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Really quite liked the snake TF, and decided to spend an evening roughing out some more ideas for her.




I'm in love with all of this, really shows how well you grasp the subject matter, gosh can't wait to see her swallowing down normal human food XD

Leonhard Printz

One of the things you're good at is creating a reality for this particular change. We see her struggling to keep up school work and appearances. Even buckling her mid section to not appear to be too tall. That kind of attention to mundane details is something I really love. Is she going to become a full giant snake? I can imagine a lot of adaptions would be needed for an apartment.


Lol you're right there! The details on this project are as yet a little fuzzy, was really just enjoying this character in the sketches ive done so far. But yes, i think there will be shrinking in the full pieces. based on the popularity and my own interest in this character id be willing to do at least a sequence and maybe a comic.