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Quick heads-up: This fic technically takes place in the RWBY Degenerate AU that I’ve done a number of commissions for. All you really need to know for this fic in particular is that Yang and Weiss are in a relationship in this AU. Oh, also, Weiss is 20 or 21 depending on when in the AU timeline this gets plopped.

It was official. Weiss was bored.

Classes were out for the week and Weiss was, tragically, alone. Blake had taken the opportunity to make the long trip to Menagerie to catch up with her family and the busty beauty sisters had made the significantly shorter trip back to their own home already. Ordinarily, Weiss would have accompanied them (seeing as she wasn’t on speaking terms with her own family at the moment), but she’d made the mistake of accepting some extra credit for her History of Grimm class without checking the length of the project nor the due date. The frantic huntress had pushed herself night and day to finish before this week off, but… alas, it had simply been too much.

By a single day, anyways. Ruby and Yang had left yesterday and Weiss had finally polished off the extra credit and handed it in to her professor this morning. Unfortunately, the bullhead from Vale to Patch (Ruby and Yang’s home island) wasn’t running today, so Weiss was trapped in this sad, empty dorm room all on her lonesome until the following morn.

Weiss flipped over dramatically on her empty bed, sighing deeply. She’d dragged Yang’s pillow and blanket down to her own bed to calm herself, but it just wasn’t enough. She already missed the witty wisecracks of her blonde lover, as well as her passionate eyes… and her firm hands… her soft midriff, and… her pillowy…

The melodramatic gay bolted to her feet and shook her head. This was getting to be too much. She was acting like a love-scorned bachelorette from one of Blake’s cheesy romance novels. It had merely been a day since Yang’s departure and would be but one more until she would see her again. It wouldn’t be a large amount of time at all!

She supposed she would see Ruby again as well. That would be… fine. Weiss didn’t mind the peace and quiet that came with Ruby being absent at all. It was nice, really. She did miss that constant audible presence at times, though. Plus, she was somewhat cute at times, too.

Oh, and Blake would be missed as well. At some point. Eventually. Weiss appreciated Blake and her knowledge, skills, and bravery in dating Ruby, and she enjoyed being in the faunus’ company most of the time, but Weiss won’t get too broken up about some time away from her cynical comments and shedding. Oh, the shedding. How does one cat-woman produce so much fur when said fur only grows on her ears? How?

Weiss found her eyes drifting back to Yang’s bed. She felt an overwhelming urge to dive back into the unkempt sheets, bury her head in the soft pillow, and lament loudly about the cruelties of war and love.

…Ok, so her extra credit assignment had heavily involved a melodramatic fairy tale romance. It was fun pretending to be an absurdly dramatic woman, alright? So sue her.

Weiss shook her head. That was enough of that! She needed to take her mind off of her extra thoughts. She needed something to occupy her for the next few hours until she could reasonably justify going to bed. She needed…

Ice cream.

The frosty huntress was already wearing a casual white dress from her trip to submit her assignment earlier, so the only prep needed before setting out was getting her shoes and her scroll. Weiss didn’t normally buy such treats for herself, but… this extra credit would put her up to a 101% in the class, which was assuredly worth celebrating, right? She also had some spare funds from winning a small literary competition by chance the previous week, so she could afford to splurge as well…

Weiss stepped out of her dorm, shut the door, and began to make her way to her goal. She licked her lips, eagerly anticipating her incoming distraction from strongly desiring to hold Yang close. What flavor should she get today…?


“Hello! What can I get for you today?”

Weiss put a hand to her chin and stared at the heart-stopping amount of variety before her. Hmmm… she'd expected to have decided on a flavor by this point… but there were so many options… so many lovely choices… decisions, decisions…

“I’ll have…” Weiss said deliberately, “The… Fudge Ripple Swirl. A full carton, if you would please.”

“Of course,” the man behind the counter wrote a note on a piece of paper. “And for your second?”

Weiss blinked. “My… second?”

The man pointed at a flyer that had been taped to the register. “We’re having a buy one, get one free clearance sale today to clear out before all the academy folk clear out.” The man puffed up a little with pride. “We pride ourselves on only the freshest treats, after all, so we can’t let all of our ice creams get freezer-burn from being stored too long!”

“Oh really?” Weiss said in surprise. Well, if it was free, then she might as well… “In that case, I’ll also take… a carton of Strawberry Banana Swirl.”

“Got it!” The man said. The man went into the back room to get Weiss’ ice cream while the huntress hummed happily to herself. She hated to admit it, but some of her recent ‘experiences’ had warped her stomach capacity somewhat, so it took a bit more than usual to feel comfortably full these days. A second carton of ice cream would certainly make sure she was full and happy, though…

The man came back shortly with the ice cream. As Weiss paid for it, the man let out a despondent sigh. “Man, I gotta say, I’m glad at least some of our stock won’t be wasted…”

“Hm?” Weiss glanced around the shop. It was surprisingly empty considering how popular the shop normally was. “Do you have a surplus of ice cream left? Whenever I’ve come in the past, you’ve been more likely than not to be sold out of at least four flavors and running low on several others.”

