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See the problem here isn't spontaneous foxification, its the fact that a lot of university halls have shared bathrooms. Situations like this are bound to happen!




When I first saw this image I was besides myself realizing you where doing a proper hair to fur transition. Something that is FAR too rare in transformation and also deliciously pleasant to watch (-: This is also a great frame to come back and reference after proceeding further down the sequence. Here we have what could be seen as a “fully transformed head” of course that is so far from the truth, and would only seem that way to the uniformed based on fox features and fur. The way you break down each additional step that comes next, sculpting her facial anatomy and head structure to become more and more feral speaks volumes for your understanding of the “in-between stages” making this entire sequence so much richer.


wow thanks man, yeah i really like the real details and i totally agree its seldom seen in other work. But the finer the details the more immersive the fiction is, Its a delicate touch though I've seen plenty of artists take it a little to far and spoils the fantasy element. Im working on something at the moment that takes what I've learnt from this and builds on it. but rather than page by page I'm going to do a chunk at once then regular updates