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“Hello! Have you been waiting long?”

Ganyu smiled over at Keqing as she approached the table. “I’ve only just arrived myself, so don’t worry.”

Keqing breathed a small sigh of relief as she sank into the seat across from Ganyu. “I was worried that I may have driven you off with my lateness but it seems like we both had our work keep us late.”

“So it does. I was surprised to find that I was the first here after arriving half an hour late.”

Keqing chuckled awkwardly. “Yes, well… I suppose it’s lucky that we have similar workloads.” She cleared her throat and picked up her menu. She loved the food here, but she was going to be far too nervous tonight to properly enjoy herself as she usually did… “Have you had the chance to order yet?”

Ganyu shook her head, her cool hair bouncing around her beautiful horns. “I have not. I truly did arrive only just before you. I already know what I’ll be ordering, however.”

“Oh, really?” Keqing asked. Her eyes flicked over the menu, but she wasn’t really reading. She too already knew what she was ordering, after all.

“Yes. I’ve frequented the Xinyue Kiosk often for meetings with various Liyue officials, so I’m already familiar with their menu and know what I can and cannot eat off of it.”

“Cannot eat - oh, right. You’re vegetarian, right?”

“Right,” Ganyu said with a small smile. “I’m happy you remembered even though we’ve never shared a meal before.”

“Ah, I just have a good memory when it comes to people’s preferences,” Keqing said quickly. “You don’t mind if others eat meat in your presence though, do you?”

“Of course not,” Ganyu said. Then she gave Keqing a small wink as she said, “You can order as many of your favorite Golden Shrimp Balls as you want. It won’t bother me.”

Keqing swallowed hard and hid her head behind her menu. “W-Well, it’s not as if I like those that much… I-It was just at the insistence of the Traveller that I ate so many during the Moonchase Festival, that’s all.”

“I see, I see,” Ganyu giggled. The goat-horned woman waved down a waitress. After the server approached, she ordered, “I’ll have the stir-fried noodle dish with Qingxin tea. Substitute the fish out as usual, please.”

“Of course, miss Ganyu,” The waitress said. “Miss Keqing?”

Keqing, still feeling a bit warm in the cheeks, said, “T-Two orders of your Golden Shrimp Balls and Qingxin tea, please.”

The waitress left with their menus and orders, leaving the two women on their own once more. Ganyu was the first to break the following silence. “It really is nice that we’ve finally managed to go out like this. I’m glad it’s finally happened.”

Keqing cleared her throat again and smiled. “Yes, I think so too. It only makes sense that we should be on friendlier terms since we’re both so heavily involved in Liyue’s future.”

Ganyu just stared at Keqing for a moment. “Uh… is… is this not what I thought it was?”

Keqing blinked. “Wh-What did you think this was?”

“A date. Sorry, was I mistaken?”

Keqing’s brain was melting. “I- A d-date- Wh-What do y-you- I- I mean, it c-could-”

Ganyu’s cheeks started to take in some pink as she sheepishly stared down at the table. “I-I’m so sorry, I just… Y-You seemed so nervous when you asked me to dinner a few weeks ago that I took it as a date, but I must have misread the-”

“N-NO!” Keqing blurted out. She froze. What was she doiiiiing!? “I- I mean, uh, yeah, I wasn’t asking you on a date- b-but that doesn’t mean I don’t WANT to date you- uh, I-I mean, uh, that this COULD be a date if you wanted-” Just shut up already, you idiot! “B-But it doesn’t have to be- b-but it COULD be! I just wasn’t- I- uh, I-”

Ganyu had just been staring at Keqing while she dug herself deeper and deeper into a hole. Then, finally, her stare broke into a massive smile. She reached across the table and grabbed Keqing’s hands, which had previously been tightly gripping each other.

“It’s a date then!” Ganyu declared with her eyes sparkling.


