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Contains: Stuffing, chair breaking, semi-realistic tum, burping, burst teasing, tum noises

“*hugg* *huff* Almost… there… uuuugh…”

She was so close. Alex was so close! She just needed to eat one more thing to finally get her next achievement, one that had eluded her for so long - ‘A Balanced Diet’. In theory, it was a simple achievement. Alex just needed to eat one of every type of food she could possibly get. The problem was that… she’d been in this world so long that she couldn't remember what had and hadn’t eaten.

The simple solution to this was that Alex spent a week gathering together every piece of food there was. Golden apples, soups, beets - even raw meat and spider eyes (she’d started with those - eugh). Then, once everything was gathered, she got comfy at her dining table with her chest of food next to her, and… started to eat.

Despite the rough start from all of the vile foods, Alex had made quick and steady progress through the giant buffet she’d accumulated. Now, though, she was at the end. She’d planned to keep eating until she unlocked the achievement, and had even ordered the foods from what she definitely hadn’t eaten to what she was sure she’d eaten. Yet, somehow, she had forgotten that she hadn’t eaten…

A loaf of bread. The most common food around and yet - SOMEHOW - Alex had never eaten one. Apparently. That was the only possible reason for why she was now packed to the gills with food, so full that she couldn't even hope to move, and yet the achievement STILL hadn’t popped. Hell, at this rate, Alex was more likely to pop than the ‘chieve! She must have forgotten a food somehow, somewhere… but… for now, she still had to make sure… that it wasn’t… bread…

Alex took a heavy swig from her bucket of milk, using it to assuage her nausea even as the extra liquid added yet more pressure inside of her stomach. The milk of this world got rid of all kinds of sicknesses and afflictions, but even it had its limits, apparently, as it couldn’t keep Alex’s nausea from being so overstuffed away permanently. She was going to have to chug the stuff all night long just to keep all this food down. For now, though…

The glutted woman took a shaky chomp out of her bread. She couldn’t even taste it anymore. It was just a wad of empty nothing in her mouth, getting chewed into mush before, against her body’s wishes, getting swallowed.

The wild woman’s gut gurgled angrily and a short, muted screech came from the floor below. Alex’s stomach had long since swollen enough to press into the edge of the table, and as stuffed as she was, every extra millimeter she added to her waistline pushed her further from the table in front of her. It was a good thing she didn’t need the wooden surface anymore since she’d long since stopped being able to reach it. All she could reach was her gut- swollen, rumbling, and turgid in front of her. It swallowed her lap, forcing her legs apart for nonexistent extra room and sinking towards the floor over her knees even as her upper belly muffined over the table’s edge.

Another bite and the screeching was accompanied by an ominous creaking. Alex was far too stuffed to notice the extra sound, though. It was a miracle she was still conscious enough to keep eating. The only thing pushing her forward was the fact that this was the last piece of food. All she had to do was finish this and she’d be done. Every single type of food would be inside of her, guaranteeing her that damn achievement! She just needed to… endure… this… too… large… piece… of… bread…!

The creaking turned into a groaning, then a splintering. A massive crack and a shower of wood was quickly followed by a panicked yelp as Alex plummeted straight down. Her impact onto the floor beneath her broken chair sent a ripple up her entire body, starting from a jiggle of her ass and ending with her breasts wobbling on top of her taut gut. Said gut, though - her gut didn’t wobble one bit. There was no room left inside it to allow it to wobble.

It did, however, hurt. Despite how short the fall was, Alex was sure that it had hurt more than a fall off of a hill with full armor. Her stomach rumbled eerily, painful cramps and aches prickling every inch of her poor belly. The pained woman let out a weak whimper through her last mouthful of bread. Just one more… just one… more… bite…






Uuuuuuugh… FUCK…”

It had been touch and go for a second, but by the grace of Notch, Alex had somehow managed to bypass her stomach going nuclear. She leaned back in the remains of her chair, panting… only to get another stark scare as the back of her chair gave way, leaving Alex to tumble back and over onto her side. A roiling rumble echoed inside of her gut for a few seconds before her mouth was forced open by another deafening belch. Then she just lay there, stomach churning painfully while all she could manage to do was pant.

Still… it had been worth it. The rewarding glimmer of the achievement pop-up in front of her made her whimper in pitiful triumph. This, without a doubt, had been the hardest achievement to get so far - even beating out that fight with the Wither. She never wanted to even see food again after this. Uuuugh, her poor belly… she hoped she would never get this full ever again…


I blame Dr. Worm for my Alex (from Minecraft) brainrot. Their Alex drawings are just too damn quality. She's literally just five rectangles glued together and yet... uuugh.

This is a shorter one for y'all! I'm trying to get better about allowing myself to write and put out shorter fics. Not every story needs to be an epic and not every writing session needs to be 4+ hours. Hopefully I can get this through my head so that I can get some more consistent contet out for everyone, lol.


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