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Ok, so, Mindy had a problem. A pretty big problem. Gigantic, really.

Mindy was an artist, first and foremost. That was her jam. Her deal. Her bread and butter. She made a living off of her art. Her tasty, tasty swollen lady art. She loved it. It was great.

Then she’d started being a swollen lady. That was great too. She’d drink a whole bunch, get all big and sloshy, then have some fun. She’d even tried eating a few times as well. She didn’t love it, but it’d still been fun.

Of course, she knew her fans would love her tum attempts as well, so she shared them. Her pics and vids were big hits. Huge, really. Just like her gut. Heh.

As she kept bloating and posting, her following got bigger. Eventually, she even made a totally separate account just to help keep her IRL misadventures separate from her art. And like that, things went well for a while.

In fact, they went so well that soon enough she started getting requests for custom videos and stuff from random internet weirdos. Requests with stuff that she wouldn’t do ever, even if she was interested in doing custom vids. Gross stuff. Freaky stuff.

Porn. people were asking Mindy to do porn. She wasn’t totally opposed to the idea of making an OnlyFans or something for tum stuff, but the things people were asking her to do was… really something else.

But Mindy was a stalwart shut-in who lived on the internet. Perverted internet randos couldn’t hurt her in a way that mattered. So she ignored them and moved on with her life.

Or, at least, she tried. But then she got a different request. A very, very special request.

Now Mindy was a hot-blooded young woman who’d had a tum kink for about as long as she’d had internet access. Over the years, she’d found a massive variety of kink creators to follow. Many of them left or disappeared, but there were always more. One of those incredible creators was a smoking lady that went by Puffed-Up Princess. She’d been around for about three years now and had been extremely active in the IRL tum scene, even going as far as to do collab videos with other tum ladies.

And that very same Puffed-Up Princess had slid into Mindy’s DMs last week. Not on Mindy’s art account. On her IRL account. PUP (Puffed-Up Princess) was asking about a collab. With Mindy. MINDY.

Needless to say, Mindy died on the spot.

Mindy is no fool. She knew better than to accept an internet rando’s invitation to meet up. So, naturally, she spent a whole two hours chatting with PUP before agreeing. Naturally.

PUP’s real name was Tara, and as it turned out, she lived in the same state as Mindy. She was just a few towns over. From what Tara said, she usually has to plan her collabs months ahead of time since one gal would need to fly over, but since the two of them lived so close together, they could skip all that.

Long story short, Tara was coming over. Today. Supposedly, they were going to spend the day getting to know each other better to see if they’d work well together, but Mindy had no idea how true that might be. For that matter, Mindy wasn’t entirely sure if she’d be able to keep herself in check…

What? Mindy was meeting one of her tum idols! For tum things! Mindy might not want a relationship (like, ever), but she sure as hell wasn’t ace. This little artist hadn't gotten lucky in years, so she was more than ready to ‘get to know’ a puffed-up Tara if she was willing~.

Oh, right, the problem. Mindy had extreme social anxiety. She was at her absolute worst meeting new people. Tara was, for all intents and purposes, a new person. Also, she was hella hot. That didn’t exactly help Mindy’s nerves. Oh, and Mindy didn’t want to show her face on camera, which would be an issue since Tara showed her face in every video.

Oh, look, the doorbell. Mindy had deliberately avoided ordering anything the last few days to avoid any interruptions, so it was definitely Tara. Mindy bolted upright from her seat and scuttled over to her door. She peeked through the peephole. Yup. That was Tara alright. Oh boy. Mindy frantically checked herself over one last time, making sure everything was still fine. Her shirt was on right, her shorts were buttoned, her panties matched her bra, and she had her mini-taser in her back pocket (just in case). Perfect. She took a deep breath in a fruitless attempt to calm her hammering heart, then opened the door.



Now that the door was open, Mindy was able to get a better look at Tara. And, she had to admit, the real deal was way better than what a screen had to offer. She looked super fine in her sporty cut-off and her short skirt, both of which left very little to the imagination. Her middle? Soft in all the right places. Those hips? They ain’t lying. That chest? The same size as Mindy, so she wasn’t going to get jealous. And she was even a dirty blonde, which was Mindy’s favorite hair color. Oh, and she was tall. In short: she was basically Mindy’s perfect type when it came to women.

