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"ok...so what now?" sandy said. "The sand incident." megan reminded. "do it on other things. See it do it again." Megan say's quickly and concisely while avoiding the hard letters. "i swear you've gotten more articulate tonight." Sandy says rummaging for stuff to experiement on. "sunthing dirrent harrend earlier." Said Meg struggling to pronounce. "Sunthing in ny head clicked nack on" She continued. Sandy paused for a moment megans pronounciation was odd but she understood her. " What clicked?" She asked. "I did, I cane back. I alnost fell away, So nearly..." Megans eyes glazed at the thought of what she had just narrowly escaped, the loss of herself. "i think we need to keep going, keep thinking, don't gith up". Sandy nodded. "ok lets do some more work, see what we can learn at the very least it'll keep us here." Sandy said.

Hours passed, Sandy and megan started pulling items out of the bin to try out their blood on. Paper became wood shavings,  plastic became crude oil, metal bubbled and twisted away into a small reddish rocks. At one point they put some on to an old laptop and the blooded patch started breaking down into an assortment of raw materials. 

"This is really interesting" Sandy said bemused. "I mean its batshit crazy and makes no sense but it's obvious what it's doing." Sandy continued. Megan looked up. "Ith degrading stuth" She lisped. Sandy nooded wild eyed. "its breaking stuff down into its original materials. What ever this is its returning everything it touches to a natural state." Sandy pauses. "that explains its effect on us. We're becomming wildlife! As to how and why is a complete mystery though. And why its taking its sweet time with me and you compared to Molly is another mystery. Molly whined at the mention of her name. "erraa..." Megan stopped for a moment choosing her words. "and also i, could control it. i cane back." "Right yeah, your right. I still think this thing has a mind of its own. It behaves like a parasite or an infection, but its seems to have its own will and agenda." Sandy said. "We cannot let this get out, it might already be spreadding elsewhere. but we have to assume that molly was patient zero and we are the few infected." Sandy stopped again thinking about what she had to do. "we have to leave town, get away somewhere secluded, somewhere natural where this thing cant spread, cant change anything." Megans ears flattened. "its our responsbility to ensure no one else is infected. I think we should go to the nature reserve."



awesome! Love reading this story Anyone else enjoy imagining as she excessively works her muzzle to pronounce words? I wounder besides how hard it is to talk if her voice it self is changing IE tone. The regression principle is cool concept. I wounder why fox vs other animals etc? Perhaps they will find out. Unless it is simply unstable. Would be wild if they started shifting into a different specie. Funny imagining a bluejay and a fox, or a rabbit and a deer etc try trying to work together to find a cure.


That's actually a really good idea


maybe plot for noticing 4