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“...And I’m telling you, he’s the best. Always remembers our anniversary, always knows what kind of gifts I want without asking me, listens when I’m feeling bitchy, and knows all my spots~.  Seriously, I definitely picked the right brother. Sorry, Peachy.”

Princess Peach sighed despondently as she ran a finger along the rim of her teacup. “I might have argued about that a few years ago, but… recently, Mario seems to care more about one-upping that stupid turtle than he does about me. He saved me on the moon, which was so great. Totally scenic. But then Bowser starts shoving flowers in my face- and Mario does the same! Honestly, he’s pathetic!” Peach glanced over at the third princess in the room. “What about you, Rosie? Is anything new in your love life? Just about anything would be better than mine at this point.”

The celestial princess sipped her tea peacefully before responding, “Not at all. I’m not really interested in that kind of thing.”

“Really?” Daisy questioned with an eyebrow raised. “Girl, I know you spend all your time babysitting stars, but there’s gotta be someone you have your eye on.”

“No, there really doesn’t,” Rosalina replied plainly. “There is no shame in being single, nor am I any less for not wanting to be linked to someone.”

Daisy shook her head. “That’s not what I’m saying, Rosie. You don’t need to be in a whole thing like Luigi and I, or… whatever those two have,” She said while waving her hand at Peach. She continued, “But you’ve got needs, right? Isn’t there someone you think has a stellar body who you’d want to meet those needs every once in a while?”

“Well, when you put it that way…” Rosalina hummed, closing her eyes.

“Yeah?” Daisy asked excitedly, leaning forward in her seat.

“...No, there’s not.”

“You damn tease!” Daisy exclaimed while falling back in her seat.

Peach let out another sigh. These weekly tea-times with the other princesses were fun, but she was too down at the moment to fully enjoy Daisy’s spunk or Rosalina’s dry wit. She was due to be kidnapped again by that giant turtle prick any day now and she was not looking forward to another shift inside of one of Bowser’s tacky towers or castles.

Oh, actually, speaking of spending time in Bowser’s lair… “Hey, you know, there was something different that happened last time I was kidnapped.”

“Did Bowser try that thing with the Mariachi band again?” Rosalina quipped while she popped a starbit into her mouth.

“No, thank the heavens,” Peach groaned. “No, actually, I had a bit of fun this time.”

“Oh?” Daisy’s ears perked up at this. She turned her attention from Rosalina to Peach, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. “Do tell, miss priss and proper!”

Peach sat up in her seat and helped herself to a sip of tea first. Then she grinned. “As it turns out, Bowser has quite the obscure magical treasure. A fruit platter that never runs out of fruit.”

“That doesn’t sound very fun,” Rosalina said.

“It does when you think about how I discovered it was endless.”

Rosalina blinked. “...Hm. I suppose it does.”

Daisy laughed and reached for a scone. “Damn, Peachy! Sorry for calling you prissy just a second ago. So? How big did you get?”

“Big enough that I had to set aside some funds to repair one of my dresses. The tailor was very confused how such a large tear appeared just around the stomach area.”

“Oh, what? That’s it?” Daisy crooned, smirking with scone crumbs around her mouth. “I get that big just from a mid-morning snack~.”

“Of course,” Peach continued, a sly smile playing on her lips, “I made sure to dress appropriately for my second, third, and fourth attempts to empty the fruit platter. Not being constricted really helps the process.”

“Ha!” Daisy barked. “Good for you, Peach! Our good habits are finally rubbing off on you, huh?”

“Yes, well… I’m just glad Waluigi hosted that Tennis tournament right after I was rescued. I was having a hard time fitting into my dresses before the extra exercise.”

“That’s why I prefer starbits,” Rosalina stated simply while refilling her tea. “Exceptionally dense and filling, yet with very little nutritional value.”

Daisy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but they taste like pure sugar! Where’s the variety? The flare? The cake?”

Rosalina eyed Daisy’s orange dress, which seemed to be straining a bit. “I suppose that would be why you have the most cake of us three.”