“You’ve got a good memory, don’t you, miss?” The man laughed. “You’re not wrong. We forgot to cancel our last ingredient shipment and the owner didn’t want it all to go to waste, so we refilled just like usual. Problem is, most of the academy folks have already gone home by now and we’ve still got so much left. It’s all gonna get icy and unpleasantly hard at this rate…”

Icy and unpleasantly hard? Oh no. What a travesty. Weiss was about to offer her condolences to the shop and leave, but… her stomach rumbled. This was an opportunity in the making. Or perhaps a mistake. Either way, it was something that Weiss was not going to pass up…

Weiss folded her hands together and laid them on the counter, plastering a polite smile on her face. “If I may, would the store be offering any discounts for bulk purchases of clearance products…?”


Weiss had decided. This had, indeed, been a mistake, not an opportunity.

She sat cross-legged on the floor of the dorm surrounded by ice cream. Double Chocolate Chip, Kiwi-Lime, Marvelous Menagerie, Butterscotch Ripple, Cherry Garcia… for every one of the twenty-two flavors of ice cream the shop had, Weiss had two cartons of it. They were only one-pint cartons each, but that still added up to a massive amount of ice cream…

Oh, and naturally, Weiss had no place to store all of said ice cream. Team RWBY didn’t have a freezer of any kind in the dorm, and even if they did, it certainly wouldn’t have been able to fit even half of this buffet of sweetness. If she wanted to get the most of her money’s worth from her splurge, she would need to eat it all before it went bad. In other words, all forty-four pints of ice cream in just an hour or two.

Somewhere in the back of her brain, Weiss remembered reading somewhere that the average Atlesian eats about forty-four pints of ice cream in a year. She was going to try and do that in one night. Oh lord, what had Weiss convinced herself to do…?

Well, she might as well get started, shouldn’t she? Weiss grimaced as she pried open a carton of Fudge Ripple, her initial choice of dessert. She picked up a spoon she’d grabbed from the cafeteria earlier and scooped out a sizable mound of fudgy goodness. It was still perfectly soft and malleable while not at all melty - in other words, absolutely perfect~. Weiss popped the frosty treat into her mouth and found herself smiling. She just couldn't get enough of this frozen delight!

Before she knew it, Weiss was scraping the bottom of the carton. She peered into the empty carton in surprise. How was it already gone? This was among her favorite flavors, yet she had savored so little of it! Well, she did still have a second carton of it, but that was beside the point. She had simply inhaled a pint of ice cream - and her stomach was still growling for more! She had a feeling that her gut would be making very different sounds soon enough, though…

After setting aside the first empty carton, Weiss selected a Cherry Garcia next. The fruity cherry goodness washed over her tongue, sending Weiss back to her fugue state of ice cream ravaging. In simpler terms: Weiss also couldn’t remember eating this carton. She just had an empty carton, an aftertaste of cherry on her mouth, and a slightly more full belly.

Weiss felt her face heat up a bit as she peeled off the lid to her next chilled serving. She still couldn’t get used to how enticing it was to fill herself to the absolute brim. The feeling of tightness, of being full, heavy, and sloshy… it was all so strangely addicting, yet so shameful at the same time…

She usually preferred filling up her stomach with liquids as they posed little threat to her figure, but… she had been doing well on her diet recently. She was almost back down to the weight she’d had when she’d first been slotted into Team RWBY! Weiss was actually risking becoming underweight at this rate, which was its own problem, but one that would be quickly solved with her ‘small’ treat tonight. She didn’t have to worry about how stuffing herself would affect her weight if she needed to put on a few pounds anyway.

The third pint quickly joined the first two and was soon followed by a fourth. Weiss’ belly was no longer rumbling. It was instead gurgling happily while forming a small bulge under her dress. Weiss patted the small bump a few times, still feeling embarrassed despite the obvious lack of other people to see her, then hastily popped open a fifth carton.

The flavors of the various ice creams were starting to blend together as Weiss ate. Chocolate led into strawberry led into lime led into mocha and back again. Before Weiss knew it, she was leaning back on her hands with a stack of ten empty cartons next to her.

How had this happened? When had Weiss become such a glutton? She groaned softly as she rubbed her stomach. The bloated organ was now much more than a small bulge under her dress. The white dress was starting to stretch tight across her middle, putting extra pressure on her belly. Weiss shifted her weight for a moment and let the dress climb up her body, sighing as her stomach got a bit of extra room to easily fill out.