Mindy swallowed hard. She loved her body, but she knew full well that she wasn’t conventionally hot. She was thin and had a nice ass, but her face was just ok and a woman being toned seemed to be hit or miss for most people. On top of that, she didn’t even know if Tara swung that way.

Well… she’d almost certainly know by the end of the day.

The short redhead took a step back and opened the door wider. “Uh, c-come on in.”

Tara walked in but stopped next to Mindy. The small woman felt her face getting hotter as Tara gave Mindy a long look-over. Finally, she grinned. “Well, damn, aren’t you a cutie? Your pictures really don’t do you justice!”

Mindy swore she could feel steam jetting out of her ears. “Oh, uh- wow, th-thanks?”

Mindy shut the door behind Tara and quickly showed her to her living room/workspace. “S-So, uh, this is where I- y’know, do all my stuff. A-And where we’ll be… doing stuff.”

“Oh wow, look at this!” Tara said after a quick sweep of the room. She got closer to Mindy’s computer set-up and squatted down to look into the glass side of Mindy’s PC tower. “You’ve got a really good rig here! It doesn’t look like it’s a brand-name one. Did you build it yourself?”

“O-Oh, no, I, uh, don’t really know anything about that stuff,” Mindy answered while clutching her arm nervously. “M-My dad is a tech geek, so he helped me.”

“Really? That’s super cool of him,” Tara replied. “I don’t know much myself, but I managed to piece together a cheap PC so that I could edit my videos without my software stuttering every other second. Made my life so much easier.”

Mindy chuckled nervously. “Y-Yeah, I can imagine. I don’t think I could draw like I do if my studio program froze all the time.”

“Right?” Tara straightened back up and smiled at Mindy. “You know, you’re a lot different in person than you are online.”


“To be honest… everything you sent me sounded so perfect and scripted that I was half-expecting you to be some neckbeard dickhead pretending to be a lady.”

Mindy chuckled again. “W-Well, I guess I can’t blame you for that, haha.” Mindy could NEVER tell her about how much time and thought she put into each of those messages. NEVER.

“But you really are just a cute little lady,” Tara continued, blessing Mindy with a warm grin. “And the way you’re so nervous? Double cute.”

Cute? Mindy’s mind-rending anxiety was… cute? Really?

Tara kept going, “Usually the people I collab with are super experienced or in-your-face. I’ve been wanting to collab with some quieter and fresher people, but they usually don’t respond, or when they do, they don’t want to chance meeting up at all.”

Mindy’s brow twitched. She couldn’t tell if she should be happy that the others hadn’t accepted so she got this chance or if she should feel like an idiot for accepting so easily when everyone else was smart enough to not meet an internet rando.

For her own sanity, Mindy went with the first. “W-Well, I guess I just, uh… heh…”

Tara gave her another grin, then clapped her hands together. “Ok, so- what do you want to do today? Got any ideas for what we can do to get a little closer?”

Oh, Mindy certainly had some ideas. Not that she’d ever say those ideas, though. “Uh… I th-thought that I’d just follow your lead… uh, since you’re more experienced and all.”

“Sure, that works,” Tara replied. She put a hand to her chin, apparently thinking. As she did, she gave Mindy another good once-over. The redhead looked away abashedly. She felt so self-conscious showing off her legs in her booty shorts, but also… her ass was her one good asset, so…

“Ok, quick: heads or tails?”


“Heads or tails!”

Mindy’s mind span. “Oh, uh- uh- tails!”

Tara stared at Mindy for a moment. Then a sly grin crossed her face. “Ok then, that works~.”

What? What works? What had tails even meant? Mindy was so confused.

“So, from my experience, two things are important for a good collab,” Tara started while crossing the room. She glanced out of the living room for a moment, then left. Confused, Mindy followed. Tara was going into the kitchen. The taller woman continued, “A collab needs good chemistry and good results. Personality is huge for this, of course, but if my collab partner can’t produce good results, then it’s not a collab. It’s just me showing off how much better I am than the other person.”

Right, yeah. That made sense. Mindy had watched multi-person inflations before where one gal was obviously better and the others just made her look even bigger. Those were still fun to watch, but not as good as when everyone can go big.

“So…” Tara spun on her heels next to Mindy’s counter and leaned against it, smirking. “I think we should spend the night together and have some fun~.”


