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She was back. Tara was back. In Mindy’s apartment. Her hot inflation idol mommy was back and ON HER COUCH! Sitting totally wrong on it since gays don’t know how to sit right! ON HER COUUUCH!

This woman had already done unspeakable things to Mindy and her belly and yet she still made the short redhead nervous as all hell. Why did people in general have to give Mindy so much anxiety? All she wanted was to not be awkward. That’s it! But that was just TOO MUCH to ask for, wasn’t it? It was just-

“Soooo, wanna hear the options for today?”

Tara’s voice shook Mindy out of her anxiety-borne fugue state. She spun around in her computer seat to face Tara fully. “S-Sure!”

Tara slid her legs over the arm of Mindy’s couch and lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling. Her shirt rode up her body as she shifted, giving Mindy a perfect view of her slim body. She swallowed hard. They were meeting up to do their collab today, so guaranteed, that tum was gonna be huge by the end of the day. What’s more, Mindy was gonna have full access to it. Lord save her, Mindy wasn’t sure if she wanted the day to go faster or screech to a halt.

Tara held up a finger. “Option one: We make a video. Pros: We can scrap it if any mistakes happen, and it’ll make more money. Cons: it’ll give you less clout and it’ll bring out the worst of any smut audience - the people who think that all porn should be free no matter what.” Tara held up a second finger, then continued, “Option two: We stream. Pros: More clout for you, it’ll seem more real and genuine, and people love audience interaction. Cons: it’ll make less money and we can’t do anything if something goes wrong since it’ll be clipped and spread across the internet before you can say ‘oops’.”

“Uuuuuh…” Mindy liked the idea of seeming more genuine, but she hated thinking about if something went wrong on a stream… but… eeeeh… “I-I’ll let you decide since I don’t know anything about this kind of stuff…”

“My choice, huh? Then…” Tara turned her head to look at Mindy, grinning. “I choose both! We’ll stream us getting nice and big, then film a  special vid afterward for people wanting to see some grade-A content. So long as you’re cool with that, I mean.”

“W-Well… So long as my face isn’t in anything and I can keep my bra and p… my underwear on, then… I’m fine with that.

Tara’s grin softened. “Of course! I’m not going to try and push anything you’re not comfy with. Besides, while I’ll go braless in special vids and I might have some fun, I don’t go all-in and let everything loose. Oh, and of course, you’re welcome to talk as much or as little as you want. I can talk my own ears off if I need to, so all you need to do is sit with me and look cute, which you’re already great at~.”

Gah, not again! Mindy’s biggest weakness! Genuine compliments and flirting from hot people! Crud. “I… I can maybe do some talking? I-I’m kind of alright at changing my voice a bit, so I can try that maybe?”

The dirty blonde’s ears perked up. She pulled her legs back over the couch’s arm and pushed herself up to sit cross-legged on Mindy’s couch. “Really? Lemme hear you!”

Mindy’s heart skipped a few beats. “Wh-What? Right now? Like, r-right-right now?”

“Well, yeah. Don’t worry about it, Minds! If you’re gonna do it, then it’s better to get some practice in before you try it on-stream in front of an audience, right?”

“Uh… w-well… yeah, I guess so… b-but…” Mindy bit her lip and pulled her legs up onto her chair, wrapping her arms around them. “I, uh… I… Um… Uh…” Mindy steeled herself. She cleared her throat a few times, trying to get that feel of what her vocal cords were doing, then…

So, I guess this is it? D-Does this sound alright?

Tara blinked. “Oh shit, that’s actually not bad at all. I really need to stop underestimating you when you say you can do something, cause yeah, that was totally good. Like, I can recognize it’s you since I know your base voice, but I don’t think I’d recognize your normal voice if I had only heard that.”

“R-Really?” Mindy asked in her normal voice, letting herself be just a bit pleased. “I wanted to be a voice actor for a bit when I was in middle school, so I did a bunch of vocal practices, but I never got very good. That’s the best I can do.”

“Hey, it’s more than me!” Tara laughed. “I can do slightly-squeakier Tara and ‘hey bros, I’m totally a guy!’ Tara, and that’s it, hah!”

Mindy giggled. She was still absolutely freaking out, but at least now she was freaking out and feeling positive about it. “O-Ok, so what do w-we need then? I have a face-cam for when I video call close friends, b-but I don’t have an account or software for anything.”

