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Yes, that is a thumb smudge on the instax. I'm a bit worn out from traveling, so haven't cleaned them up. I have thumb prints on almost all of mine also. Which is a bit strange...all in the same spot too. It was taken by Diana Schenkel.

In any case, to get on with it, I've decided to write a list of things I've realized about myself within the past couple of months (both good and bad) as a record to myself to refer back to. 

Feel free to ignore as this is mostly for my record keeping and will probably get on your nerves. Note: this is not a pity party I'm throwing for myself, and it's just a basic jotted list of notes essentially.

-I am overly sensitive. My whole demeanor and mood can change by one person walking in a room, a change in someone else's mood I'm spending time with, or just with the energy of a place or the people around me. But, I've also noticed it takes longer to bounce back...all of a sudden everyone will seem happy again, but I'm still feeling horrible for the rest of the day. For no apparent reason.

-Someone recently told me I have no hobbies - the ones I have do not count as they are solitary activities. I do not have any hobbies that revolve around social events or meetings. I suppose I need some. Except I really don't like crowded or loud places. And being at social events fills me with anxiety and makes me want to vomit. But this leads me to the next point...

-By not having lots of social hobbies, I am isolating myself. This could be true. 

-I am a walking contradiction and change my mind about things constantly. This is partly because I'm neurotic and prone to changing my mind after thinking about things a lot. But it's difficult to be a consistent person when this is the case. Once I have a viewpoint, I'm very consistent. But, it's possible I'll change the viewpoint next week. And then I'll be consistent about the new one. Until I change it. 

-I want completely different lives, and I want all of my options and don't know how to choose. And these options conflict with each other. I imagine I could like doing plenty of things or living in different places, or being with different people, but I can't have all of those things. And I don't actually want them all at the same time anyway. And most of them aren't even good options to begin with. 

-I've realized I can no longer go out alone to a social place - restaurants, movie theaters, shopping malls, etc - without almost breaking down in tears and I don't know why, and there isn't a good reason for it. And I think this might be a very bad sign. Traveling alone, eating alone, working with someone one-on-one is fine and enjoyable. But being out-of-place in a settings where people are being social feels too alone.

-Both of my parents want grandchildren and I'm starting to feel like a failure. I'm happy I no longer live in the Midwest. 

-My intuition has improved over the last year and this is good and bad. It's good for the obvious reasons, but it's bad because a bad intuitive feeling completely ruins my day and makes me feel physically ill for the entirety of the day. Weeks, and even months, later I still remember specific instances. Especially in regards to people. It's also irritating as it feels rude and judgmental, but it's instantaneous and can't be helped in most cases.

-I am incredibly cynical in regards to certain relationships and potential relationships. I actively try to hide my cynicism so I don't scare people away, but I'm afraid I'm getting worse at hiding it.




All the bullet points describe me as well - save the urging for grandchildren. Maybe why I find certain internet interaction as important to me. Cynicism may be a harsh description - it can be a pretty sick sad world out there - guarded stance is not wholly inappropriate in response ? So Midwest and family represent turbulence to you - mostly ? I am grateful the small time I spend with my family is "more respectful" of my feelings. ~ be well Liv !


Since when do hobbies have to be social in order to count? Sounds like that person is confusing team sports with hobbies. I say do whatever you feel like doing in the activity department whether it involves other people or not! As for whether or not solitary life is becoming problematic, that may be the case and you may choose to seek some sort of change, but don't think poorly of yourself because your hobbies do or do not agree with someone else's view of sociability!