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Tix let her legs swing freely from where they dangled over the edge of the human’s work surface - or ‘des-kuh’, as she put it. She was a bit bored, but she had to keep with it! Learning the human language would make her seem super smart and important once Aico finally came back! Also, she could ask for specific sugary foods when she missed their taste! Yay!

Another moon had passed with Tix living in the human’s flat-tree. She’d kept doing the human’s tasks for it and had kept getting treats in return. It was perfect! She’d gotten even better at both lifting things and eating too, so she was able to help more and more and EAT more and more!

Recently, Tix had started imitating the human’s noises while she worked. She didn’t know what they meant, but she’d started to like how they sounded. The human had gotten a weird look on their face after hearing Tix parrot the noises, then the next day, she’d sat Tix down on her des-kuh and set one of the massive food-stones Tix loved so much. Naturally, the pixie went to eat, but the human stopped her. She’d started pointing at the food-stone and making the same sound over and over again. Tix had been confused and angry, so it took a while, but eventually, she started making the sound too. ‘Coo-key’. ‘Coo-key’. The human had laughed at that and finally let Tix have the food-stone. Score!

The human started doing this every day before giving Tix her work reward. She’d brought the purple lump-berry liquid, which was ‘ja-muh’, and a heart berry, which was ‘ah-pull’. Then she’d started teaching Tix about non-food things. ‘Tay-bull’, ‘towe-elle’, ‘so-puh’, ‘des-kuh’, and now ‘boo-kuh’. There were a few other things she’d been taught too, but those were the ones Tix and the human used the most.


BOO-KUH!” Tix fluttered up and started zipping around the human’s head. “Boo-kuh, boo-kuh, boo-kuh, Boo-kuh, BOO-KUH!”

The human blinked, then laughed. Tix flinched as the loud, booming sound filled the room. The giant person nodded, then looked thoughtful for a moment. She pointed at herself. “Eliza.

Oh, was that the word for humans? ‘Ee-lie-zah’? Ok, here goes…


The ee-lie-zah nodded and clapped her hands together. “Yes, Eliza!” Then she pointed at Tix and looked expectantly at her.

The pixie stared blankly at the ee-lie-zah. What did she want now? Was she going to say the ee-lie-zah word for pixies now? Tix didn’t need to know that. No, she wanted to know the word for whatever treat she was getting today! Maybe it was a new type of coo-key? Or a new type of ja-muh? Oh, she couldn’t wait!

The ee-lie-zah bit her lip. She spoke a few muted arcane words that Tix recognized and her finger started glowing. She traced her fingertip through the air, drawing…

“Ee-lie-zah!” Tix shouted proudly, pointing at the drawing the giant person had made.

The ee-lie-zah seemed to look… disappointed? She shook her head, then pointed at herself. “Elizah.” She then pointed at the drawing she’d made. “Human.”

What? Tix blinked. She didn’t really get it, but… it was a new word, so she’d learn it! “Hue-mun!”

The ee-lie-zah nodded, then pointed at herself. “Human.” Then she pointed at the drawing. “Not Eliza,” She said while shaking her head.

Tix frowned. She was a hue-mun and an ee-lie-zah, but the drawing… was only a hue-mun? What did- oh! OOOH! Her name! Of course! Pixies and dryads and all the fae had names, so of course ee-lie-zahs- no, hue-muns would also have names!

“Ee-lie-zah hue-mun! I get it!” Tix squealed as she spun around the drawing. She stopped, hanging upside-down. Then she was pointing at Tix for… Tix’s name! It made sense now! When you tell someone your name, you also want to hear their name! It was polite! The pixie fluttered in front of the Ee-lie-zah’s face and cleared her throat. “TIX!” She shouted, loudly and clearly. She pointed at herself and grinned. “I am Tix!”

The giant person nodded and smiled. “Nice to meet you, Tix,” She said as she held out a crooked finger.

