shoes in the south. Not with outfits or anything grand. Just heels. In a hotel room. Just standing there naked in heels. Weird. 

I find it weird anyway. Maybe that's because I'm a woman who mainly associated heels with pencils skirts and back problems but that's fine.

In any case, 2018 is the year I set to start slowing my travels somewhat. I'm traveling about 10 days out of the month instead of 20, and I'm also thinking of moving to a cheaper place. I'm not really sure where, but I might even move cities (something I've been saying I'd do for about a year and not gotten up to speed on). My ultimate plan is to end up in Jersey City due to the close proximity to NYC and my ability to work at a wide variety of art schools there. But, it is expensive so I'm thinking that's where I'll ultimately buy a place instead as renting could be cost prohibitive but buying, while it requires capital upfront, would end up being cheaper than rent. In the meantime, I was looking at prices of places in other cities and discovered that Philadelphia is incredibly cheap rent-wise. A friend of mine was telling me that there are tons of art schools to model at there as well. So I might move to Philly for a year or two while I figure out what I need to buy long term and to save money. Maybe. Maybe.

In terms of present plans! I'm going to do self portraits. And I wanted to get peonies, but it is so difficult to find them in Baltimore! Which really irks my nerves...maybe I will go hunting for them tomorrow. I also got a bread machine for Christmas, and I'm going to learn how to make bread at home in it! I am so excited. Yes.

Okay, this ended up not being short. I must go wash my hair also.

But I hope you are all having a wonderful week! I sent out all the prints for last month so hopefully they are to you soon, and I am waiting for the books for my $50 level for December to arrive! I will keep the people subscribed at that level updated as well :)



Hope your finger is a rapid healing!


I was being clumsy today and reopened the wound while opening envelopes. So, I'm starting over! But thank you haha

George Streng

Just heels in a hotel room .... nope, I don't understand that at all.


I don’t either...and I feel like an idiot the whole time too. I’m not used to walking in them so I’m just tottering around in a very corporate looking hotel room...it’s not a good look at all.