Tara cocked her head to the side, a flicker of doubt on her face. “Sorry, are you not interested in ladies? From the way you’ve been acting, I was pretty sure…”

“Wh- No, no that’s not it at all!” Mindy stammered while frantically waving her arms in front of her. Her head was pounding and her body felt hot. Was this really happening right now!? “No, I-I’m definitely interested! I-It’s just that- th-this is so sudden, and you’re so pretty, and I didn’t even know if you were, and-”

A bark of laughter interrupted Mindy’s crazed ramblings. Tara stepped forward and ruffled Mindy’s hair. God, she smelled good. Was that creepy? That was probably creepy. “Hey, don’t overthink it too much,” Tara said. “Of course, if you want to go more slowly, then that’s totally cool too. But as far as I’m concerned, we’re two attractive ladies who share a kink and are interested in each other. I’m down to pay around for a while, see how well we mesh, and then see where things go from there.”

Holy shit holy shit holy SHIT, this really WAS happening. “Y-Yeah, that s-sounds a-amazing! Like, really amazing!”

“It does, doesn’t it?” Tara laughed. Then her grin faded a bit. “Oh, but ground rules.”

Mindy tensed up. “Right!”

“First: This is a casual thing. I’m not interested in being in a relationship- period.”

Could Tara even GET any more perfect? “Totally agreed.”

“Second: Don’t hurt yourself trying to impress me. I love a smaller belly just as much as a bigger one, but there’ll be no fun times if you injure yourself.”


“Third: In case we need one, the safe word is ‘red oak tree’. Say it when you can’t fit anymore or just need a break.”

“Ok- wait, red oak tree? Wh-Why that?”

“Could you ever see yourself saying that by accident in the middle of something great?”

Mindy thought for a moment. “I… I can’t see myself saying that ever.”



Tara glanced around the kitchen. “So… how do you want to do this? I’m more into inflation myself, but your profile is basically only bloats, so I’m assuming that’s your kink?”

“Uh, yeah, b-basically,” Mindy replied. “Oh, but I h-have an air pump from when I tried inflation before. You could use that if you want…”

“Hmmm…” Tara mused, “IIIIIII’ll… pass on that.” She licked her lips and patted her stomach. “I’ve actually been in the mood for a good bloat recently. Plus it’ll be a lot more interesting if we’re both doing the same thing our first time, right?”

Mindy could not understate how much she loved the words ‘first time’. “Y-Yeah, totally. So, uh-” Mindy started to scuttle around her kitchen, sifting through all of her cabinets and her fridge. “Wh-What do you like? I’ve got sports drinks and juice, or I could make coffee or tea, or… uh, I’ve got water… uh… or we could order something…?”

Mindy froze and squeaked as she felt a hand squeeze her ass. Tara giggled as she leaned on Mindy’s shoulder. “Sorry, just couldn’t resist. Your shorts are just too perfect~”

God bless booty shorts. God fucking bless.

“Do you mind making some tea? Maybe two or three liters of it?” Tara asked, “The caffeine is too much after that much, but it really is the easiest for me to get down.”

“Oh, i-if caffeine is an issue, then I have decaf tea,” Mindy stated.

“Really?” Tara said happily. “No one ever has decaf! That’d be perfect, thank you! In that case… could you make about a gallon?”

“A gallon? I-I can make more if you want. I keep decaf specifically for bloating, s-so I’ve got plenty of it.”

“Well… I can drink something else after that,” Tara responded with a bit of uncertainty. Mindy wasn’t sure what to make of that, but… whatever.

Mindy loathed leaving the pressure of Tara’s weight on her shoulder, but she had a job to do now. She bustled around the kitchen, starting the prep-work for the tea. Mass-brewing tea like this wouldn’t give the best flavor, but… flavor wasn’t exactly a pressing concern right now. She glanced over her shoulder at Tara and asked, “Black, green, or white tea?”

“Green, please,” Tara replied. She’d taken to looking around the kitchen just as she had the living room. She opened up the fridge and scanned the contents. “Wow, you actually have food in here. I’m surprised.”

“Wh-Why would that be surprising?” Mindy questioned while she started the stove underneath a giant pot of water. Luckily, Mindy had an induction stove and she was making green tea, so it wouldn’t take long for the water to get to the right heat.

