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I'm getting on a plane to Houston in about 5 hours and I still haven't packed. I've been very, very bad about uploading travel images, so I'm going to be going through them tonight and hopefully creating a folder later so you can see them finally.

Over the past week, I've basically not done much...I got home from Sacramento and was just tired, and I think I'm still tired. I did a quick shoot with a model the other night though who texted me last minute saying she was in town (Maya Tihtiyas - I shot with her maybe a couple of ago now). I've been doing little paintings and had time to stay home and cook food. I've been able to snuggle with my fur bebes every day too which I'm now going to miss doing - even if Petunia is a very annoying lady. 

But, as of tonight, I'll be in Houston, Texas. I have very little in the way of shoots due to the hurricane, but most of my shoots are 3-4 hour bookings, so even with the few I have it will be okay. I was told by a local photographer there that there's also a nudist resort that you can shoot at...I'm not sure how true this is? But, I'm probably going to see if it's possible to do self portraits there. Yes. And I will upload the travel photos as soon as possible! 

I've also had some of the funniest communication with people trying to book and random people over the last few days, and I might do a little write-up just on that. Because it really is ridiculous. 




I do enjoy hear of your experience and your *take on* what happens in the world surrounding you. Sublime and ridiculous ! Hoping Houston is a good experience - all and all ? ~ graceful days !

George Streng

Glad you are having some quality down time for yourself. The trip to Houston might be very interesting - please take some travel photos. Always interested in hearing about your observations. :-)