Tix didn’t know what the rest of the words Ee-lie-zah had said were and she didn’t know what the finger thing meant, but it was clear that Ee-lie-zah was pleased. She giggled and zipped around her outstretched hand. “Food, food, food! I did good, so I should get lots and lots of food!”

The hue-man laughed again and lowered her hand. She stood up, making the air shift under Tix’s wings, and started walking towards the food area. She looked back at Tix and waved her hand. “Follow.”

Again, Tix didn’t understand, but it was obvious what Ee-lie-zah was saying! Tix darted past Ee-lie-zah into the food room, hardly able to contain her excitement. Treat, treat, treat! She’d gotten some ja-muh yesterday, so what would she get today? What, what, what~?

The giant woman went into her food storage while Tix did laps around the food area. The pixie had quickly decided to stay away from all of the stored food even though it all smelled super nummy and tasty since she didn’t want to make Ee-lie-zah mad at her. It was hard to resist, but it also made every treat a surprise since there was still so much food in the storage that she’d never seen or tasted before!

Soon enough, the hue-mun back carrying something new. She had a glossy container, like the one she kept ja-muh in, but this one was yellow instead of purple. She also had a brown stick that smelled like… non-sweet coo-keys? Weird.

Ee-lie-zah set the treats on the tay-bull. Tix hovered closer and inspected the container and stick. The container had a top on it, just like the one Tix had taken off on her first day here. She was more curious about the stick, though. It was giant, thick, and weirdly smooth. She got closer and put a hand to it. Her eyes widened. That wasn’t bark! It wasn’t coo-key, either! She took another deep sniff. Now that she was closer, the smell actually reminded her of warm grass and sunlight. She was also sure she’d seen something like that somewhere…

The hue-mun sat down on one of the smaller tay-bulls she had around the big tay-bull and pointed at the sun-stick Tix was smelling. “Bread.


She pointed at the container now. “Honey.”


The hue-mun nodded and pulled her flat scratchy thing out of her covering. Tix called it a scratchy thing because when Ee-lie-zah also pulled out her magic drawing stick, like she usually did, the flat thing would go scratch scratch scratch until Ee-lie-zah stopped drawing on it. The hue-mun liked to take it out while Tix was eating and draw her for some reason. She didn’t know why Ee-li-zah did that so much, but Tix liked the noise a lot, so she didn’t care either. Also, since Ee-lie-zah had gotten out her scratchy thing, that meant… all this food was hers! YES!

The pixie giggled happily as she grabbed the smooth top of the container. She had strong arms this time, so she could open this easy! She pulled hard and, sure enough, it started to twist easily! She spun round and round until the top clattered onto the table, taking with it a long strand of a familiar-looking thick yellow liquid.

This was… HONEY! Hun-ee was honey! The tasty treat that the bees in the woods always made but wouldn’t let Tix and Aico and all the other pixies eat! Hah! Jokes on them! Now Tix had a whole big container of it all to herself!

Since Tix knew what the hun-ee was, she moved on to the bred instead. She wanted to taste new things! But…

The pixie hovered close to the bred and put a hand on it. It didn’t feel like food. She tried to push her fingers in and found that the weird surface of the bred crackled and bent under the pressure. She pushed her fingers harder still until the surface of the bred broke and her hand went in. The inside was… soft! So SOFT! It wasn’t as soft as the purple lump-berry or Aico’s skin, but it was still soft! And fluffy! The smell of sun-bathed grass was also stronger now. Was this really food…?

Well… Ee-li-zah had offered it to her, so it was probably food, right? Everything else she’d eaten so far had been tasty, so it was worth a chance. She just hoped this bred was better than the bark she had often had to eat at the elder fae’s insistence back in the woods. ‘It’s good for you’, they’d say. ‘It strengthens your wings’, they’d say. Pah! It tasted bad, so it was bad! Hmph!