“Most bachelors and bachelorettes I visit are living the take-out life - myself included, admittedly,” Tara replied. She closed the fridge and looked in the freezer. “You’ve got so much food, and it’s all healthy too… and come to think of it, your treadmill in the living room looked well-used, and your thighs look super toned…”

Mindy gulped. She would never have pictured Tara as an ass and leg person, but here she was. She had never been so thankful for being a health nut, nor for having all of her sexiness be in her lower half. “W-Well, I just happen to like exercising, and the door-dash people give me less judgemental looks when I order healthy foods, so…”

“Hmm? Is that why?” Tara noted in a strangely interested tone. She poked her head into Mindy’s cupboard. “Wow, that’s a lot of Powerade! Was there a sale or something?”

“Oh, y-yeah, there was,” Mindy said absentmindedly while she impatiently waited for the water to steam. “I got three or four bloat’s worth of drinks for the price of one. It was a totally great deal.”

“Three or… four…?” Tara repeated with a weird note in her tone. She shut the pantry and gave Mindy yet another once-over. How was it that Mindy still felt self-conscious every time Tara did that?

“S-Sorry, but… i-is there a problem?” Mindy asked.

“What? Oh, no, it’s nothing like that,” Tara quickly assured her. “I’m just in my own head a bit, that’s all.”

“Uh… o-ok.” Mindy didn’t exactly like the sound of that. What was that about? Was Tara already getting disappointed? Were Mindy’s abilities too low? Tara never really posted bloats, so Mindy wasn’t sure what her capacity was, but she could get massive with inflations, so she could probably drink a ton as well…

After what felt like an eternity, the water finally began to let off thin trails of white steam. Mindy quickly set about turning the plain water into tea. Tara had stopped exploring the kitchen and had settled onto Mindy’s counter, twiddling her thumbs and apparently lost in thought. But as Mindy started to move around, Tara looked up. “Should I help with anything? Or can I, actually?”

“Hm?” Mindy glanced at Tara. “O-Oh, uh, I mean, making tea isn’t really a two-person job…” Tara looked a bit crestfallen, which, naturally, made Mind’y anxiety peak. “O-OH, but, uh-” Mindy quickly stammered, looking around the kitchen. “But you can, uh- oh! C-Could you get out some Powerades from where you saw them earlier?”

Tara immediately brightened up and she slid off the counter. “Sure. How many should I get?”

“Uh…” Mindy thought for a moment. “I should take it easy since w-we’re just testing things, so… ten bottles should be fine, I think.”

Tara bit her lip before going to the pantry. “Ten bottles… right…” she murmured curiously.

What was that about? Why did she say it like that? Mindy just couldn’t shake her anxiety. She was totally just being paranoid about this like usual. See, this is why she didn’t talk to people. She was going to be so mentally exhausted tomorrow.

It wasn’t long before the pot of tea was done. Mindy had taken extra care with it, so hopefully it was alright… “O-Ok, it just needs to cool down and it’s done. I have a couple of pitchers to put it in, o-or we could… uh, do this in here, and you can just get it straight from the pot…”

“In here works,” Tara decided. She had slid back onto the counter next to the ten bottles Mindy had asked for. She picked one of them up and inspected it. “These things have a ton of sugar, right? Are you gonna be alright after… all this?”

“Oh yeah, I-I’ll be fine,” Mindy quickly reassured her. “I-I can’t do it on command, b-but I’ve gone up to eight liters with this stuff before and I was just f-fine.”

“EIGHT-” Tara started, but she quickly covered her mouth with a hand and coughed while avoiding looking at Mindy. “Uh, sorry got something caught n my throat there. Yeah, uh, I guess you’d be totally ok then.”

“Uh… r-right…” Mindy said slowly. She couldn’t help but notice that Tara had started sneaking more than a few peeks at her for a bit now when she thought Mindy wasn’t paying attention. But Mindy was always at attention. Social paranoia will do that, y’know. So she knew. She just didn’t know why.

Finally, the tea cooled down enough that Mindy could easily sip it from her testing spoon without it scalding her. She looked over to Tara, who hastily whipped her head away from Mindy. “Ok, i-it’s ready. Uh, to my tastes, anyway. I-If you need to hotter or cooler, then-”

As Mindy spoke, Tara had gotten up and walked over. She leaned in close enough to Mindy that she could feel Tara’s body heat as she grabbed the testing spoon and helped herself to a taste. Her eyes brightened as she pulled the spoon from her mouth. “Holy cow, what the hell? This is way better than the usual stuff I make!”

