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I just arrived back home from Philadelphia tonight - and I had a wonderful trip there working over the past couple of days. I've been swamped with emails, comments, and my etsy store sales, but I'm working on a lot of things tomorrow. And it's Thanksgiving week and I'm going home to Ohio on Monday! So, I'm relatively swamped, but I'm really trying to get to everything and everyone who commented or messaged me.

I also hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving week, either with family or by yourself doing something cool like watching tons of movies and eating Chinese food (one day, I will do this...maybe...my mom would probably come find me and wreak havoc upon me for it though). 



Doing the family thing also. Mother and Father live close enough I can leave, not required to stay the night. I do enjoy Thanksgiving with family mostly - we are at a pretty good time with interpersonal relations just now. I still enjoy the nostalgia reminded of times past and I do not believe there will be any Republican voters present ? Enjoy creating with Diana - be warm and well ! ~ cheers of thanks for you and your arts' presence in my life !