Tara stood up and stretched, showing off her perfect belly again via her shirt riding up. “If you’ll let me on your computer, I can take care of all that. I put all the software we’ll need on my cloud earlier, and we can stream with my account, so it’ll be easy. Just need a bit of time to let stuff install.”

“Oh, o-ok then. Let me just…” Mindy spun around and quickly logged onto her PC. Then she stood up and stepped aside, letting the taller woman sit down in her place (the wrong way again, of course). “While you’re doing that, I’ll go get everything else ready, I guess? I’ll get ten… no, fifteen bottles to be safe. Also, the stuff for you, and…”

“Lube!” Tara declared as she opened up Mindy’s browser. “It helps get the tube in smooth with any discomfort or anything. Oh, and maybe some booze? I can go a bit bigger if I’m tipsy, which I’ll probably need if you’re having a good day.”

“Booze? Uh, I have…” Mindy racked her brain trying to remember. She didn’t drink much, so… “I have, I th-think… some light beers, some cheap ten-dollar wine, and a bottle of rum with maybe a shot left?”

“Wine works! If it tastes bad from being cheap, it’ll just make me want to drink it faster to stop tasting it, so cheap is just fine.”

“Wine then. Ok, yeah. I’ll go get everything then.”

Mindy quickly scuttled off to do her part. First, the wine so that Tara can start digesting it. She grabbed the bottle and a glass and brought it to Tara, who thanked her and started pouring a more than sizable glass. Then Tara’s enema bag and lube. Tara had brought her enema bag made of thick, clear plastic, to use. Air would have been easiest according to Tara, but she had decided she wanted to match Mindy’s liquid with liquid of her own. Let’s see… first, heat up some water, then add some of the electrolyte packets Tara had brought. Fill the bag and a few liter-sized thermoses to keep the refills warm, then… uh… shit. Where could she hang up the bag…?

In the end, Mindy opted to quickly put a screw in her wall. She’d get a screw-in hook to replace it later and hang a potted plant from it or something to disguise it later. With Tara’s equipment set up, the nervous redhead started on the most annoying task: transporting all fifteen drink bottles into her living room.

Half of the bottles were Mindy’s usual favorite, Powerade, but the other half was made up of a couple of bottles of soda, some sweet black tea, and a few fruit juices. Mindy wanted to do as much as she could to try and get her body to cooperate today, so she’d gone for a mix of her favorite and some variety since that seemed to have worked pretty well during the soda debacle. She just hoped that her body would cooperate today. Her belly had been more willing than usual lately, which spooked her. It felt like she was overdue for a failed bloat any time now…

Finally, Mindy grabbed the last of the stuff she’d need from her bedroom and went back to where Tara was sitting to check how far along she was. She looked over Tara’s shoulder and her jaw dropped. She tossed her stuff on the couch and bolted over to her computer. “TAAAARA! WHYYYYY!?

Tara giggled evilly as she held out an arm to keep Mindy from reaching the mouse. “I’m just checking out your stash, girl! You’ve got some good stuff in- OOF, you’re strong! Hey, hey, stop it!”

Tara was in Mindy’s private pic folder, looking at all her smut. All her personal tastes were on full display! ALL OF IT! GAH! Just kill her now! “Get out of there! What are you even doing!? You're supposed to be getting readyyyyyy!”

“I- *oof* - I AM ready! It’s all - hey, careful, that’s my tit - It’s all set up! I was just burning time - I’ll stop, I’ll stop! Just spare me, please!”

Tara caved, letting Mindy quickly lean over her and rapidly exit out of her smut folder. The small woman groaned as she stood back up. “Oooooh, whyyyyyy?

The tall spun around to face Mindy. She was pouting with too-adorable puppy dog eyes. “Sorry, Minds. I just thought I’d get in the mood a bit aaaaand then I found your porn. If it makes you feel any better, I have some of my weirder stuff on this USB. I’ll let you look at it, so forgive me. ‘K?”

“What? WHy would I-” Mindy stopped. Tara’s secret kinks… her favorite types of tums… a shared secret… hnnnnng… “...Uh… m-maybe later. L-Let’s do the stream first! Work first, then… uh… that.”

Tara looked at Mindy for a second, then gave a small smirk. “Sure, whatever you say, Minds~.” She spun back around and pulled up a program that Mindy didn’t recognize. “I’ve got Streamlabs all set up and I’m logged in. I don’t have a lot of my settings, but we don’t need ‘em. They’re just quality of life stuff. I also put out a Tweet that I’m streaming soon, so we shouldn’t have to wait long for people to show up when we start.” Tara turned back around again. “Get ready, cutie. It’s almost showtime!”