“R-Really? I’m glad,” Mindy stammered while tightly holding her hands together.

“What’s your secret?”

“Less heat and a good brand?”

“Less heat? Really? Oh yeah, I guess you didn’t boil it, huh?”

Tara was still so close! Mindy gulped loudly and said, “The, uh, m-mugs are in the cabinet to the right of the s-sink.”

Tara blinked. “Oh yeah, thanks.”

Mindy breathes a sigh of relief as Tara walked over to grab a mug. Mindy couldn’t take much more of this. Her heart was already tired. How the heck has she managed to sleep with people before?

… Oh yeah, weed. A lot of weed, it wasn’t in her own house, and they hadn’t been f’ing stunning. That was how. It was a shame Mindy didn’t smoke anymore.

Tara came back to the pot with her mug and Mindy handed her a ladle. “Thankies~,” Tara said cutely, then she carefully filled her mug. Mindy shuffled over to her huddle of sports drinks and grabbed one. She cracked it open but hesitated. God, she really hoped her body was in the mood to cooperate today… she’d never been this nervous when she did one of her bloats either…

“Should we get started then?”

Tara’s question made Mindy jump. She looked up at Tara, who had an eyebrow raised, and rapidly nodded her head. “Y-Yeah, uh, totally!” Mindy looked back down to her drink, took a deep, apprehensive breath, and started to chug.

The cool, refreshing taste of blue drowned out Mindy’s anxiety for a moment as she rapidly drained the entire bottle in under thirty seconds. She set the bottle aside and covered her mouth as she let out a small burp. She really hoped she didn’t get too burpy today like she sometimes did. Tara almost definitely wasn’t into that since her content never features them…

Mindy glanced over at Tara as she cracked open her second bottle. The blonde was drinking her tea at a slow but measured pace, draining the mug at a  sustainable pace. The redhead bit her lip as she shakily raised her second bottle to her mouth. She knew that she should be drinking like that so that she could give her stomach the time it needed to adapt, but… but…

GAH! Mindy couldn’t stop herself from gulping down her second bottle at an unhealthy pace as well. The act of drinking just distracted her from thinking about the fact that this was ACTUALLY HAPPENING! And now her belly was starting to feel tight and sloshy. She giggled under her breath, her face gradually heating up. This was crazy. Her nerves were starting to turn into giddiness. She was enjoying this. It was fun! It felt good! Right?

Mindy broke into her third bottle with just as much gusto as the first two, draining it just as quickly as the first two. She burped a bit louder, then went to open up her fourth when Tara’s voice interrupted her, “Woah, you’re… really putting those away there, huh?”

“Huh?” Mindy started. She looked over at Tara and realized that she was just now refilling her mug for the first time. Embarrassment started to flood over Mindy’s giddiness as she responded, “O-Oh, uh, s-sorry. I got a bit excited…”

“What are you apologizing for?” Tara asked. She sidled up next to Mindy with her mug and put a hand on Mindy’s belly, which had bulged out a good amount. “So long as you don’t make yourself sick, you should go at whatever pace works for you.”

“Oh… y-yeah… r-right…” Mindy said, but her mind was distracted. Her belly wasn’t even that big yet, and there was even a shirt still in the way, but Tara’s hand felt so good pressing into her belly like that!

“So, what is this… sixty ounces, right?” Tara noted as she softly caressed Mindy’s belly. “That’s pretty heavy already. How much is that in liters?”

“A…” Mindy shook the fog from her brain just enough to answer. “A b-bit under two liters. S-So not too much.”

“Not too much… right…” Tara said thoughtfully as she sipped her tea. She grinned at Mindy. “Well, I guess I should hurry up then, shouldn’t I?”

“O-Only if you want to…” Mindy said even though she desperately wanted to see Tara’s stomach balloon out from her slim frame. And she was wearing a cut-off too, so Mindy would be able to see everything. It was too perfect!