Daisy huffed and pushed up her chest with her hands, which had certainly grown a size or two since she’d taken up her tasty hobby. “You’re damn right I got the most cake. And I do more sports than either of you, so you know that I’m all muscle and stamina under these fine, fine curves!”

Peach nodded. It was true. Daisy was a gorilla in a cute orange dress.

“Fair enough,” Rosalina shrugged. She popped another starbit into her mouth, rolled it around on her tongue for a moment, swallowed, and said, “You know, something occurs to me…”

“What is it?” Peach asked, politely chewing on a sugar cookie.

“We’ve never purposely set out to indulge ourselves in the company of one another. It simply seems to happen naturally as we chat.”

Peach stared thoughtfully at the small pile of cookies on her plate as she polished off her tea. “I… suppose you’re right.”

“Huh. Weird.” Daisy looked around at the table, which was littered with an unreasonable amount of treats and sweets. “Actually, why do we always have so much food at these things if we’re just gossiping, anyway?”

“You kept complaining about being hungry at one of our earliest teatimes,” Peach reminded her. “Then I grew frustrated and had food continuously brought in until you were too full to complain anymore. Rosalina did the same when we met at her place the next time and you had large portions at your palace from the very start. I suppose it just became part of the routine after that.”

“Oh yeah,” Daisy said. She munched on a brownie, then grinned up at the other two princesses. “Wanna stuff ourselves silly? Deliberately this time?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Rosalina replied, a small smile on her face.

“Sounds like a night, then,” Peach agreed. She rang a small bell that was on a small side table next to her. Immediately, a blue toad waddled in. “Toad, please prepare three more rounds of our usual tea fare and bring them in as they’re ready.”

“YeS, PrInCeSs!” The toad said happily in his scratchy voice before turning and leaving. Toads weren’t the most reliable of subjects, but if there was one thing they were good at, it was being loyal. They’d never once tried to overthrow or replace her despite how often she was kidnapped or the kingdom was overrun with Bowser’s legion, after all. They wouldn’t make a fuss at all over their princess overindulging herself.

With that taken care of, Peach turned her attention back to the food that was already present. “Shall we, then?”

“We shall!” Daisy cackled. She chomped into another brownie, immediately abandoning the loose set of manners that she managed to keep to most of the time.

Rosalina smiled as she swallowed a starbit before carefully putting another onto her tongue. Starbits were surprisingly big, each one being a bit smaller than the size of a clenched fist, yet Rosalina somehow managed to make the process of eating them whole seem almost graceful. Almost.

Peach, not wanting to fall behind the other two as she always had before, allowed herself to abandon some etiquette as she worked through her plateful of cookies. She wasn’t sure how much a week’s worth of stuffing and bloating practice would help her compare to these two gluttons, but she could at least try her best. Though, even if she couldn’t end up keeping up, it would still be fun to see them gorging themselves. Peach had often found herself thinking of these teatimes while spending time with Mario. He had never been very good at keeping her focus, truthfully, but her mind had started drifting even more often after silencing Daisy’s hungry complaints that first time.

The conversation that usually filled the void between sips of tea and bites of cake was completely absent. This was no real surprise since each princess rarely had such a void, their mouths being constantly occupied by yet more food or drink.

Daisy ate recklessly, easily putting away the most food between the three. Her hands and mouth quickly grew messy, but if this bothered her, she didn’t let it show. Instead, she would shamelessly burp into the crook of her elbow before shoving more sweets into her mouth.

Rosalina took her time, savoring each starbit before swallowing them. Despite this, she was still quickly creating a large bump beneath her flowing dress. She was swallowing each starbit whole, after all, and each was quite sizable. All those celestial treats were likely sitting heavily in her stomach, yet Peach knew she could fit quite a few more in there. The pink princess wasn’t sure how Rosie managed to swallow the pointy rocks like that, nor how she bore all that weight so easily, but she enjoyed the end result every time regardless.