Weiss’ gut was starting to act up again, but with some plaintive gurgling instead of impatient rumbling. The bloated huntress pushed a small burp out of her throat, then, against her better judgment, picked up another pint of ice cream. Her gut let out a solid glorp in anticipation. For whatever unholy reason, that sound sent a chill straight down Weiss’ spine to her toes and all the way back up again. God, why was she like this?

As Weiss cracked open her thirteenth pint, her progress began to slow. She was starting to feel exceptionally full but kept going regardless. Since Weiss was now being forced by her body to eat at a reasonable pace, she noticed that some of the ice cream was getting melty. The meltier it was, the easier it would be to get down, so Weiss didn’t mind it at all. In fact, she welcomed it.

This slow pace continued for a little while with Weiss steadfastly moving from one pint to the next. She let out the occasional soft moan as she ate whenever her belly gurgled strongly or a wave of tension came over her tightening gut. Halfway through pint seventeen, Weiss shifted her weight again and felt the sleek fabric of her dress shoot up her belly a good distance. The sudden movement of the soft dress felt heavenly on her tense skin, making Weiss gasp and blush. She wanted to feel that again, meaning… she needed more

Finally, Weiss swallowed the last mouthful of her twentieth pint and stacked it with the others. She groaned into the quiet room and leaned back, allowing her crossed legs to extend out in front of her. Weiss ordinarily would never have sat like that in the first place, but she was alone and wanted comfort, so she made do. As her belly had swollen, though, the position had gotten increasingly less comfortable. Now her legs were spread wide in front of her to comfortably accommodate her heavily swollen gut, which…

Wow. Weiss panted softly as she examined herself in detail for the first time since she’d started. Her stomach stuck out sharply from her slim frame, giving her the appearance of having slipped a ball underneath her dress. The only distinction that gave away that the orb she was seeing was not a ball was the shallow dip where her navel was. She ran a finger around the dip, shuddering from the tingles of pleasure that ran through her as she did.

As much fun as it was to fill out her dress as such… Weiss enjoyed this dress and didn’t wish to stretch it out. She grunted as she heaved herself to her feet, stumbling a  bit as her heavy gut wobbled and threatened to unbalance her. Weiss carefully slid her dress off of herself, once again enjoying the feeling of the fabric on her taut gut. She tossed the dress onto her bed and shivered. She put her hands on her bare swollen belly and grimaced as she noted how cold her belly was from the sheer quantity of ice cream inside of it. She was only going to get colder from here on out as she ate in just her bra and panties, unless…

Weiss carefully stepped over the remaining pints of ice cream, pausing to let her wobbling gut settle every step, and reached her bed. She grabbed Yang’s blanket from it and wrapped it around herself. She breathed in deep, smiling as Yang’s familiar scent filled her lungs. Would she ever do this - or even ADMIT to doing this - around Yang? Never. But did she love it right now? Yes. Yes, she most certainly did.

The glutted huntress carefully waddled back to her spot in the center of her ice cream and sank back down. She’d debated just eating on the bed from then on, but had decided that she didn’t want to deal with all the bending and lifting it would take to move all the ice cream within reach. Then… along with a chorus of angry gurglings that were muffled by Yang’s blanket, Weiss helped herself to her twenty-first pint.

Pint twenty-one was easy, sliding right into the small amount of space Weiss’ gut had made while she’d been taking her break, but each pint after that got increasingly harder. By pint twenty-six, rumbling and groaning could constantly be heard from inside of Yang’s blanket as Weiss’ belly desperately struggled to deal with so much dairy and sugar. A very different type of groaning could also be heard from Weiss’ mouth in between sloppy bites of ice cream since her belly was now feeling uncomfortably overfull. Yet, somehow, she kept going despite how tight her middle was. She could eat more. She wanted to eat more.

The flavors of each ice cream were entirely lost to Weiss by her thirtieth pint. Was that cherry she was tasting? Or was it toffee? She had so much of every flavor coating her mouth that she could no longer tell. What she could tell, however, was that each pint was now more liquid than solid. This made it all the easier for Weiss to keep going as she abandoned her spoon and began gulping the creamy slurry down straight from the cartons.

Weiss set aside her thirty-second pint and belched wetly, clutching at her stomach underneath the blanket as she did. Her fingers barely sank into the massive orb that jutted out from her slender frame. She gingerly lifted her gut and let it drop, moaning in pleasure as the skin on her gut pulled and stretched from the heavy drop. She gulped down the saliva that was pooling in her mouth and scrounged around for the next untouched carton.

Even without a hand on her stomach, Weiss could feel her belly stretching outward as she gulped. The frozen huntress loved the feeling and singlemindedly slurped down three more pints after that. Her stomach roared mournfully, unable to deal with so much at once.