Keqing’s hands had never been clammier than when she walked out of Xinyue Kiosk holding Ganyu’s hand. She still couldn’t believe this was happening. She’d never even been in a relationship - or even LIKED someone this way - before thanks to how heavily she’s always involved herself in her interests and then her work, yet now she was with… with…

“So what should we do now?”

Keqing started at Ganyu’s voice. She glanced up at her adorable date partner. “What? Oh, I, uh… I hadn’t expected this, so… I didn’t plan for anything beyond dinner…”

“I see…” Ganyu said. She had a bit of pink in her cheeks as she nervously glanced away from Keqing. “Do you need to return to work anytime soon?”

“N-No!” Keqing quickly stated. “I took the whole night off.”

The horned woman smiled. “I did as well! I may still get called back in at any time, though, so we should try and make the most of our time together while we have it.”

Time… together… Keqing’s thoughts were so frazzled just from hearing those words… “Right! So, uh… what do you like to do, then?”

The two began walking through the streets of Liyue Harbor. Ganyu put a thoughtful finger to her chin. “What do I like? Hmm…” She glanced back to Keqing. “I like my work.”

I like my job as well, but we can’t really do that together, can we?” Keqing pointed out.

“That’s true…” Ganyu conceded. She stared out over the waters as the two crossed the bridge bisecting Liyue Harbor. “I don’t suppose there are any festivals ongoing that I’ve overlooked?”

Keqing shook her head. “No, there aren’t. The next one won’t be until the month after next.”

Ganyu sighed. “I’m sorry about this, Keqing. I… don’t have much of a life outside of work.”

“I… truthfully, am the same,” Keqing admitted. “I can’t remember the last time I had an interest in something outside of work or Rex Lapis or…”

“Or me?”

Ganyu’s words took Keqing by surprise. Her cheeks started to burn as she bore holes into the stone beneath her feet with her eyes. “Wh-What- How can you say such things without feeling embarrassed!?”

Ganyu laughed as she continued to walk. “I think I normally would be but I feel so elated right now that I could say anything! After all my years, there’s finally been-”

A loud rumbling interrupted Ganyu’s voice. Keqing was pulled to a stop by Ganyu suddenly freezing, her hand going rigid against Keqing’s. The lavender-haired woman looked up at Ganyu, confused. “Why did you stop? What was-”

As Keqing caught sight of Ganyu’s beet-red face, another angry roar washed over the words being spoken. This time, though, Keqing managed to catch where the noise was coming from. It was coming from Ganyu’s middle.

“Y-You…” Ganyu started to stammer. She glanced up at Keqing, her eyes wavering. “You… Did you hear that…?”

Without pausing to think, Keqing responded, “Yeah. It was adorable.”

There were several moments of silence as the two ladies stared at one another. Then Keqing felt her face turning the same color as Ganyu’s as she realized what she’d said. She let go of Ganyu’s hand as she waved her hands desperately, saying, “Th-That’s- Wh-What I meant to say was- It’s because YOU’RE adorable- N-Not that-”

At the same time, Ganyu was also panicking as she clutched her middle, saying, “Please forget that you heard that! I’m so mortified! I just smelled something so good that I couldn’t help it! You-”

Both of them continued to cry out over each other for a few seconds until both let their voices die out. Silence reigned once again. Then, just as Keqing was considering the best way to sink straight down into the stone to hide forever, Ganyu spoke with a tiny voice, “Do… Did you really think that was… adorable…?”

Keqing swallowed hard. Shit. This was it. Do or die time. This single answer might make or break any chance she had with the gorgeous woman staring at her so shyly right now. She had to-


“It was really cute. Precious even.”

Keqing blinked. She blinked again. Then she fell to her knees, her head in her hands. WHY HAD SHE BLURTED IT OUT AGAIN!? WHY WAS SHE SUCH AN IDIOOOOOOOT!?

Keqing was debating how hard she should slam her head into the pathway below when a gentle hand tapped her on the shoulder. Teary-eyed, Keqing looked up. Ganyu had crouched down to match Keqing’s kneeling height. Her face was still flushed entirely pink, but she now looked more nervous than embarrassed. “Can you tell me what part about it is… cute?”