Peach’s dress was beginning to feel tight against her stomach as she gulped down what must have been her twentieth cookie. She moved on to a cake, pulling it closer to herself before taking a fork directly to the fruity confection. She couldn’t abandon herself completely as Daisy had, but Peach could set aside some of her manners for the sake of filling up the emptiness she had cultivated inside of herself. Plus, the cake really did taste fantastic; time spent on cutting it into slices would be time she could have been eating said cake instead.

The food that cluttered the table quickly disappeared down Peach and Daisy’s throats with Rosalina filling herself from her own stash. To be honest, Peach had forgotten that Rosalina wouldn’t be partaking when she’d instructed her wait toad to bring three more courses. Then again, if they were truly all eating their fill today, Rosalina may very well run out of her stash and resort to eating Peach’s earthly food at some point as well. Not that it mattered too much. Knowing Daisy, there would likely be nothing left even if Peach should have to quit during the third course. The tomboyish princess was just as much of a black hole as the ones Peach had seen in person.

Just as Daisy began to sweep up the last of the scones on the table, a small parade of toads waddled in, each bearing a new delectable dish. The empty plates were swapped for new ones overflowing with warm, aromatic baked goods. The toads all waddled back out again with the empty dishes, not a one making any comment regarding the royal feast for three that was happening. Peach smiled as she selected a nice plate of eclairs to eat next. She greatly appreciate her dumb, loyal subjects. She truly did.

Before too long, peach began to wince as the tension in her middle started to mount. Her dress was growing uncomfortably tight around her engorged stomach. She debated with herself over whether or not she should remove it over a platter of chocolate-covered strawberries. It would be difficult to explain how her dress had been ruined in the peace and safety of her tea room to her tailor toad… but then again, did she need to explain herself? And what was a bit of awkwardness compared to the exhilaration she had felt when her stomach had burst out from her dress, anyway?

Peach’s eyes sparkled as she drained a whole cup of tea in one go, feeling the liquid splash down into the tense mass of food within her. She would apologize to her tailor later. For now, she very much wanted to experience her dress tearing once more - especially now that she had others to experience it with.

As Peach continued to eat, she cast an eye over to Daisy and almost choked on her mouthful of cake. Peach was sporting a more than modest food baby herself but Daisy was already managing to dwarf Peach’s efforts. Her dress, which had previously seemed tight, was now positively screaming in distress as it stretched paper-thin over the massive orb that peaked out over the edge of the table. Even as Peach watched, Daisy shoveled a whole heap of cookies into her mouth, pushing her dress that much closer to disaster.

Rosaline wasn’t far behind Daisy, for that matter. She seemed to be savoring each starbit less and less before swallowing them, though the hunger in her eyes seemed to be more present than ever. Her throat was constantly working, sending one sizable hunk of star matter after another down into her stomach. Peach wasn’t sure exactly where she was pulling all those starbits out from, but the cosmic princess certainly wasn’t wasting time moving them from there to her mouth anymore - and the uneven dome pushing out her dress more and more was proving it.

“*Mmph!* How you holdin’ up *URP* Peach?” Daisy managed to get out in-between mouthfulls.

“Just *hic* peachy!” The bloated princess managed to respond. Truth be told, she was starting to have issues breathing from how tightly her dress was compressing her stomach and chest. How was it that Daisy’s dress (while obviously distressed) was still holding together? For that matter, Rosalina’s gown seemed completely unfazed by its swelling load, so why-


Peach rescinded her amazement. Daisy’s dress had just torn straight down the front, splitting open to reveal the plentiful tanned skin underneath. Daisy seemed to visibly shudder at the sudden release. “Oooooh, yeah… That’s SO much better!”

The blonde princess gulped hard. For all of Daisy’s hunger at previous parties, she’d only ever split her dress once before… and even then, she’d stopped immediately after… but now, as Peach watched, Daisy started to gulp down yet more tasty treats, packing the groaning orb in front of her even more tightly…

Peach shook her head and returned to her own task. She was losing faith that she’d be able to keep up with the others, but she would at least split her dress! She abandoned a bit more of her decorum, dismissing the fact that crumbs were coating her front and that frosting was beginning to thoroughly coat her fingers. All that mattered at the moment was filling herself quickly.