Weiss tossed aside her thirty-sixth pint and tried to burp, but barely anything came up. She tried again, but still… nothing. There was no gas inside of her. More properly put, there was no room for gas. Her gut was just one giant, sloshy mess of ice cream. She giggled drunkenly as she snatched yet another pint. Just how far could she go? She’d never been this big with food before (if ice cream counted as food, anyways). What was her limit? She felt so massive and heavy already, but… it could be even more

The massive huntress let out a soft cry as she drained her forty-second carton of ice cream. Her belly was too tight! Too FULL! Waves of pressure echoed through Weiss’ gut with every single gurgle. Just the churning of her insides was making Weiss blush a bright red, let alone the weight she felt on her thighs from the massive heap of ice cream or the absolute bliss she felt from gingerly massaging her flank.

Two more. Just two more.

Weiss reached over and managed to snatch the two still-full cartons and put them within reach of her bed. With a hefty groan, Weiss slowly rolled her body over onto her knees, then pushed herself to her feet. She had to lean forward when she stood from how heavy her belly was. Honestly, it was a sheer miracle that she could stand at all with such a massive swamp of ice cream hanging from her body. If the math being done in her lust-addled brain was at all right, then what she was feeling right now was the pull of over forty pounds from inside of her, which was… just… Wow. For once… Weiss had no words.

But she wasn’t done yet.

Weiss shuffled painfully slowly over to her bed, where she flopped down with trembling legs. She tried to reach down to get the remaining pints of ice cream, but… her belly was in the way. Weiss panted and grunted as she maneuvered around her own distended gut, finally managing to lean over enough to reach her prize. Without a moment’s thought, Weiss pulled off the lid of one cartoon and began to chug.

The waves of tension that surged throughout Weiss’ far overtaxed belly were overwhelming, but Weiss did not stop. She simply moaned with every gulp while frantically rubbing as much of her belly as she could reach with her free hand.

She finished the second to last pint and moved on to the last.

Weiss was sweating now despite how her belly felt cold to the touch. Why was she doing this to herself? This was insanity! This was-

A spasm ran along the length of Weiss’ gut and the engorged huntress would have shrieked if not for the mouthful of ice cream she was swallowing. Oh, right. THAT was why.

FINALLY, she did it. She let the final pint fall to the floor, no longer having the brainpower necessary to care about making a mess, and sat in enthralled stillness for a minute. For how little Weiss moved, there was still plenty of noise - her gut was a constant cavalcade of churning and roaring, and the poor woman could scarcely breathe between her grunting, gasping, and soft cries of excitement. If her belly had been a ball before, it was now a distended globe that could best the head of an Ursa in size. It was massive, taut, smooth to the touch, and hard as steel to touch. In short… Weiss couldn’t eat another drop of ice cream or else she’d burst.

Weiss slowly lowered herself onto her side, biting her lip hard as the mountain of melted cream inside her threatened to tip her over at any moment. She lay her head on Yang’s pillow, breathing in her scent deeply once more, and moaned deeply into the pillow as she traced her nails down the length of her painfully solid belly.

Oh, what she wouldn't GIVE for Yang to be here right now… maybe enough of this would be leftover tomorrow for Weiss to get some wonderful tight belly rubs from Yang’s strong fingers… but in the meantime… being swathed in Yang’s scent like this would have to do. Yes, it would have to do…

Ooooh, her aching belly…


A belated Merry Birthmas to Ms. Weiss Schnee from RWBY! For your present, I got you... horrible indigestion and 10 pounds of pure fat added straight to your tum! You can thank me later.

That concludes the month of May! As promised, I did not participate in Mayternity even 1 iota. I've won May. Nice.

I'll see about getting one of the shorts I still owe y'all up sometime before the 5th, which is when June's character poll will start! I'll see y'all then!



This is absolutely *incredible* I was wondering which direction you would take the former heiress (in this timeline), and you did not disappoint whatsoever. Degen-Weiss is typically averse to anything that would make her gain weight, the mere thought of gaining any more cushion around her tush ordinarily mortifying to her, but I'm happy she was able to rationalize around it and have some fun while everyone was out. Still, 44 containers of presumably 16 oz servings of ice cream. That means she consumed nearly half her own body weight in ice cream. That poor, horny girl... No wonder she could barely move! (I mean, it's nothing compared to what Ruby has gone through, but still) Glad to see you still have fun writing for the Degenerate AU; goodness knows it's still fun reading your take on it!


Ice cream for the Ice Queen~ And quite a lot too! That was one giant, heavy belly Weiss was sporting at the end there. I love how much you showed off the weight of her gut here, and just how noisy it was too! Her wrapping herself in a blanket because all of that ice cream in her belly making her cold was also adorable.