Keqing sniffed. “Uh… I don’t know… Y-You’re going to think I’m weird…”

Ganyu pursed her lips. Then she seemed to make her mind up about something. She stared Keqing in the eyes as she said, “I’ll… I’ll tell you something weird about me if you tell me honestly. Ok?”

something weird about Ganyu? Really? What could possibly be weird about Ganyu? Keqing couldn’t imagine anything that could be truly ‘weird’ about her. Still, she did really want to know more about her… but would it be worth it…?

Keqing shook her head. It was too late to go back now. She might as well go for broke! “W-Well… I… I…” She steeled herself. “I think girls who can eat a lot are attractive! And the sound of a hungry belly is cute! So a belly that’s already full but still wants more is REALLY cute!”

The last of Keqing’s words seemed to echo between them. She tightly squeezed her eyes shut, not daring to look at whatever disgusted expression Ganyu was assuredly wearing. How could she talk about her kink on the very first date!? What was WRONG with her!? What-

“Do you… want to know the reason why the Jade Palace’s gardens have so many flowers but not Qingxin?”

Wh… What? Keqing peeked through one eye at Ganyu. The horned woman was steadfastly avoiding looking at Keqing, her face somehow even more flushed than before. “Uh…” Keqing murmured, “Wh-Why is that…?”

Ganyu bit her lip. “It’s because… I take care of the gardens, and I love the taste of Qinxin so much that if I grew it there… I’m not sure I’d be able to stop myself from eating it all..”

Keqing opened her other eye. The corners of her mouth tugged upward. “That’s… a silly reason.”

Ganyu giggled. “I know, but it’s true. Sometimes when I make time to go for walks, I’ll cross by a patch of Qingxin and I’ll stop for a quick snack. I’ll eat a few, then a few more… and before I know it, the entire patch is gone.”

Keqing started to giggle too. “Really? I’ve gotten complaints from a few herbologists about Qingxin not growing close to Liyue Harbor anymore. I never thought that would be from you.”

“I always try to plant more seeds after I eat, but… the seeds taste so good too that I only manage to plant a couple of seeds every time.”

“Even the seeds? How hungry can you get?”

Keqing and Ganyu giggled to themselves, crouched on the side of the road, for several minutes, each seemingly unable to stop. Finally, once they’d both managed to calm down some, Keqing smiled at Ganyu. “I think I’d like to go for a walk on our next date. I’ll ask the Traveller where there are some good patches of Qinxin and I’ll keep some seeds out of your reach to replant them in case you end up wanting a quick bite.”

“I think I’d like that,” Ganyu agreed warmly. Then another sizable roar emanated from her middle. Ganyu grimaced as she clutched her stomach again. “Oooh, coming down this road was a mistake… I always get so hungry whenever I pass by Wanmin Restaurant…”

That’s right. Xianling’s restaurant was nearby, wasn’t it? Keqing thought for a moment, then asked, “Well… do you want to stop by to settle that angry belly of yours?”

Ganyu licked her lips, but then fervently shook her head. “N-No, please. I always have trouble fitting into my clothes after getting lured into Wanmin…”

Keqing gave Ganyu a quick once-over. “That… might be fun to see…”

The goat lady scowled up at Keqing. “It’s not fun! It’s disastrous!”

Keqing considered trying to convince Ganyu for a second but chickened out. She’d only JUST gotten past admitting her ‘interests’ to Ganyu. She didn’t want to even chance putting any pressure on their scaffold of a relationship… The purple-clothed woman sighed. “Ok, ok. It can’t be nice having your stomach trying to eat you from the inside out, though.”

“It’s really not…” Ganyu bemoaned. She bit her lip. “I-It’s a bit more bearable since you said it’s cute, though…”

This. Woman. GAH! TOO PRECIOUS! Keqing looked away from Ganyu quickly as she stammered, “W-Well, yeah, I really, really do, but w-we should still try to stop it if it’s making you uncomfortable!”