Tix grabbed a hunk of the fluffy interior of the bred and pulled it out. She hesitantly put it up to her mouth, took a bite, and…

…Huh. It was… ok. Not tasty, but also not gross. It really was just sun-bathed grass with a weird mixed-in trace of hue-muns and fire. Tix didn’t really get it. Maybe it was good because there was a lot of it? Tix could probably eat a bunch of the fluffy interior and be able to crawl inside for a nap. Ooh, actually… she liked the sound of that a lot!

With a goal in mind, Tix started pulling away more of the hard, crackly outside of the bred. She took a bite of it and wasn’t impressed. It was more of the same but way less good since it wasn’t fluffy or soft. She ignored the rest of what she peeled off, tossing it aside, and helped herself to more of the fluffy insides of the bred. It didn’t taste sweet like she wanted it to, but the feeling of it in her mouth and on her hands was still great!

Slowly, Tix started to carve out a hole in the fluffy white bred. As the inside of the bred grew empty, Tix started to feel full. Her belly started to grow, just a bit at first, and then quickly as all the empty parts in her body got filled with sunny food. Speaking of the elder fae and the forest, it wasn’t very common that her belly could grow so easily back home. There was plenty of food there, but it had to be shared by so many, so everyone held back. Now Tix got to eat so much every single day! It felt so great! Why had Ferne been so hard on hue-muns when they had so much good food? She just didn’t get it.

Tix was reaching farther and farther into the bred to rip off new chunks to eat. She started to slow down. She didn’t want to eat all of it. She just wanted to eat enough so that she could make a comfy nest for herself. Eat that part sticking out there… nibble on the bottom a little… eat another big chunk from the back… a little more… a little more

Soon rough, Tix was having to push her belly past the gross outside part to be able to reach more of the fluffy stuff. That was probably good! She pulled herself back out, then fluttered up a bit to try and maneuver herself in. When she did, she was surprised by how light she still was. She had a big belly the size of Aico’s head, but she still felt so light! Food was supposed to be heavy, though. Was this sun-smelling bred… actually made of sunlight and not grass? Was that why it was so light? Hue-muns were so inventive!

With her belly being lighter than expected, Tix was easily able to slip her legs into the hole she had made and hover backwards. She had to suck her belly in to avoid scraping it, but then all she had to do was furl her wings back and snuggle up inside. It was perfect! The bred was so amazingly soft and she’d eaten juuust enough that she could stretch out a little without being cramped. She gnawed on the hard edge of the exit hole a little to smooth it, then sighed peacefully. Her new nest was done! Now she could take a little nap to sleep off all that… that…

Hmm. Tix wasn’t tired. Normally after a big meal, she would fall asleep and have super sweet dreams, but… did she not eat enough? This would have been enough back home. Her hunger must have gotten bigger with her bigger meals. She was so comfy, though! She didn’t want to get out and find more to-

The honey! It was right there - and it was HERS! But… she couldn’t reach it. No matter how much she strained her arms, she just couldn’t reach! So frustrating!

Then, a big hand reached down into Tix’s line of sight. Ee-lie-zah! She was holding something made of wood. She dipped it into the honey, then raised it, bringing a big glob of honey with it. Ee-lie-zah then moved the honeyed stick over to Tix. She was feeding Tix! Yeees! Now Tix could be comfy AND eat until she had sweet dreams! This was perfect!

The pixie grabbed the edges of the honey stick with her hands and pulled it close enough to get her mouth to the honey. She started to eat, licking up the honey as quickly as her little tongue could. Honey was dangerous to get onto a pixie’s body in case it got on their wings and made them stick together, so Tix had to eat carefully, even if it meant going slow. She wanted to eat it all right now, though…

Even at a slower speed, Tix was still managing to slurp down the honey quickly. She could feel her tummy, which had been so light, starting to get heavy from the extra sweet liquid. Her belly was getting full, but it wasn’t nearly enough. She needed to be fuller! So full that her eyelids felt heavy and she could give her new nest the great sleep it deserved! That meant more honey! Much, much more!