Mindy gulped. She hesitantly reached down and pulled off her hoodie, revealing a purple sports bra as the only other thing she was wearing top-side. She tightened the drawstrings of her sports shorts, which barely reached past her fingertips when she was standing up, and finally, went to the stuff she’d tossed on the couch. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail, then put on a baseball cap. She also had a face mask that covered most of her face save for her mouth, where she’d carefully cut out a hole in such a way that it’d still look nice. It made the facemask useless for its intended purpose, but invaluable today. Finally, a pair of fake glasses. With all this and her false voice, then she would be just fine! No one would be able to recognize her! Absolutely no one! Probably! Maybe! Hopefully!

Just to be safe, Mindy also spread a new blanket she’d bought over her couch to disguise it and quickly plastered a poster for a shitty rock band she’d never heard of on her wall. It wasn’t perfect, but not many people had even seen her apartment anyways, so they’d probably recognize her through her disguise before they recognized her home… again, probably.

Ugh… Mindy really hoped that this would all end up fine…

With a bit of apprehension, Mindy looked at Tara and nodded. “Ok, I’m… as ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Ok, but just in case… we can still back out if you’re uncomfy. We never announced a collab, so nothing bad’ll happen if you do.”

Mindy bit her lip. “I… I’m really nervous, and scared that… that everything will go wrong… but… I… I also REALLY want to do this… and…” Mindy stared straight at Tara, though her legs felt weak. “I feel like I also need to do this. For me. Uh, if that makes any sense, I guess. Sorry. Hot kind of serious there… eheh…”

Tara looked thoughtfully at Mindy for a second, then sighed and turned back around. “I think I get what you mean. Then again, maybe I don’t, but… all that matters is that you’re sure you want to do this. In that case… the stream - is - live!”

Mindy gulped. Oh boy.

Tara waited for a little bit, watching the screen. Then she spun herself out of Mindy’s chair and into the center of the room while looking at the face cam on Mindy’s computer. “Hey, guys! I know I’m a bit late for this week's stream, I know, but I’ve got a good reason, so please let me off this once, ok?”

The bouncy blonde turned to Mindy and gave a little head jerk. With a racing heart and shaky hands, Mindy joined Tara in view of the face cam. Tara grabbed Mindy’s arm and gently pulled her in front of her, then held her there with a hand on each arm. “Guys, I want you to meet UncreditedCrim of tum-art fame! She’s been dabbling in the real-life tum scene a bit lately. In fact, a bunch of you have probably already seen some of her work.”

Mindy gave a weak one-handed wave to the camera. She was too nervous to read the char from this distance, but she could tell from how fast it was changing that people were freaking out in one way or another. Meanwhile, Tara continued, “You guys have definitely noticed by now, but I’m not in my usual place. That’s because I’m doing an out-of-state collab with my newest friend here! That also means that I’m not using my usual computer and camera, so forgive me when something eventually goes wrong, ‘k?”

Tara certainly seemed to ask for forgiveness a lot, Mindy noted.

The taller woman walked to the side, pulling Mindy with her, to show off the couch. “On your left, we’ve got my stuff, and on the right, Crim’s stuff! We’ve got different tastes when it comes to getting kinky, but I don’t think you guys will mind, right?”

Tara went back to the computer, assumedly to read the chat, and left Mindy standing awkwardly alone. She didn’t know what to do. Anxiety was normal for her, but she didn’t experience performance anxiety enough to know how to deal with it. She was frozen. What was she supposed to do? Oh fuck, she was boring! Quick, do something-

“No, we’re not going to fuck on stream. Get your heads out of the gutters, you pervs!”

Tara’s voice snapped Mindy out of her own head. She was still reading chat but was now also responding to them. “Look, I’m gonna be hooked up over there and pretty distracted, just like I usually am during collabs, so I’m not gonna be reading chat much today. If you’ve got any genuine questions, now’s the time to ask. Otherwise? Good luck.”

Mindy took a deep breath in, then out. It was fine. This was fine. She would just go sit down and… relax. She was just doing a bloat. She’d done this dozens of times by this point. She was apparently really good at it too, according to Tara. This was fiiiiine! She was fine.