Ganyu nodded. They both stood up. After a moment of consideration, Ganyu started walking back in the direction they’d come from while still holding her stomach. After Keqing reached her side again, she said quietly, “I… I do have something that I do whenever I need to stop myself from feeling hungry, but… I-I’ve never done it in front of anyone before…” she side-eyed Keqing. “But if… if it’s you, then… I think it’s ok…”

Keqing gulped. “Wh-What… uh, ok. D-Do we need to go somewhere..?”

Ganyu smiled nervously. “Just follow me. It’s a bit of a walk…”


‘A bit of a walk’ was a fib. It was just a short trip back to the other side of town to a small two-room flat. It might have felt longer to Ganyu, though, who’d spent the whole walk holding her rumbling belly with her arms while wincing. Keqing had never met someone who had such an appetite that they’d be this hungry just from smelling some cooking- ESPECIALLY after having already eaten a full meal.

In other words, Keqing had yet another reason to think of Ganyu as her perfect match~.

Ganyu groaned in relief as she sank onto her knees on a tatami mat. Keqing let herself sit down as well, but there was no chance she could relax. What was this room? It looked empty yet lived-in. If Ganyu had no hobbies, and she always wore the same clothing, then… could this empty flat be… possibly… her home-

“This is a room we use to house lower-level dignitaries and government merchants when they visit for business.”

Ah. Yeah, that made sense too.

Keging shuffled anxiously in place. “S-So, uh… what are we doing here, then?”

Ganyu rubbed her stomach for a moment before answering, “I… When my stomach gets like this, it won’t calm down until it gets what it wants… but if I tried to satisfy it every time I got hungry, then I’d be a whale… again…

“What was that last part?”

Ganyu coughed, some red returning to her cheeks, and moved on while ignoring Keqing’s question, “S-So to stop my hunger, I need to overwhelm it with something else.”

Keqing thought for a moment. “Oh, I think I’ve heard something similar to this. Ascetic monks will sometimes fill their stomachs with water during long fasts to quench their hunger for a time.”

“Yes, that’s where I got the idea from,” Ganyu said. ANother stomach rumble led to another grimace. “The problem is that I don’t just do it during a fast. It’s whenever I need to not feel hungry, which is… more often than I’d like to admit. I’ve also lived a bit longer than a human does, so I’ve been doing this for a while. As a result… it takes a bit more to stop me from feeling hungry than it does for a monk…”

Oh boy. Keqing was starting to get the idea of why Ganyu needed a private space for this. Oh, but… “Uh, could it be that part of the reason why you feel so violently hungry is because you’ve stretched your stomach out so much?”

Ganyu stared at Keqing. “...”

Keqing stared back. “...”



Ganyu leaned forward onto her elbows, lowering her head in shame. “I’m… I’m so stupid…”

Whoops. Keqing reached toward Ganyu slowly before awkwardly patting her on the head. “N-No you’re not, you just… uh… a very, very busy person thinking of more important things?”

“Thanks… I think…” Ganyu sniffled. Keqing patted her head for another minute (her hair was SO soft!) before Ganyu finally sat up again. She sighed regretfully. “I guess I’ll need to find another way to stop my hunger after today…”

After today? So that meant… “Y-Yeah, I can help you with that. After today.”

Ganyu nodded. “After today.”

Both ladies sat in tense silence for a moment. Then Ganyu cleared her throat. “The sooner I start, the sooner I’ll be done and we can get back to our date, so… I, uh, guess I’ll… get started…”

Keqing’s heart started to pick up its pace in anticipation. “D-Do I need to get anything? Is there a sink in the other room to get water from, or-”

The lavender-haired woman’s words cut off abruptly as her jaw clamped shut. Ganyu had spun her hand around in the air and created a few small balls of ice that were a bit smaller than a fist using her vision. Then, as Keqing watched, Ganyu took one of the balls of ice and gently put it into her mouth. Without hesitation, she swallowed, sending the ice ball down her throat in one go as a sizable lump. Keqing’s eyes were glued to that lump as it descended until, finally, her gaze locked onto Ganyu’s collarbone as the lump vanished past it.

