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Decided to whack one out quickly before work :) enjoy




This is already amazing <3 I'll never know how you manage to blend human and animal anatomy so well. Long ago I discussed transformation theory with another artist. I said something along the lines of "The thing you see least in TF is a consistent shift though the entire body, it seems the majority of artist only manage to segment the change in localized areas that spread. The most perfect TFs are when the subject shifts equally across their entire body." This I realize is the hardest way to do it. As you are essentially inventing a new character design with each image, but there is no doubt it is the most successful and natural looking method! My favorite aspect to your skill is likely in how well you can mix varying degrees of face/head changes. She is getting close to a real gazelle here, yet there is so much humanity left in her expression and tucked away into the nocks and crannies of her facial features. Which just reminds me how much further she can descend. The hand to hoof change is... wow I mean I'm in love lol. The way you have her extra digits in a combination of shrinking and becoming smoothed nubs looks fantastic, the wrist rotation as well. Even the shape of her arms such a graceful hybridization of the two bodies.


That is probably the best comment ive had.


Yeah you are inventing a new character each time but that's why i like it. Its hard work but its a challenge that i like. The only thing i can say for definite in where my talent may lie is in my ability to see what looks wrong. Like a picture can meet all the standards ive drawn before but something might just look off about it, so i start moving stuff around or erasing part altogether and re-doing until i find something that doesn't set off that wrongness alarm in my head.


reminds me of my technology teacher who would snarkily sit behind me and say: "no, no, noooope. Do it again!"


The thing is the more experienced i get the more fussy he is. which is i suppose the point.


One of my art professors once said "The closer you get to perfection the more push back and the harder others will critique your works. Because a lack of feed back doesn't mean there isn't any flaws, its that there are so many its not worth disusing." So I'd take extra fuss as a sign your on the right path and they think its worth their time to nudge you in the direction they know you can achieve. Much like your TF art, I love giving back feed back, even if its overly positive lol. Your art sets of alarms in my head , like a metal detector knowing I've found treasure.