Once again, Peach’s toad staff was well-timed in their arrival with the next course. Peach had just barely snagged the last macaroon from the plate in front of her when it was replaced with a fresh serving of cupcakes. Peach stifled a belch and put a hand on her tense stomach. There were still a whole round of sweets after this… be still, her beating heart. Or maybe ‘be still, her trembling stomach’ would be a better fit.

An irritated *tsk!* interrupted Peach as she went to resume her indulgence. She glanced up at Rosalina, who for once was empty-mouthed. She grimaced as scrounged around in what seemed like empty space. “I seem to have forgotten to restock before coming today…” Rosalina bemoaned.

Wha’ a ha’e,” Daisy forced out through a mouthful of pastry. The brunette was getting even more reckless with her eating now that her midriff was bare, it seemed, seeing as her stomach was now forcing its way a good few inches out of the hole it had made.

“It is a shame indeed,” Rosalina griped. She rubbed her bulging stomach and sighed. “That’s where I call it for today, then.”

“We still have plenty of food, you know,” Peach commented after politely clearing her mouth of food. “It’s not like you can only eat starbits, right?”

Rosalina grimaced at a pie resting on the table before her. “You speak the truth, but… I’ve subsisted on starbits for so long that other foods just feel… wrong to me - both in my mouth and in my stomach.”

The stellar princess took a long drag of her tea, then smiled at the other two. “But it doesn’t matter. I doubt that this will be the final time we’ll enjoy ourselves like this. I’ll simply make sure to bring a full stock of starbits next time. Even on my hungriest day, I’ve never managed to clear my reserves in a single meal, so it should prove to be more than enough.”

Daisy swallowed hard, sending a massive hunk of food down her throat, then said, “You better! I want to see which of us can get bigger next time!”

Peach wanted to ask why she wasn’t being included in this contest, but a painful *glorp* from her stomach made her remember why. Her middle was now becoming mournfully tight, her dress pressing tight to her skin. Why was this so much more difficult than before? It hadn’t been an easy feat to do, but it certainly hadn’t been this difficult, so why did her dress refuse to tear?

Peach couldn’t handle the pain, but she refused to relent. She ate slowly, determinedly swallowing bite after bite. Every extra lump of food sank heavily into her compact stomach, but unless her eyes were deceiving her, Peach didn’t even seem to be growing anymore. Was the one time a fluke? Was this her true limit?

As the disgruntled princess stared down at her rumbling stomach, a shadow passed over her. Then a gentle hand raised her chin up. Rosalina floated beside Peach; the corners of her mouth tilted up as she lowered a hand onto Peach’s tense stomach. “My oh my, peach, this is quite something…” Rosalina remarked, pressing her fingers down into Peach’s stomach. “I’m trying to press quite hard, but my fingers barely sink in at all. Somehow, your stomach is almost as hard as mine is.”

Really? Seeing as Rosalina had given herself permission to massage Peach, the glutted woman saw it only fit that she could feel Rosalina in return. She reached up and ran a hand over Rosie’s stressed stomach. She gasped in surprise as she found several harsh lumps and distentions beneath the soft gown she was wearing. “Heavens, Rosie! Isn’t this painful at all?”

“What?” Rosalina asked. She looked down at herself and ran a hand along where Peach had left a streak of frosting. “Oh, that? I’m used to it. It actually doesn’t feel right anymore when something I eat doesn’t press into my skin.”

Peach couldn’t understand that sentiment in the slightest. But before she could ask about it further, she found Rosalina bending down and lifting a cookie from the table. But she didn’t bring it to her own mouth; no, she brought it to Peach’s. “Rosalina? What are you doing?”

The starlit princess chuckled as she answered, “You seem to be having some troubles proving your abilities, so I thought that I would help you out. It must be getting difficult to reach for more food with your stomach feeling so tight like this.”