“Wha…” Keqing breathed, but Ganyu had already moved on to the second ice ball, swallowing it just as quickly as the first. She could only watch as the slim woman put away the rest of the ice, summoned a fresh batch, and started to pack those away as well.

Keqing found her eyes being drawn farther down than just Ganyu’s clavicle as more and more lumps descended Ganyu’s throat. She noted that the white cloth covering her stomach seemed to be shifting around as time passed. It was difficult to tell with how it fit her, but the cloth seemed to be resting less and less loose on Ganyu’s middle…

After several minutes of nothing but the sound of Ganyu’s swallowing and Keqing’s heart beating in her own ears, Ganyu took a short break. She burped quietly into her hand and, with a nervous glance at Keqing, said, “W-Well… is this… cute…?”

Once again, Keqing’s mouth took the initiative before her brain could react. “Absolutely. You can even make swallowing ice look fantastic.”

Keqing took a minute to die inside while Ganyu blushed, a shy smile playing on her lips. “I’m glad you like it…”

Keqing felt a bead of sweat drip down her back. Her impulsive tongue was doing well for once. Maybe she could follow up on its success…? “Uh… D-Do you think I could… maybe… uh, only if you wanted, I mean… maybe…”

Ganyu giggled as Keqing stumbled over her words. “You’re a really honest person, aren’t you? I think that’s a great trait to have.”

What? Where did that come from? Keqing’s head felt like bursting as she gripped the sides of her head. “Wh-Wh-What? I- I mean, th-thank you, I th-think y-”

Keqing’s hands left the side of her head as Ganyu’s hands grabbed them. She guided Keqing’s trembling hands over to her stomach. Her hands met not the slim, toned belly that she expected, but a distended, lumpy surface. Keqing’s eyes widened as her Ganyu urged her hands to explore, moving them across the uneven surface of her belly.

“Wh-Wh-Wh-What are y-y-you d-d-d-”

“You can’t tell me that you didn’t want to touch,” Ganyu teased softly, “I could see where your eyes were looking. I didn’t have much else to look at while I was eating besides you, after all…”

Keqing tensed up. It was true. She had SO wanted to touch. “I- I can’t believe how big you’re already getting… and how lumpy…”

Ganyu giggled. “It takes some time for the ice to melt, especially after eating a lot of it. Is that… a bad thing…?”

Keqing swallowed hard. “No, definitely not. It’s just so… weird…”

After a warm smile, Ganyu whipped up another batch of frozen orbs and set about gulping them down. Keqing kept her hands on Ganyu’s belly of her own accord, rubbing it in wonder. She could actually feel the lumps shifting around as each new ice ball got forced inside. It was insane how she could feel it happening so clearly even through the loose cloth in the way…

Without thinking about it much, Keqing slipped her hands underneath the cloth to get a better feel. The skin-tight black leotard underneath hugged Ganyu’s distended belly perfectly, letting Keqing feel exactly how much each ice ball was pushing out her belly. She was so distracted by this that she didn’t even notice that Ganyu was undoing the knots holding the white cloth in the way until she pulled it away, revealing to Keqing’s eyes just how grossly full her belly had become.

The amazement and excitement Keqing was feeling must have been apparent on her face since Ganyu giggled again. “You really do think I’m cute like this, don’t you?” She thought for a moment, then asked, “Are you sad that my belly isn’t loud anymore?”

Keqing was far too distracted by the amazing feeling beneath her fingers to be embarrassed at the moment. “Yes, but this is just as good, if not better. It’s just… wow.”

