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So, I recently, upon uploading a lot of new photos to pixieset, found that I had used my total allowed storage (very typical of me...I've even done this with Google Drive before somehow). So, I have purchased, for the time being, a certain amount of space on a monthly basis.

This isn't really the best ever though, as soon I'll have to increase the amount of storage of course as I don't have my sets ever set to expire. So, I was thinking of starting a private blog - likely hosted on smugmug - on which to keep sharing. I think this would be easier from a number of standpoints. It's still a monthly plan for me, but far cheaper (less than half the price) with unlimited photo storage. For now, I'm leaving up pixieset until I can transfer all of my existing sets there to smugmug. Once I've completely transferred everything, then I will update everyone.

Just wanted to let everyone know of the change - though I think it will be pretty simple overall :)



Thanks for the update!


My dropbox is filling up quickly - I might have to pick your brain on this one!


Yeah...you either make sets only available for a certain amount of time to constantly make space or you have to purchase space. In some way, you're going to pay for storage space anywhere, it just depends on how much money you'll spend compared to the amount of space you're getting. Pixieset doesn't have a good amount of storage space for the price. Dropbox does, but the layout is a bit ugly.