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I finally got back home last night at 1am. I am pretty sick at the moment and am taking DayQuil and NyQuil along with drinking a lot of tea, having cough drops, and resting. I modeled for a model/photographer the other day (Tiffany Nacke) on a rooftop in NYC, and it was cold, raining, and windy. This was not the smartest decision for me as I'm now feeling really terrible. But, the photos are beautiful, so there's that! And she might visit me tomorrow as well.

I'm also hosting a model, Svala Johannsdottir this week. So I'm preparing my apartment for that today, I ordered groceries, I need to cook food (chicken noodle soup with ginger!), and I have an errand or two to run. I ordered prints to send out - and received the ones for the past month that I'll also be sending. I sent out etsy orders as well.

But, I'll be doing a lot of photography over the next few weeks. And I'm going to Philadelphia to hang out with and shoot Freshie Juice mid-November. I'm not officially touring again until I go to Florida in December, so I'll be doing a lot of my own work over the next few weeks, which is pretty exciting. And at the end of November I'm hosting Sienna Hayes, which I'm pretty excited for as well. And I'm shooting with my best friend Diana Schenkel at the end of November when I go home for the holidays :)

And this doesn't count all of the self portrait work I'll be doing as well! I worked with a photographer yesterday in NYC for an hour trade for a bunch of authentic Victorian wardrobe. I pretty much never trade unless it's for something like this (those long sheer cotton dresses with lace details and button up backs are very, very expensive). So, in return for an hour of modeling, I now have two long, sheer, lace Victorian dresses (high lace collars too!), two vintage prairie style dresses, a vintage cashmere scarf, a scarlet color wool cape, Victorian bloomer and cami lace set, vintage slip with black lace detail work, and two pairs of brand new shoes. And I can do self portraits in them! Unfortunately I cannot use any of these things with other models as they all fit me perfectly - and I am 4'11" tall and 90 pounds. I'm pretty certain a normal sized adult will not fit into anything. Some of the items are tight on me! It's funny to think I used to be the average size.

But! Yes, I will be updating more frequently this month. I have travel photos from NYC I'm working on as well at the moment, and will be uploading those soon!



I'm curious, when you say you used to be the average size do you mean A) you used to be larger but have gotten smaller in recent years, B) when everyone is younger we are all small and then everyone else kept growing and you didn't, or C) tiny was at one time the sought-after quality in a model but in recent years standards have relaxed to include women of more average body types and sizes?


Welcome home. Hope you're feeling better soon.


I mean people were smaller in the 1800s than they are now, and my size used to be more of an average human body size - where currently I'm considered very petite. :)


Thank you! And yes...hopefully. I got a neti pot thing, and I'm interested to see how gross this process is.