“I never thought I’d be happy about being a big eater, but…” Ganyu slipped an ice ball into her mouth, then traced the lump it made as it descended into her stomach. She smiled invitingly. “Now I’m thankful that I can hold your attention like this.”

Ok, maybe Keqing could still feel a little embarrassed. She stared up at Ganyu as the cool woman helped herself to a few more balls of ice. She was already so big, yet she still needed more? Her belly was already more than surpassing her chest. If she kept going at this rate, the peak of her stomach would be closer to her knees than her back. Just how much had Ganyu stretched out her belly…?

The answer was made clear as Ganyu’s face started to become a mixture of satisfaction and tension. She panted softly in-between ice balls, rubbing the side of her belly with one hand. Finally, after one final, arduous swallow, she leaned back on her arms with a giant exhale. “Ooooh, FINALLY full… jeez, that’s three more than I needed last time… I truly am stretching myself out by doing this…”

“You definitely look full…” Keqing wondered aloud. She pinched at Ganyu’s side but could barely even grip the leotard, let alone any skin underneath. “You’re so tight and full. I can’t believe that someone can fit so much inside of their body…”

“It’s not just tight, it’s heavy, too,” Ganyu breathed. She shifted her weight, and as she did, Keqing swore that she could hear the ice balls inside her clacking. “My legs are going to fall asleep before I finish if I keep on doing this.” The glutted woman looked thoughtful for a moment, then glanced at Ganyu. “Do you… want to try lifting it? To feel how heavy it is?”


Ganyu laughed, then patted her belly in invitation. Keqing bit her lip as she gripped the sides of Ganyu’s taut belly. She gently pulled upward at it but was shocked by how much weight pulled at her hands. She used more and more strength until, finally, she managed to heft the condensed pack of ice up. “S-So much weight!” Keqing exclaimed. “Can you even walk with this much inside of you?”

“Not really,” Ganyu giggled. “That’s why we’ll need to wait until I digest some of this before we can continue our date.” The bloated woman sighed, suddenly looking a bit glum. “I hope it doesn’t take too long this time. I’d hate to waste our first date like this…”

“What?” Keqing said pointedly. “Even if we don’t do anything else today, this has certainly NOT been a-”

As Keqing spoke, she loosened her grip on Ganyu’s belly. The slick surface of her leotard caused her stomach to slip, letting it drop down again. The distance wasn’t great by any stretch, but it was enough for the distended mass of icy orbs to bounce against her plush thighs. The bouncing was accompanied by a clearly defined chorus of clacking as well.

“Oh, my,” Ganyu said as she put a hand on top of her stomach. “That certainly pulled on my skin. Please be more gentle-”

Keqing was overloading. The bounce, the clacking that was a PERFECT substitute for growling, the tightness, the- the- EEEEEEE!

A sudden glow around Keqing’s fingers, now tightly gripping Ganyu’s belly again, preceded a surge of electrical energy that coursed through Keqing’s body and out of her body in all directions. One of those directions was, of course, through Keqing’s hands - and into Ganyu’s tense belly.

“WH-WHAT-” Ganyu started, but it was already done. Her stomach rumbled loudly as it physically shifted and changed shape under Keqing’s touch. At first, it rounded out, all of the lumps flattening and smoothing until her belly was just one massive orb, but then it began to swell.

Keqing was frozen for a moment, just staring at the rapid changes happening to Ganyu’s perfect belly, but then she ripped her hands away in a panic. “I-I’M SO SORRY! I JUST- H-HOW DO I STOP IT? WHAT’S HAPPENING?”

But Ganyu did not answer. Instead, her face was turning bright red with her eyes screwed up and a hand clamped firmly over her mouth. She squirmed in place, groaning plaintively until, finally, she pulled her hand away from her mouth, a giant bulge rose up her throat, and-


The cacophonous belch that Ganyu let out was accompanied by a great amount of steam that flowed directly out of her mouth. It took several seconds for Ganyu to finally quiet down, now planting both hands over her mouth. Her eyes were teary and her face several shades past crimson as she glared at Keqing.