Once again awash with excitement, Mindy put her fourth drink to her lips and guzzled the whole thing. She panted a bit after setting it down but gave herself little time to rest as she moved to her fifth. Her stomach was rumbling in protest, but she didn’t care. She could deal with her finicky belly later. All that mattered now was impressing Tara with a big, beautiful, swollen belly and having her rub and caress it all over… and then… and then… eheheh…

Mindy carelessly tossed her fifth bottle aside after draining the whole thing. She sighed happily as she rubbed the side of her own belly, which had pushed out a solid bit more after another liter-plus was added. She was roughly at a gallon now, which was normally the point where she started to feel a bit sick, but right now- right now she still felt a need to fill herself up to the absolute brim. This was FANTASTIC!

Tara, meanwhile, had just finished her second mug.

Mindy glanced concernedly at the now-empty mug, then at Tara. “S-Sorry, is the tea not actually good? D-DO you want something else?”

Tara didn’t respond. Instead, she just looked down at the bump that was now protruding from Mindy’s middle. She looked back up at Mindy. “Uh… Mindy, sweetie…”

Sweetie? Cute! “Y-Yeah?”

“You… you do know that most bloaters cap out at around three-ish liters, right? And that they don’t just chug all the way there?”

Mindy blinked. “Wh-What…?”

“Sorry, that was kinda rude of me,” Tara reneged while waving her hand. She smiled at Mindy. “What I’m trying to say is… you’re super impressive. I thought you were just exaggerating on all of your posts, but you really can put it away despite being so tiny, can’t you?”

Mindy.exe has shut down. Rebooting… “I’m… i-impressive? But… I-I haven’t even been doing this for that long, I…”

“So what?” Tara interrupted. She left Mindy’s side to go refill her mug. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” She shot Mindy a sultry look. “Lord knows I wouldn’t mind you showing off a little, even if I can’t match you.”

This… This was…

Mindy giggled. Oh man, this wasn’t good. This was too much for her. She could feel the rational part of her brain shutting down from overworking. She was entering that special stage of anxiety she called the ‘regret phase’, where she no longer had the energy to care about anything at all so she would do awful things she would regret later. This usually meant she’d turn into a massive bitch, but she was in a really good mood right now, so that meant…


Tara let out a soft gasp as Mindy slid up behind her and wrapped her arms around her. Tara was so soft, but she had the smallest traces of resistance in her belly thanks to the two tall mugs of tea she’d drunk. Mindy grinned as she pressed tight against Tara, feeling her bloated gut getting smushed against her. “Hey…”

To her credit, Tara recovered from her surprise well. She sipped on her tea calmly, then said, “Yeah?”

“Want me to help ‘ya go a bit faster?”

Tara didn’t say anything for a moment. Then she turned around iN Mindy’s arms, showing off the inviting smirk on her face. “Well, haven't you gotten forward all of a sudden?”

Mindy’s face was just about tit level with Tara, which meant she now had a faceful of softness. Awesome~. Her grin widened as she looked up at Tara’s face and responded, “I’m finally warmed up, so now I wanna warm you up too…”

“Well, I can’t say no to that, can I?” Tara giggled. “I guess I can speed up a little if I have someone to give me some belly rubs…”

Mindy was all too willing to comply. AS Tara raised the mug higher and gulped down her tea, Mindy took a step back to be able to see and rub Tara’s bare belly. Tara still didn’t drink as quickly as Mindy, but she was quickly putting away those mugs. Before long, her slim belly was sporting a lovely little lump that Mindy gladly massaged and pampered.

A little over halfway through the pot, though, Tara took a break. She panted and let out a lot of soft burps while bracing herself on the counter. “Ooooh, holy crap… I feel so tight and full… how do you make this look so easy…?”

Huh? Already? Eh, it was still a pretty belly. Mindy nuzzled against Tara’s potbelly and replied, “I dunno. The same way you can inflate so big in your content, I guess?”

“Yeah, that’s… *urp* fair, I guess…” Tara said. She took another heavy drag from her mug, then sighed. “I don’t bloat very often, but I can usually make it to a gallon… today just *uuurp* seems like a bad day, I guess.”

“Oh, that happens to me all the time,” Mindy commented as she stood up straight. She pressed up against Tara again, though now her upper belly had a solid bulge to press into with Tara’s belly being much bigger. “Sometimes I can only do a gallon and it’s so disappointing.”

Tara chuckled as she rubbed the side of her belly. “Only a gallon, huh… say, how much are you at right now?”

“Uh… I drank five, so… about a gallon, actually. Weird timing.”

“So… is this a bad day? Or a good day?”

“Oh, a good day, for sure. I feel great right now!”