“Ok, in short:” Tara continued, “No, her face mask and hat are staying on. She’ll talk only if she wants to. Same goes for her taking off her shorts - which are already PLENTY sexy, by the way. There might be a private vid available after this. Remember, I don’t always do those during collabs. And if there IS a vid, once again, what Crim is wearing will depend on what she’s comfortable wearing. Stay sane, chat. I’m going over there and won’t be checking chat again until we’re close to being done, so save anything you want read until then.”

Tara left the computer and walked over to Mindy. The tall blonde was wearing skinny jeans and a light-pink camisole, which perfectly accented her slim belly but was also going to be hell on her later when she started swelling up. Mindy felt uncomfortable showing so much skin in front of others, but she knew that she’d hate it even more trying to bloat in something like that, so… sporty shorts and sports bra it was. Also, these shorts made her ass look just as good as the other shorts had during their practice day (if not better), and she’d already caught Tara looking more than once, so… worth.

Mindy nervously picked up one of her Powerades without thinking and cracked it open while Tara fiddled with her enema stuff. She took a few quick sips before being surprised by Tara handing her something. She took it and jumped when the familiar cold, slick feeling of lube met her fingers. She looked at Tara in surprise and saw her unbuttoning her pants while turning around. “Well, Crim?” Tara crooned, bending over as she slid her nearly skin-tight jeans down across her full ass. “It’s hard for me to do too much in these pants, so could you help me out~?”

Sweat speckled Mindy’s hairline as she realized what was in her hand. Great. Tara’s butt was right in her face, her skimpy panties spread tight right in front of Mindy. Cool. She was slightly angled away from the camera, preventing anything from showing, but Mindy would see it all. Close-up.

This woman was going to kill Mindy. It was going to happen, live on stream. Jesus fucking Christ.

Mindy shakily slid Tara’s panties down enough to get access to the goods, then slowly slid the insert of the enema tube past Tara’s cheeks and into her ass. The dirty woman squeaked a little as Mindy did so (absolutely on purpose, no doubt). Mindy swallowed hard as Tara stood back up, sliding her panties back up and rebuttoning her pants. The tube snaked out of the back of her pants like a tail. As Tara sat down, Mindy wasn’t sure if water would even be able to make it all the way through the tube, but… Tara knew what she was doing, so it was probably fine.

“Ready to get started Crim?” Tara asked. Mindy hesitantly nodded, slowly raising her Powerade back up to her lips. Tara laughed. “You don’t need to be so nervous! I’m sure you’ll do just as well today as you did during our practice session the other day!” While talking, Tara reached over and loosened the clip on her enema tube. She bit her lip as the visible parts of the tube filled with water, but continued talking, “I said it last time too, but I’ll say it again for my fans: this girl is no joke. There’s been some rumors floating around about the legitimacy of her Valentine's sequence, but after what I’ve seen? As far as I’m concerned, it’s totally legit.”

Rumors? Oh right, those rumors. Mindy knew about the Reddit thread that had started based on trying to point out the ‘obvious edits’ and ‘pushing out’ Mindy was doing for her pics. Those didn’t matter, though. In fact, the only thing that mattered right now was…

Mindy took a deep breath, then brought her bottle to her lips and began to drink in earnest.

“Hey, there she goes!” Tara laughed as Mindy chugged. “You know, I asked if you were ready, but you’re the only one that actually has to work for their tum here. I just need to sit here and take the whole load~.”

Mindy spluttered, sending Powerade everywhere. She glared at Tara, who was covering her mouth but couldn’t hide the joy in her voice as she apologized, “S-Sorry, sorry! I promise I’ll behave! Don’t use the paddle again, please!”

Paddle? Yeah, right. Mindy was a bottom, through and - wait, that wasn’t the point! She flipped Tara the bird, then wiped some of the Powerade off of her legs before returning to her chugging.

It didn’t take long before Mindy had drained the last of her first bottle. She tossed it aside and opened another, keeping herself occupied. If she was focused on bloating, she didn’t have to think about how many people were watching her right now or what they were thinking about her or if she was doing well or poorly or-

Bottle two was done. Forty ounces. Mindy was at forty ounces, which was about a liter and a quarter. It wasn’t enough. She opened her third bottle and quickly chugged that as well. After that, she went to drink her fourth when-

“Hey there, slow down a bit!” Tara said, putting a hand on Mindy’s arm. “I’m not even done with my first bag yet! I know you want to show off, but at least let me keep up with you. It’ll be more fun that way~.”