“I… I am so sorry…” Keqing started. She scooted back from Ganyu and put her head to the floor, fully bowing in apology. “I am so, SO, sorry! I don’t know what came over me!”

There was a tense silence for a moment. Then Keqing heard a great sigh. She dared to peek up at Ganyu. The woman still looked mortified, but she wasn’t staring daggers at Keqing anymore, so… that was good, right?

“I… can’t blame you for that, I guess…” Ganyu forced out. She hiccupped and Keqing swore she saw another wisp of steam drift through Ganyu’s fingers. The red-faced woman took her hands away from her mouth and grimaced. “And, as awful as that was, you did manage to salvage our date by doing it…”

“I did what?” Keqing asked. She followed Ganyu’s arm down to where her hand was resting on her stomach. A stomach that was very notable smaller - nearly flat, in fact. The purple-clad woman blinked in surprise. “Wh-What? How did that happen?”

The newly slim woman hiccupped again before responding, “You electricity must have reacted with my ice in some fashion. It seems different from the usual super-conduct reaction though. Maybe this is what happens in a… tight, confined space…”

Tight and confined was right- Keqing, please, no, bad idiot. This was a bad time for those thoughts. In any case, it seemed like Ganyu wasn’t mad at her, right?” S-So, then… everything’s fine?”

Ganyu took a second, then gave a small smile and nodded. “Yes, it’s fine. No harm done.”

Keqing bolted back upright, glee dancing in her eyes. “Oh, thank Morax! I was terrified that I’d screwed everything up!”

Ganyu chuckled, then reached out and took Keqing’s hands. “No worries there. While a bit scary, now that it’s passed, it actually felt somewhat nice. Besides…” Some of the flush that had finally left Ganyu’s face returned. “For as cute as you find me, you’re quite adorable yourself…”

Keqing’s heart skipped a beat. “A-Adorable? Really? Me?”

The horned woman giggled but didn’t respond. Then she grabbed the part of her outfit she’d taken off and stood up. “Now then, since my stomach’s issues have been resolved, let’s go finish the rest of our date, shall we?”

“O-Oh, yeah! We shall!” Keqing replied while bolting to her feet. She waited for Ganyu to fix her outfit, then accompanied her back outside. She nearly melted when Ganyu sought out her hand to hold once more. This was all a dream come true in the best ways!

As they walked through the harbor, joyfully discussing what they could do next while avoiding the area around Wanmin restaurant, Keqing couldn’t help but think back to Ganyu’s precious belly one last time. Even if Ganyu was going to stop doing that from now on, she hoped she’d get to see the lovely woman’s belly swollen like that more in the future…


Here it is - my favorite Genshin girl, as well as my favorite Genshin pairing, finally in tum form~. 

I actually took some inspiration from a certain other Genshin writer that led to this fic being a lot softer/cutesier than a bunch of my recent fics have been. I really, really like how it ended up coming out~.

I've also seen some comments around about how only Ganyu gets any tum love when it comes to this pairing. These complaints have been noted and considered for the future~

Also, I guess this is technically object vore? Kinda? I know object vore is kinda niche, so if this one didn't tickle your fancy, sorry about that!



Aww, this is just super fluffy and wholesome, and I adore it! It was also interesting to see Ganyu be the (slightly) more forward one in this—admitting that she thought their meetup was a date, declaring that it was a date, and softly teasing Keqing. While Keqing was just in a constant state of panic. It subverted my expectations while also not feeling out of character, which I liked! Object vore isn't really my thing, but this didn't quite feel like object vore to me since it was just balls of ice. I can why they count as an object, but it's also just water, so that kind of muddies the line a bit it seems lol. That was an interesting way to utilize Ganyu's cryo vision. Also, her belly bouncing with those clacking sounds from the ice orbs was precious! And that super-conduct reaction in her belly followed by that massive belch was nice too~ And inspiration from another Genshin writer you say? Oh~