Tix had to pull the honey stick closer to lap up more of the honey on it. The hue-mun helped by raising the stick to make the honey slide towards Tix, making it easier. Finally, the stick was empty of honey. Ee-lie-zah pulled the stick away and Tix sighed happily. She felt good… happy and full, as she liked to be. The sweet taste of honey still coated her tongue too, making it even better. Still, though… Tix wasn’t sleepy yet… maybe just a little more…

The pixie reached out for the honey again. Ee-lie-zah filled the honey stick again and brought it back to Tix, who set into the honey without hesitation. Her belly was getting heavier and heavier, her skin starting to feel tight, but it still wasn’t enough. Honey wasn’t a new sweet, but it was still tasty and rare! It was good! There was more, so she would eat more! Ha! Haha!

The honey stick was empty again. This time, Ee-lie-zah filled it up and brought it back without Tix reaching for it again. Tix would thank her, but the hue-mun wouldn’t understand, so Tix showed her thanks by getting straight to eating. Her tongue was getting tired, though. Honey was so heavy and thick… it was hard to lick up so much of it. Well… Tix wasn’t flying, and her wings were safely tucked away in her bred nest, so as long as she was careful and licked her hands clean after she ate, it would be fine to eat with them… probably.

Tix let go of the honey stick and grabbed a glob of honey. She quickly slurped it up, then went back for another. This was so much easier! The honey also seemed to taste better now that she was getting whole mouthfuls at once! This was awesome! Tix could do this all day!

Before she knew it, the spoon was mostly empty again. Tix licked her fingers clean while Ee-lie-zah filled it up again. Tix wriggled in her nest a bit. It felt a little tighter in here than before. Her belly also seemed to be getting stuck in the bottom of her nest. It didn’t feel bad though. It felt good. The fluffy bred was holding her belly softly, covering it in sunshiney warmth. Ee-lie-zah brought the stick back and Tix immediately started to eat again. She bet that the bred would feel even better when her belly was even bigger!

Tix cleaned off stick after stick of the rich honey, feeling more and more hungry with each sugary slurp. Her belly kept getting heavier and heavier, pushing further into the bred. Tix had been right - it WAS getting better! Her giant stuck-out belly was getting swaddled in the comfy food like a mother bird smothering its egg! Tix didn’t know how big she was, but she knew that she still wanted more, so she wasn’t big enough! More honey! More tasty food! Bigger! Comfier!

At some point, Tix had started to run out of breath while eating. It felt a bit hard to breathe for some reason. Her nest was also feeling even smaller than before - small enough that her wings were pressed fully against her back. Her belly was pushing her up as well as pushing into the bred. Tix still wanted more, though… more honey… she was still hungry…!

Oooh, Tix was getting sleepy now. It was getting harder to swallow, too. Her belly was starting to feel a little tingly from how tight it was. It still felt soooo good, though… she could eat… just a little more…


Elizah was… concerned, to say the least.

It was very interesting to watch what the small pixie, who had introduced herself as ‘Tix’, had decided to do with the bread Elizah had given her. It was the first non-sweet food she’d offered, so it was informative to see how Tix had treated it both as food and as a burrow. It had also been very entertaining to find that the little glutton had wanted to eat while snuggled up in its burrow. Adorable, even.

Now the honey jar was nearly empty and the tiyn thing was still eating. She seemed to be having difficulty eating as well. Her eyes were half-shut at all times as if she was fighting to stay awake, and it was taking longer for her to clean off each spoon. This itself wasn’t what worried Elizah. No, what worried her was that she had no idea how big Tix had gotten inside of that bread. She had a rough idea of the pixie’s maximum capacity from her research drawings, but she also knew that the pixie was liable to continue eating so long as food was available. So now the question was… did Elizah play it safe and stop feeding Tix? Or did she test just how far the pixie would go in its lust for sugar?

