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I apologize for being quiet recently, my dog died a few days ago and its been very hard to do anything besides mourn her.  She meant a great deal to me and its honestly shattered my world atm.  

For those of you who have dog's in their lives please take this moment to hug them and make them feel loved. It's all i want to do right now but can't.


William Kennard

All good. Take what time you need. It doesn't matter if it's human or creature, people need time to grieve.


My condolences. I know the feeling, a year and a half ago my 17 year old cockatiel died. She was like a friend. It may sound strange, but what helped me was to talk to her at the grave even if she is no longer alive.


i started a daily diary where i speak to her like i used to as if i was telling her what happened and why she died. (suspected bowel cancer). Tell her whats happened in the days since she died and how im feeling about it. it does help somewhat, just something to express your thoughts. And that was one of her many talents in life, being an amazing listener. lol


Im sorry to hear that though man, Im sorry if i didnt give you my condolences at the time, i would've if id known. It probably the worst feeling i've felt. It's like losing your child, your sibling and your best friend in one go


I had only told a few. that was very strange. already like a human in the body of a bird. She came flying into the kitchen by herself to eat. and she could distinguish who went up the stairs, she always called only to me, to others she was quiet.


i have a bit of a theory that animals are actually more socially and emotionally intelligent than humans, we put stuff in the way of family bonds and convince ourselves its for our careers or being productive, when really it should be priority


they know more than we give them credit


So sorry for your loss. It never gets any easier, I'm also sorry to say. Every pet is still worth the eventual loss, though.


thanks man, yeah i agree.


I'm so sorry to hear that Ivan.

Ethura Grym

Le mien est décédé en début de crise sanitaire, et c'est pas le covid le responsable... Il était déjà au bout du rouleau, il avait des kystes internes qui étaient trop risqué a faire retirer, on lui a donné tout l'amour que nous avons pu, afin qu'il ne souffre pas trop.