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Today has been a bit funny. I have been trying to update travel photos, and while traveling I realized I couldn't get the photos to work in my little editing program. So I thought, I will wait until I am home. Then I arrived home a few days ago, settled in, and I've been trying to get them to work. And they won't download off of icloud. So, now I will have to download them onto my computer, and then edit. So, this will take longer.

I also put in print orders today for October, and the print people are on holiday until November 2nd. I generally order from Adoramapix, I put in the order, and then I received that notice. So, the orders are in...but they will take until November to arrive. 

But, for now I am home! And it's been nice. I've been cooking food at home! I've already made chicken thighs with vegetables. And yesterday I made a batch of beef and barley stew with sweet potatoes! I also bought a crock pot, so now I can cook stuff in there, and it will be amazing. I'm hosting two models within the next two months (Svala Johannsdottir who I photographed last spring in Iceland and then Sienna Hayes in November). I can cook them food in this crockpot. Unless they are picky eaters. I refuse to cook for picky eaters.

That last part is a lie. Most of the time.


I found a box full of older prints of mine that I'm thinking of putting on sale on my etsy - I'll be charging $8 for a random assortment of 4 prints. But, if any of you would like to order some, I can charge $5 for 4 (just email me and let me know and I can just sell them through paypal for you). There are random sizes. Most are from sets I've posted here at some point but that are not for sale on my etsy store. 

I need to clean my house I realized, and that has also been something I'm doing this week. I realized just how much shoot wardrobe I had when I started going through things...it was daunting. For being a professional naked person in photos, it was bizarre how many clothing items I had. I managed to whittle it down to a cedar chest (4 feet by 1 foot area wise) and one little closet (about 5 feet by 2 feet). Which is still a ton of clothes really...way too many I think. My clothes occupy 14 square feet of my apartment! That's ridiculous...Then again, my bed occupies more than that I think? Someone told me that I am obsessing too much about this, and that is probably true, but I do feel like I still own too much clothing. I had a charity pick up everything I was not in need of along with a kitchen table and chairs. I have a little small storage kitchen table and chairs.

See though, now that I'm temporarily stationed at home, I have a large empty room. Seriously though - it's pretty much completely empty. The ceilings are 12-14 feet high, and the room itself must be at least 15 feet by 13 feet at least. And there is nothing but a piano in it. It looks weird. If this was not my apartment, and I walked into it, I'd think it was bizarre. I'm saving up to buy a nice table to put in there so I can do all of my print sale packaging, painting, drawing, and art stuff in one place. Especially since I'll be home a lot more next year (I'll be traveling 10 days per month instead of the usual 20 days I've been doing). If I'll be at home for 20 days monthly, I'll have a lot more time to focus on doing prints, painting, and selling through my etsy store. It would be nice to have a real work space to do all of these things.

And I'll have more time to focus here too! Which will be super. I know people who do things like zines of their monthly work, and I sorta wonder about doing something like that on a quarterly basis. I'll definitely have more time to post photos and shoot my own stuff I think. 

In any case, I am looking forward to all of that - and now I must figure out my icloud! So I can post all my travel stuff :)

I hope you are all having a lovely week!




Wanted to write to say I do love the photographs you sent and I received today, Clementine - delightful ! Not to say that any images you have selected for me - not delightful, but felt you should hear of the joy you bring for me ! ~ lovely day !