Luckily for her, Elizah didn’t have to make that decision. Halfway through a spoonful, Tix’s blinked and her eyes stayed shut. Her honey slurping slowed to a standstill until, finally… it stopped. She had fallen asleep with a hand full of honey. Elizah sighed in relief. By the gods, what a fanatical sugar glutton! It couldn’t be possible that all pixies - nay, all fae were like this, was it? No, no, no - it was. It WAS possible! The other pixie that had initially been here with Tix that first day had also displayed an excessive appetite. In fact, if Elizah was remembering right, the other one had been the bigger one of the two both in stature and in waistline. It really was possible that pixies, if not all fae, simply had no self-control when it came to food…

Elizah shook herself out of her wonderings. She couldn’t make any conclusions until she had observed a wider pool of samples. For now, she would need to content herself with the one and use it for future observations. Speaking of which…

The brunette enchantress gingerly picked up the loaf of bread that Tix had eaten herself into. As expected, it was significantly heavier than before. Honey was a dense food, after all. It was also much richer than anything else Elizah had fed Tix so far, so it would be interesting to see how that affected the little fae’s physique. The winged pit with a mouth had so far displayed no signs of gaining fat from all the sugar she’d been eating - only muscle, strangely enough. She would need to see if similar reactions occurred in other pixies, as well as in other fae… if possible, of course. She was already lucky enough to be able to observe the one fae. Asking for more would simply be greedy.

Finally, the moment of truth. Elizah felt bad about this, but it was better this way. Tix wouldn’t be very happy once she woke up in the morning and her precious burrow was suddenly hard and crunchy from going stale, anyways.

The enchantress set the loaf back down and oh-so-carefully started to excavate the nestled fae. She peeled back the bread’s crust, pulled out the insides, and eventually uncovered Tix’s entire back. Oh boy. She could already see the pixie’s gut spreading out to the sides underneath her. Elizah carefully slid her fingers in around Tix’s body, having to go out far to reach around the curve of Tix’s stomach, until finally, she could get a good hold. She lifted.

Lords above, this was… ridiculous. The pixie’s stomach was a solid sphere that dangled heavily from her tiny frame, changing from an orb into a teardrop depending on how much Elizah supported it. It was about the same size it had been after the apple juice gorging Tix had done some time ago, but this was all honey, which was much denser and heavier than apple juice was. This was just an absurd amount of food for something this size to eat!

But that wasn’t even the most shocking part. The truly terrifying part was the teardrop shape. Her stomach could still move and change shape. With the apple juice, Tix’s stomach had been unable to be molded at all. Now, despite being so full, it still could - to a surprising extent, at that. This meant that Tix hadn’t passed out from being too full, as she usually did. She’d just… gotten tired from her warm burrow and fallen asleep.

Her capacity was growing. Not by any small margin, either. Elizah bit her lip thoughtfully as she carefully carried Tix to her nest. She had too many questions that she wanted answered. She’d hopefully get some of those answers once she’d taught Tix the common tongue, but… she’d just have to do more experiments for the rest.

Sleep well, little pixie. You won’t have to worry about going hungry anytime soon. Elizah would be making sure you have plenty of food going forward. As much as your tiny stomach can hold… and then some.


This fic/character is a STARK contrast to my Kerry + Cadence fics, heh. Tix is a really pure, innocent little bean that just loves the feeling of a big, full tummy. Honestly, don't we all, though?

It's been a good while since I've done something this wholesome. I kinda miss it at times, but also... horny sells, kek~. Y'all can still expect to see her around from time to time. I love this lil' dummy, after all~.

I also did a lot of experimental stuff in this fic, like trying to easily let readers differentiate between what the two races could understand and what they couldn't. I would normally just use different fonts for that junk, but both DA and Patreon don't allow for that, so... gotta try new things.

Oh yeah, and a quick reminder - YOU ALL HAVE ONE WEEK LEFT TO VOTE ON THE ART POLL! Sphinxes, this includes your second votes as well!



Queen, your stories never cease to make me coom