Well… yeah, it probably would be more fun if they were maxing out together… but… Mindy’s nerves were so overtaxed right now… but… but… errrgh…

Fine. Mindy recapped her bottle and set it down. “Good girl~,” Tara giggled. She put a hand on Mindy’s belly, making her start. Her belly wasn’t very big yet, nor did it feel that tight, but it felt solid enough already that Tara’s pressing fingers were being pushed back out. It felt so good, even under so much stress. Mindy sighed and closed her eyes. Reeelax… relaaaaax

“Oh, look at that! Already done with the first bag. Lemme just…” Tara stood up, grunting as she did. Mindy opened her eyes. She couldn’t blame the blonde for having issues. She already had a sizable muffin-top showing over the lip of her jeans. That had to be uncomfortable. Still, she didn’t complain once while she took one of the thermoses of hot water and unscrewed it. “Y’know, I never thought about keeping my extra water in a thermos before,” Tara mused while refilling her bag. “Man, it’s still so warm! I love you so much for this, Crim!”

Mindy’s heart skipped a beat. She hoped Tara would repay that love thoroughly later… heh… eheheh…

“Hey, get up! Let’s do a little size check for the audience!”

Mindy shook her creepy perv thoughts from her head and stood up, feeling her belly slosh as she did. She looked at the positioning Tara had and copied it, standing perpendicular to the camera. She wasn’t very big yet, but she did still have a decent belly now, especially compared to her toned body. She’d be bigger if she wasn’t waiting for Tara, though…

The redhead squeaked aloud as a pair of arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. Her belly squished hard against Tara’s inflated belly, which made her gut rumble loudly. Caught by surprise, Mindy couldn’t stop the gurgly *UuuUooOOoorrrp* that worked its way up her throat. “Look, guys!” She heard Tara say above her. “We both have about the same amount inside of us, but Crim looks bigger since she’s so small and cute! Isn’t she just the best?”

Mindy wasn’t small! She was average height! Lies! Slander! Not that she could call it out. Also, she was called cute again! Bullshit! GAH!

The smaller woman pushed her way out of Tara’s arms and pouted while Tara just laughed. “You’re just too much fun to flirt with, I’m sorry! Here, let me make it up to you-” She grabbed the fourth bottle of Powerade and opened it up while saying, “Say ‘aaaah~’.”

Mindy bit her lip. Spite… hot girl bloating her… spite… libido… spite… libido… spite

Before she knew it, Mindy had opened up her mouth wide and let Tara put the neck of the bottle in. Oops. So much for spite.

The fourth bottle ended all too soon. Mindy licked her lips and burped softly. She was doing great! So long as she ignored the presence of the camera, it felt just like a normal bloat, except with a gorgeous lady also bloating! Totally normal and fine aaaaand crap. Mindy was conscious of the camera again. And what she had just done on camera. What face had she made while asking for the Powerade, mouth open? Could they even see enough of her face to tell if she’d been making a face? Had she stuck out her tongue? How lewd had it been? Had she made any lewd noises while she was drinking? Oh fuck, what had she-

Ok. Yup. Too much. Mindy’s brain was done. Time for regret.

The overloaded woman bent down and grabbed the various drinks she had left, putting them up on the couch. She then went and grabbed the bottle of wine from her desk. There was maybe… half the bottle left? Good enough. She put the lip of the bottle to her lips and started to chug. It was bleh, just like you’d expect from cheap wine, but it would do.

“Woah, that is… not what I was expecting,” Tara said. Then she stepped closer and ran a finger along Mindy’s flank, saying, “Not that I’m against this. Do you handle your wine well?”

Mindy finished off the bottle. She took it from her lips with a small *pop!*, belched, and said, “Very well.”

Tara blinked. Then she smiled. “Hey, you’re saying that before you’re drunk, so I’ll believe you for now. What’s next for you, huh? I’d vote for the soda.”

