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Megan continues to try and minimise the space between her nose and the raw chicken meat despite the dire warning issued from Sandy. 

Sandy rushes over and with one hand grabs Meg by the scruff of her neck and lifts her out of the bag, Megan snarls and goes to bite Sandy's arm before realisation kicks in and she backs down. 

Sandy lowers Megan to the ground both of them stunned by what they both had momentarily become in the presence of meat.

"Oh god" Exclaimed Sandy. "That wath intenthe, i had no idea it would get me like that." She said. Megan stares blankly dissapointed in herself, despite her resolve, her will power she could not overcome her canine instincts. 

"Food ith good". Said's Megan dizzilly the intoxicating aroma still affecting her. " hide it fron nee.." She managed. 

"thould i cook thome?" Sandy lisped also still tempted.

"Justh ate. Not hungry only greed" Megan struggling continues. "It 'ants neat." 

Megan leaves it there, words again coming hard to her, the presence of primal hunger had set her back again, almost back to a beast but not quite, some humanity remained to haul her back from the brink.

Megan blinks as she recites her mantra's to herself trying, to bring more of her mind back.

Trying to avoid paying it too much attention Sandy picks up the soft yielding plethora of deliciousness and crams it in the fridge sealing out most of the temptation. 

"I'm tho thorry." Sandy lisped without holding back. "it crept up on me tho subtly, i thought it would be eathy to thpot." She said with dismay, "i felt good, better than i'd felt in dayth. I went with it and it took me for a ride. I have to be tho fucking vigilant." 

Sandy removes her coat feeling again the thick tufts of fur on her shoulders. She rubs at them marvelling at the sensation, so much of her still liked the feeling of it on her shoulders but it was mixed with an impending sense of dread. An underpinning fact that both excited her and terrified her "This is not going to get better." She thought. "This is going to get worse." She continued. I will become an animal!." Even outright thinking the fact didn't process properly in her head, it still felt like she was watching someone else going through it, she was the observer watching the patient. Sandy looked again in the mirror, She turned her head, angling the light until she again saw her iris's light up catching the low morning light. That combined with her further deformed face added to the surrealism, she no longer looked like herself to her. She again was watching someone else as they examined themselves in the mirror.

"I need a drink" stated Sandy bluntly 

Megan points with her muzzle to an upper cabinet still processing to herself silently.

Sandy pulls out a bottle of sambuca, the smell makes her whince. "Have you got anything leth...intenth? She asks. Megan shakes her head in response. Ith thith thuff good? Sandy asks in turn making a mental note to be more selective in her use of words. 

Megans lack of shoulders diminished the effect of her shrug but sandy picked up on it anyway. "good, latht nonth, naybe noth 'oday." Megan still struggling with words managed with noticable concentration. 

It took a few moments for Sandy to figure out what Megan said before her puzzled stare changed to acknowledgement. "It'll do then i geth." 

3 swigs and 20 minutes later Sandy sits cross legged on the floor, bottle in hand talking herself into a 4th swig. "tho we've itholated what thith thig doeth to inanimate objecth and the people it cometh into contact with." Sandy summarises to herself. "that further tholidifies the theory ith not bacterial 'coth bacteria don't affect glath." Megan swigs again. Changeth happen pathively and non pathively and happen ethpethh..ially." She slurrs. " Ethpeth... Happen more tho when we thubmit to it." Megan nods avoiding words.

"Tho that meanth..." Sandy's head slips out of her cradling hands. She rights herself knowing she shouldn't drink any more. "THAT meanth we don't know fuck all. It could be anything, yet it thoundth like nothing. We're fucked." She gulps another down.

Megan ears flat to her head worried for her friend feels a pang of giult, she did this to her. A scratching at a door reminded her of the real culprit.

"Might athwell let her join uth." Sandy slurs stumbling to her feet. Sandy opens Mollies door to a very excited Molly. The room stunk with almost 2 days of a wild fox pissing and shitting in the corner.

"Oh GOD!" Sandy covers her muzzle. The smell was bad no denying but something peaked her curiosity. "i...err need to clean thith up." Sandy say's trying to hide her interest.

Megan was only aware of the fox that was sniffing around her. Megan saw nothing of her room mate in this beast, it seemed entirely animal yet something in it remained loyal to her. She found this comforting knowing that at the last not everything will be taken.

Molly wagged her tail playfully rolling over exposing her stomach in response to Megans seemingly indifferent stare. Molly adopting a submissive gesture yelped in eagerness to play.

Megan padded over taking in the musky scent of her friend, it was strange, familiar and alluring. Something in the smell spoke of Molly and also something else. 

A warmth spread through Megan, unexpected but definate and she realised what it was. Molly was in heat, and Megan was drawn to it. Megan quickly checked her groin for signs of a dick but was relieved to find nothing. 

Megan thinks to herself. "Did this make me gay? Seriously, im not just a fox, but a fucking gay fox!? 

Megan thinks inwardly to her past self looking for any signs she might of been gay before but found nothing. "Well." She thinks, " This thing has changed me this far, changing orientation isnt much of a stretch."  

Molly rolls over again legs splayed in the air egging Megan on to play.

Megan suppresses her new desires and walks away, she's got enough to deal with right now.

Sandy picks up Molly's litter tray, the smell drives her wild. Her stunted inhibitions almost allows her to bury her face in it but rationality succeeds. Arms wide before her she carries it to a bin bag and shoves the whole thing in, not wanting to come into contact with the contents.

"Fuck me that thuff'th rank." Say's Sandy making a show of how disgusted she is. 

Megan looks oddly at her friend wondering if she too would feel something towards Molly. 

Molly defeated in her attempts to play reads Megan's body language and decides play time must now be yet and it then must surely be food time and sits in front of the fridge in silent vigil.

Sandy slumps back down and takes another swig.

"Want some? Sandy asks Megan

Megan shakes her head, looking outside.

"Sanny?" Asks Megan

"yeah" she responds. 

"err..." Megan thinks ahead of all the words she'd have to fuck up in order to explain her new issue. "nothin" She opts for instead. 

"fair 'nough." The sambuca had gone further to her head taking away her concern and drive to probe further. Sandy sprawls on the floor looking deep into the ceiling.

"we're fucked" Sandy repeated her earlier statement.

"Yeah" agree's Megan feeling the same warmth inside as she looks at Sandy.

The morning slips into the afternoon silently as Sandy sleeps off the rest of her binge. Megan sits by the window watching the world go by thinking quietly to herself, her options were limited. She could try and explain her new feelings but what would be the point? Just another bewildering symptom that might cause a divide in the only remaining item of consistency in her life, her best friend. Or she could stay silent on it, hide her feelings towards both Sandy and Molly and hope it doesn't get worse or better yet fades away. 

The spring late afternoon draws long shadows as the sun draws to a close and Megan thinks about Sandy's earlier plan to go out. She felt that actually it might not be such a bad idea to get out, take her mind off things, it might offer a rare relief from her mounting problems. 

Sandy stirs awake "ugggh" she groans.

"Sanny?" Megan asks

"yeah?" she responds

"take uth out tonight."



I will do some more tomorrow after work, the re-release the whole story so some of my new patrons can read from the beginning in its entirety.


This is actually very good, excited to think about what comes next. You have a talent for transformation art and words it would seem :)