Tara’s eyes glittered with interest as she leaned down and whispered in Mindy’s ear, “Then… why don't you show me how good a day it is?”

Mindy gulped hard. Oh boy. Maybe she wouldn’t have any regrets this time after all.

She regretfully relinquished her hold on Tara’s precious belly to go grab her sixth drink. Actually… she just slid all of the remaining drinks down the counter as well. There was no point in being so far apart anyway. She tore off the lid of her drink and eagerly set about emptying it into her swollen belly.

While Mindy didn’t feel sick at all, she did still feel full and tight. And as she drank this newest bottle of blue-flavored liquid, she could feel her belly getting even tighter and tighter. She moaned softly under her breath as she felt her taut skin stretching even further across her overtaxed gut. She would never get tired of this feeling of fullness, this tightness- it was addicting.

The sixth bottle disappeared down her gullet, and then the seventh. Mindy belched unabashedly as she greedily pried open the last bottle. She was far past caring, after all. She’d been asked to impress, so she would do her best~.

As she brought the bottle to her lips, she felt her shirt getting tugged upward. It had already been getting tight around her massive belly, but it wasn’t so small as to slide up yet. No, it was Tara that had pulled it up, and now her warm hands were running across the smooth surface of Mindy’s bare belly, exploring the vast surface that had sprung into existence within the last twenty minutes.

Tara’s curiosity only made Mindy even thirstier as she rapidly gulped down her eighth bottle. The liquid just couldn’t get down her throat fast enough. Bigger, bigger! Tighter, fuller! She needed more! She wanted to feel heavier, to be heavier!

The bottle emptied far too soon. Mindy tossed it aside, then reclined on the counter while belching. She rubbed her flank contentedly, loving how much her insides were rejecting the pressure of her touch. Then she felt something slick and wet around her navel. Mindy cried out softly as she looked down. Tara had knelt down and was licking the area around Mindy’s belly button, which had grown more sensitive as it’d been pushed farther and farther from out. “Wh-What are you-”

Mindy cried out again as the buttons to her shorts suddenly came undone from Tara’s hands. She hadn’t even realized how tight her shorts had gotten around her lower belly, but the sudden release felt positively orgasmic. She panted heavily as Tara carefully massaged her lower belly, soothing the area that was now rejoicing in its newfound freedom.

Eventually, after seeing to it that Mindy's legs had started to wobble, Tara stood up. She held Mindy’s chin and turned her face upward to look at her. A hungry smile was on her face as she said, “Well then… should we take this somewhere more comfortable?”

Mindy could almost feel herself drooling. She couldn’t wait. But also… “But… I’m not done yet…”

Tara’s brow twitched. “...Huh?”

“I’m… *UUUURP*... not full yet…”

Tara looked between Mindy’s hungry eyes and her glutted gut, then said, “Really? But… you look ready to pop!”

“But I don’t feel like… I’m gonna pop… yet…” Mindy panted. She glanced to her side, then grinned. “Hey… are you… gonna finish that…?”

Tara followed Mindy’s gaze. Her eyes widened. “What? No, you can’t. You can’t! There’s still half a gallon of tea in there! And you’re… uh… damnit, why am I so bad at math!?”

“I’m only at… five liters…”

“You really have a twisted sense of proportions.”

Mindy stuck out her tongue at Tara. “The only thing I have… is a big, fat gut that needs filling.”

Tara just stared at Mindy for a moment. Then her concern melted into a wide grin. “If you say so. Want some help?”

“Please do.”

Tara’s hands finally left Mindy’s belly to lift the pot. She carefully brought it over to Mindy, then raised it to the bloated woman’s lips. “Ready?”

Mindy gave a thumbs-up. Tara raised the bottom of the pot slowly, making the tea inch closer to Mindy’s mouth. She opened her maw, ready to chug down every last drop of the warm tea.

The fragrant liquid finally reached Mindy’s mouth and began pouring down her throat. Despite the painful wails of her belly, Mindy willfully chugged to keep up with the ever-rising level of the tea. Small trickles of tea flowed past her lips and dripped down onto the slope of her belly, urging her to chug even faster.

Her skin was so tight! And now that she was chugging like this, it was getting tighter at an exponential rate. The release of her shorts had given her some extra room, but that room vanished in just an instant. It was so much! SO MUCH! She was getting huge! Massive!