Soda it was, then. Mindy picked up a plastic bottle of Sprite, opened it up, and started to chug. The sharp liquid bit at her throat, burning worse than the alcohol had, but Mindy didn’t let up. It had been far worse during the pure soda bloat she’d done. She easily put away the entire bottle before breaking away. It wasn’t a two-liter bottle, but it had still been pretty large and left Mindy feeling breathless. Her stomach rumbled particularly loudly and she put a hand to her mouth. Her guts roared, and her throat trembled. Something started to come up. Then-


Mindy sighed contentedly and patted her still angry belly. Much better. Then she felt an extra pair of hands on her smooth gut. “This is the second time I’m seeing this, but I seriously can’t get enough of you!” Tara flirted while teasing the apex of Mindy’s belly. “I’ve never met someone your size who can pack drinks away like this. It’s so hot to watch you blow up in real time~.”

A flood of heat washed through Mindy’s body. She couldn’t tell if it was the wine or Tara’s touch that was making her feel this way, but she felt amazing. It was a good day! Yes! Her paranoia had been unfounded! Ha!

“You know, I’m feeling a bit lonely, Crim. I’ve been getting bigger this whole time, but you haven’t tried to cop a feel even once. How could you?” Tara teased. She took a step back and crossed her arms under her chest, emphasizing her belly. Mindy hadn’t even realized it, but her enema had continued this whole time even though she was standing up. Tara’s camisole wasn’t covering the whole thing at this point, showing off a chunky sliver of tight, tanned skin. That tight skin was being harshly bisected by the waist of her pants, though, causing a painful-looking muffin top. Mindy winced when she finally noticed it.

Tara, apparently, noticed Mindy’s wince. She glanced down at herself, then back up. She smirked. “I thought I was going to pop before you finally noticed. Some partner you are, huh? My pants are so tight now that I’m not even sure if I can undo the button anymore. You’ll have to do it for me~.”

Mindy’s spine tingled as she gladly nodded in compliance. She knelt down (with some difficulty) and started fiddling with the button of Tara’s pants. It was pressed so tight! That had to be SO painful! Just how was Tara able to stand this?

The inflated woman was moving around for some reason, making Mindy have to adjust. “Sit… still…!” Mindy hissed. Finally, Tara did, but then Mindy heard a cracking sound. THAT didn’t sound good. She looked up quickly and opened her mouth to say something (likely in her real voice) when something was shoved into her mouth. She tried to yelp in shock, but it was muffled by a sweet and tart liquid pouring into her mouth and down her throat. It was… grape juice? She swallowed reflexively as she glared up at Tara.

“Hey, don’t give me that look!” Tara said innocently, putting her other hand on Mindy’s chin to hold her head in place. “This is punishment for not giving me enough attention earlier, so just keep drinking, ok?”

While gulping down the jug of grape juice, Mindy made one crucial observation. Tara was a lot different on-camera than off-camera. She was still somewhat similar, but she had so much more presence, and she was so much more… demanding as well. Demanding and forceful and needy and loud.

Mindy liked. Mindy mucho liked.

Mindy was groaning softly by the end of the jug. Unlike the other bottles, the two fruit juices she’d brought out were a liter each. She’d lost track of exactly how much she’d drunk by this point, but from how tight her belly felt, she was likely around five liters. She was reaching the point where it was an effort to keep drinking, but keep drinking she would. She wanted to be bigger! Heavier! Fuller! Oh, but also…

The shorter woman belched loudly while continuing to work on Tara’s pants. They’d gotten even tighter while Mindy had been drinking, against all odds, but… she just… about… had… it…!


Tara’s giant gut popped out the moment Mindy got the button undone, undoing the zipper on its own and leaving the expanse of Tara’s distended belly right in Mindy’s face. There were dark red marks running along the length of her gut where her pants were with one particularly distinct mark right in front of Mindy where the button was.

OOOOOOH, MY GOD!” Tara exclaimed, grabbing the sides of her belly. “That felt SO good! Fuck me, I thought I was gonna explode for a second there! Seriously, a whole gallon with those pants on? It was too much!”

A whole gallon? Mindy glanced over. Oh shit, the enema bag was empty again. Tara was now bigger than she had been during their practice session, and it showed. Mindy pressed her hand into the hard surface of Tara’s belly and felt how much resistance it had gained. They were both full of liquid, but for some reason, Tara’s belly felt so much harder than Mindy’s did! Her belly also seemed lower than Mindy's, which made sense. No matter what, though, it was gorgeous.

“Hey, can you go fill me up again, Crims?” Tara asked. “I need to get fully out of these pants.”

Mindy gladly did so. While being very aware of how her own belly bounced and wobbled while she walked, Mindy went over and refilled Tara’s enema bag with fresh hot water. Then she snagged her other bottle of soda and went back. She dangled it in front of the camera, grinned, and opened it up. Then she started to drink.

