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*Little bonus $5 level photo set and journal entry! Yes*

Link: https://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/adayinbaltimorewithdianajuly2016/

This (and the other black and white set posted by Diana that is at the $10 level) are during the first month I moved to Baltimore. Diana was home visiting her family in York, PA and made the short drive over to Baltimore to see me and take photos. So, these likely appear somewhat haphazard as to location, but they were all taken in my apartment in Baltimore - in the black and white set, there are a few taken outside in Baltimore as well. I'd just moved into my own apartment here, and it was my first time really moving away. I'd moved away from home to go to college (at Ohio State University), but my family lived in Ohio, so that didn't feel like too much of a move. 

So, when I finally decided to move to the East Coast, I had barely any experience here. I'd really only traveled to DC/Baltimore for a few modeling trips, and that was it. I still hadn't been to Philadelphia on my own. I'd never been to NYC on my own. I knew nothing about the city or the East Coast outside of family vacations. My rent doubled in price (though, as far as the East Coast goes, it's not bad), and I couldn't find a good bakery. On that note, I still have not found one. It's sad. 

I felt really unsettled for a while in Baltimore. Really I haven't felt settled until sort of recently...and even then I don't know if I'll stay in Baltimore longterm or where I'll go after this if I go anywhere. I've been mostly home for the past month and am realizing it doesn't really feel like a home to me. My apartment feels like a home - but you can make the actual residence you inhabit feel that way. But the city itself...I don't know. I don't spend much time at home, and I've thought that maybe that is it. Maybe my body just needs to adjust to being here, or anywhere, in a place for a while, and then I won't feel stir-crazy. Or maybe this just isn't the right place. This is about the time I find myself looking at random places on home searching websites looking at apartments in completely off-the-wall places that I am definitely never moving to (and probably never going, period). But they have $500 rent there sometimes! And that would be amazing...

I think I just need to find a place that makes decent bread and maybe this will be fine and I'll immediately adjust. Note: by decent bakeries I mean there must be bread in loaf form. Not muffins. Not scones. Bread. To make sandwiches and dip in soup.


I'm going home to Ohio in about a week, and I'll be staying with Diana for a couple of days and will upload some photo sets here - both of her and by her. She's still the only photographer whose work I post here other than my own, and I suppose she makes it easy by sending me everything we shoot. I should probably post a bit more from what we shoot together as there are so many different things I've never posted anywhere.

In any case! I hope you like these. Especially the shots with Petunia looking all magnificent and cranky :)



George Streng

More pictures of Petunia please! 😺.


I know! She's so difficult to photograph because she's camera shy haha. It's very unfortunate. Delilah enjoys posing and having pictures, and Petunia, while being much more outgoing, scurries away at the sight of a camera.