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I'd just like to say thanks again for your contributions this month. I actually withdrew from the fund today to expand my work space which is the first time I've spent any of it. All money i earn through this will go towards making more art. 

The plan eventually is to upgrade my entire set up, new computer, Wacom cintiq 22HD and ideally a 32" 4k monitor. I took the first step today and with some hesitation withdrew some of it to buy a new desk. I'll take a picture of it and post when it arrives so people can see what they're buying with their subscription.

Thanks again




Its not much but im glad i can contribute :)


Happy to contribute!


That sounds like a good plan, those things are expensive.


Well I, for one, am paying not to an artist but to a person. You are free to spend my $1 on Mad Dog and lotto tickets if you so desire.


Thank you Stalin, I hope my work lives up to the unions standards.