She tried to chug, but the piercing liquid wasn’t being cooperative with her body. Mindy had to go for a slower but still respectable pace instead, managing to put away most of the bottle before needing a break both for breath and to let her belly settle.

“Jesus, just look at you, huh?” Tara breathed, setting her hands on Mindy’s gut. “What is this, five liters?”

Closer to six, I think.”

Tara laughed. “Really? Wow, you’re really something else! Though, I am kinda curious how much of this is from carbonation. I wonder what would happen if I-”

With that, Tara grabbed the sides of Mindy’s belly and gave it a few good shakes. The shorter woman yelped in surprise and grabbed her roaring belly, hiccuping as she did. Ooooh, that did NOT feel good! Her belly was wailing and gurgling and trembling. Ugh, she could FEEL it swelling! A loud GLORP sounded out, accompanied by a massive swell in pressure. Then-


Well, Mindy finally got her wish. She had a video of one of her mega-loud burps. Also, she was blushing heavily. The spots where Tara’s hands had been when she jostled Mindy’s tum still felt so warm and tender as well as sore. Why had that felt so good…?

“Wow. I was… not expecting such a violent burp, hah,” Tara giggled. She then looked down. “Hey, I think your belly DID shrink! Here, compare it to mine.”

Mindy did as she was told. She felt massive, but when compared to Tara, she somehow looked even bigger than she felt. The two women had to stand further apart than they had to before to be belly-to-belly, but while Tara seemed to still be growing up and out, Mindy has started to grow around as well. It made sense, considering that Mindy had about a liter or two extra inside of her, but still, she was so big… not that Tara was small. Her camisole barely covered her navel anymore and looked like it was in danger of sliding up the slope of her belly at any moment. Heck, even as Mindy watched, it slipped up just a tiny bit more! Right - Tara was still growing every second!

“So, miss Crims… how much more do you think that giant tum of yours can take?” Tara asked sultrily. She took one of Mindy’s hands and put it on her own belly, encouraging her to massage it (which Mindy did with gusto). “I’m not sure how much more I can take, personally. I’m feeling pretty tight already. If I take this whole bag, I might not be able to hold everything…”

Uuuuh… Mindy… wasn’t sure. She felt fantastic at the moment, but she was also nearing her average max. She also didn’t want to push Tara too far and ruin the stream by showing off. But also, she really wanted to show Tara what she was fully capable of…

While Mindy was lost in thought, Tara rolled her eyes and grabbed Mindy’s belly again. “Well, since you’re so indecisive, how about this: do one more bottle, then when I’m done, we’ll stop and have some fun for the stream. Then, if you aren’t quite done yet, we’ll make an extra-special video where you keep going while I make sure you feel as happy as possible. How does that sound?”

Holy SHIT, that sounded perfect - specifically, that last part about Tara making her happy. She nodded enthusiastically. Tara chuckled and patted Mindy’s gut. “You’re s true glutton, huh? Well, you heard it, stream. Looks like you’ll be getting a video after all~.”

Mindy was practically vibrating with excitement. Today was going PERFECTLY! She wanted the stream to end ASAP already, but she had to wait. Tara still had a liter to go. Just one more liter, some of whatever for the stream, and then… and then


I'm late. I am so very, VERY late. BUT - there is very good content news for you guys!

First, as you might've noticed, this si part one. This fic ended up becoming SO much longer than I'd anticipated, so I split it into two parts. That means that part two is already mostly done and can be posted in a reasonable amount of time!

Secondly, this fic is EXTRA late instead of just normal late thanks to the fact that I mostly finished a stuffing fic and then my brain went 'wait, haven't we been doing a lot of stuffings lately? Let's post something different!' and I was just like 'god freaking DAMNIT, brain, shut up!' But it was too late. Hence... there's ANOTHER fic that's almost done for y'all!

Third, since I now have two more fics just about ready this month already, I'm gonna go ahead and the Edelyth fic be an extra fic this month like I was planning on doing with second-placers in future months. That means five fics total this month! Also, I'll probs have second-placer fics be exclusive as well but still with lower effort and available to Book Ghouls. Idk, I'll decide when it comes time to post it.

So there we have it! The next fic will be out on the 16th to make up for this one being so late - barring anything disastrous keeps me from writing for the next few days, anyways. Knock on wood and all that. See y'all then!


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