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Mr Nibz

Very nice sequence. What you have planned next?


Please tone down my flattery if it sounds distasteful. However I had to come on here to tell you how excited I am to see the level of quality work your putting out. Seeing your transformations grace the pages of Transfur brings me boundless hope to the fandom as a whole. It is seldom over the last 15 years of my browsing that I spot such budding potential. Your art packs that realistic, attention to detail dripping with passion one does not come across all that often in the contemporary time of bold flashy simplified digital furry media, your style is a breath of fresh air. There is more to transformation than a beginning and end which you demonstrate so wonderfully here (and I’m especially speaking of this glorious fox TF your in the middle of) contains the kind of dialogue that exist deeper than just worlds but in body langue and expression that has my stomach fluttering. Thank you.


its fine man flatter all you like:P its reassuring really, as an artist its easy to get caught up in your own doubts about your skills. Comments like these are what keep me going.


i do intend to put out as much work as i can but a side effect of this level of detail is the time commitment, not to mention all the failed images that i pour hours of work into just to realise that it looks like horse shit lol. Seriously i have 8 or so 75% finished pictures that still look better than work i posted a year ago but don't match my current standards one of the draw backs with being the artist i've always noticed is you nearly always hate the work you put out. "Beauty in the eye of the beholder" and all that.


your comments remind me that others like what i do even if i don't.


hehe I love these internal vixy voice chatters. her chest is so floofy!


I'd still be interested in seeing all of this un posted work. I'm sure I'm not alone.


Love your new wolf comic, though I do hope we get to see this one continue as well as it's story :-3