Her toes curled against her tile floor and her hands desperately clutched at the edge of her counter in a vain attempt to keep ahold of her senses. She felt incredible! Her ab muscles were starting to spasm from being pushed too far! The pains and the cramps were finally kicking in! Her body was revolting, yet she just kept drinking and drinking!

Her lungs felt pressured and so did her bladder. Then the rate of her stomach’s growing tensions seemed to multiply. She was growing even faster! Her body had run out of room inside for her belly to grow into, so it could only push out now! Out and out, bigger and bigger!

The tea was almost gone, but so was Mindy’s sense of reason. Ripples of pain and tension crossed over her belly, her skin feeling tight enough to split at any moment. And yet she kept going, pushing herself even further.

It was too much! Mindy couldn’t take it! She was going to explode! She was too tight, too full, too heavy! She was going to…

The last drop of tea slid down Mindy’s throat. She groaned loudly as Tara set the pot down, then felt her face scrunch up. Something was coming back up! She felt her throat tighten up, then-


Another load moan followed after that loud belch, which in turn was followed by several more solid burps as all the air Mindy swallowed with the tea sought to escape. God, her belly felt so heavy on her body and her legs…


Mindy cried out as two hands began to rub the sides of her tense gut excitedly, pressing down into the over-taut orb. Mindy looked down at herself. She was so massive… not as big as her biggest, but definitely the biggest she’d ever gotten in just half an hour. Her belly had even begun to spread out to the sides, becoming a true distended orb hanging from her small frame. And Tara looked like she wanted to feel up every single bit of it based on how quickly her hands were moving across her smooth skin.

“Holy fuck, that was… so hot…” Tara breathed. She looked up at Mindy’s eyes. “For real, that was… I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone your size drink that much that quickly before… like… FUCK…”

Mindy wanted to respond, but she couldn’t manage to put together a coherent sentence in her head. All she could think about was how amazing tara’s hands felt on her gut, how noisy and sloshy her belly was, and how much she just wanted to set all this weight right onto Tara’s face…

The eager redhead licked her lips as she grabbed one of Tara’s hands. Her eyes glittered with hunger as she guided her hand lower and lower on the slope of Mindy’s belly until finally pushing her fingers underneath the lip of her panties.

Finally, Mindy’s brain managed to form a coherent sentence, though technically it wasn’t hers. “Sh-Should we… take this so- *Uuurp* somewhere more… comfortable…?”



HOW COULD SHE ACT SO BOLDLY!? Seriously! The hugging? ‘Can I help you go faster’?   AND the hand guiding, and the… the… GAH! DAMNIT! FUCK!

She thrashed around on her bed in severe mental anguish. It had already been several days since her (admittedly heavenly) night with Tara, but she still couldn’t settle down. She couldn’t even bring herself to apologize to Tara for acting like that, let alone talk to her at all!

A ding came from Mindy’s phone. She dreaded that noise now. After all, it might be Tara. But it never was. So she should just check it…

It was Tara.

Heyyyy girl. Saturday was SO good.Sorry about not mssging sooner. Ive been testing and I think I can match you with inflation. Cant wait to collab soon. Also cant wait for after our collab ;p What days work for you?

…Ok, maybe Mindy didn’t feel so much regret anymore. Still some - but not as much. Now she was just embarrassed. And a bit horny. Let’s see… she needed to get that commission done today, and her weekly post tomorrow, but after that…


For the record, I had about half of this fic done on time, and this fic is about twice as long as my usual fics, so I technically got two fics done in just a bit of extra time. That should count for something, riiiiiight?

My lateness on this fic shouldn't affect the Black Lagoon fic's posting, which will be on the 30th. See y'all in a few days for that!



Oh my, Mindy was just the epitome of gay panic here and I'm all for it! She was just adorable getting flustered over Tara teasing her, along with getting so giddy in the middle of her bloating. The chemistry between these two is simply awesome! This was definitely worth the wait for that extra belly time~ And it made me happy to see the term "ace" show up in this fic! It's nice to have that bit of asexuality visibility.


Right? I love giving the ace spectrum visibility whenever it fits. Ace and aro peeps never show up in, like, any media, so it's only right that I do my part as an ace peep to make my people visible, lol.


I know! There is barely any media that has ace and aro people in it. It took me so long to realize I was aro ace because of that. And you're ace too? That's awesome!