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I've been in San Francisco since late, late on the 12th. I got in, took the BART to the hostel I stayed in for one night, got up in the morning, did two shoots, went to my airbnb, and I've been shooting daily ever since.

I shot with my friend Fotokammer for the...fourth time? Although one of those times was a week-long road trip through Northern California. This time was a bit less ambitious, though I got to model in some cypress trees, in Pacifica next to the water, and we went to a prairie as well. Then I ate a warm Krispy Kreme donut for the first time in my life and it was a magnificent experience! 

I did make time for a personal shoot with the beautiful human above - Finch Linden She's one of my favorite self portraitists, and I'm happy I got to meet and shoot with her. I have only one set to share as we ended up shooting pretty late in the day yesterday. But I really love the photos I took with her. For the photos she took of me, we even caught a chicken! Her landlord owns three hens, and I instantly understood all those movie scenes where no one can catch the chickens...they run just fast enough to make it difficult. But, we got the portrait with the chicken - whose name is Junebug. The other two were named Georgia Belle and James Bond. June Bug is a speckled lady, Georgia Belle is a blonde, and James Bond is a redhead. Unfortunately we could not catch James Bond to do a redheads portrait. James Bond was too clever and hid in the coop under the little bridge. Being two adult women, though we are both petite, we could not quite capture the clever lady hen. 

Today I shot with Jose de Los Reyes for the third time, and we went to the SFMoma together. It's a stunning museum, but they charge over $30 if you would like to see the current exhibits! One of which was Edvard Munch, so yes we did pay that. I think I actually felt my bank account cringe. The exhibit is wonderful, but they actually time you going through it - which, to a certain extent I understand, but it feels strange. I'm always shocked when I go into a museum in San Francisco. The prices are absolutely crazy. It reminded me of when I went to the de Young museum to see the J. W. Turner exhibit and just about keeled over when I heard the price. And then paid it anyway. I guess they win.

Tomorrow I'm on my way to Sacramento. I'll be taking the bus, and I imagine that will be a charming experience. Then I'm staying with Jason Fassnacht and I get to finally meet NYMPH (Gwendolyn Jane) and model with her. Which I'm sure will be interesting as she's a whole foot taller than I am. 

I'll be updating a bit as I can. I'm going to be traveling home on the 21st as well - which I am super excited for haha. I feel like I got back from Europe and ended up here right after. I have about a week off before traveling again once I'm back home, and I'm really looking forward to a little break.




Yay warm donut! But boooo on $30 admission for a museum?! 😱


Yes I know! $33 to be exact - it was, to be fair, worth it to me. It's a really amazing museum both in terms of the art and architecture of the building. And yes! The donut was amazing! It melted in my mouth! I highly recommend getting one :)