Rosalina? Feeding her? Peach was pretty sure she’d had a few dreams like this. Her face felt a little hot as she stared at the offered cookie. Then she opened her mouth.

“Heh. Good girl,” Rosalina spoke in a sultry tone as she gently pushed the cookie into Peach’s mouth. The stuffed princess chewed slowly at first but sped up as Rosalina picked up another cookie. She hastily swallowed, ignoring the loud complaints coming from her middle as she opened her mouth for more.

Treat after treat ended up in Peach’s mouth courtesy of Rosalina’s helpful hand. Before long, Peach began to groan as she ate, her now free hands rubbing her stomach in a vain attempt to soothe it. She was still so small despite how much she was eating! Look at Daisy - the tomboy’s gut was filling up most of her lap now, looking exceedingly round and tight, yet she was still going strong! Meanwhile, Peach had just a modest potbelly and was in dire straits.

But, as the number of plates left on the table dwindled, Peach started to hear a sound. There was the fervent chewing of Daisy, of course, and the plaintive groaning coming from her own belly. But there was now an additional noise, one that seemed to be growing louder. Rosalina placed a whole brownie in Peach’s mouth. The pink princess did the same as she’d been doing, chewing and swallowing it. She could physically feel the dense lump of chocolate sink into her stomach. The pressure inside of her seemed to double, then triple. Peach’s face twisted as she clutched her stomach. “Oh- oh no, I- oooh, I don’t feel so great- I- I’m gonna-!”


Peach’s stomach surged forward rapidly as the fabric that had clung to her stomach finally gave in, tearing not in the front, but from along both sides where her glutted stomach met her slim frame. The tense woman moaned loudly, abandoning all etiquette as she gratefully rubbed her stomach. All of the painful pressure inside of her seemed to vanish instantly with the introduction of cool air to her sweat-slicked belly. And quite a bit of cool air was now meeting her middle. Her belly had easily tripled in visible size. She still wasn’t at Daisy’s size, but she was easily larger than she’d been after her fruit stuffing.

A warm hand came down to rest on one of the sections of Peach’s stomach that was bare. “Your dress is almost as impressive as you are, it seems,” Rosalina chuckled, pressing her fingers into Peach’s flank once more. “It was compressing you so very tightly. Now that it’s gone, you actually feel rather soft.”

Her dress. Peach grimaced. That toad must have worked his magic once again when he fixed up her dress, reinforcing the stomach area. He’d done a phenomenal job, but it had cost Peach quite a lot. Despite now being freed, her stomach was still rumbling angrily. Peach wasn’t sure if she could eat anything else, let alone continue her ravenous feast.

“I… I think I’m done…” Peach admitted, sinking back in her seat.

Rea’y?” Daisy said, mouth once again full of food. She gulped, then continued, “Actually, I’m not surprised. You look massive! I kinda wanna stop and give it a rub too, actually~.”

“Oh, not so fast,” Rosalina commented, a coy smirk n her face. “We still have quite a bit of food to take care of first.”

“What? What do you mean?” Daisy asked. “There’s only a bit of cake left. I’ll just scarf that real fast, then-”

As Daisy spoke, the doors to the tea room slammed open for the final time. The toad parade waddled in, arms once again laden with overloaded dishes. Daisy just watched, mouth agape, as this latest course of fatty foods were lain on the table. Then, just as a final insult, the last of the previous round’s cake was carelessly scooped onto the top of a fresh cake before the toads all trundled out once more.

“See?” Rosalina commented. “Quite a bit. It seems that you’re the only one left in eating shape though, so I suppose it’s up to you to finish all of this, hm?”

“Wh-What?” Daisy stammered, doubt flickering across her face as she stared out at the full table of food. “I- I couldn’t possibly! I mean, uh, I’m totally already full! Just look at me!” She grabbed her heavy gut with both hands and heaved it up, letting it thud down onto her lap with a heavy thump.

Rosalina, however, was not one to be deterred. She glided around Peach to hover near Daisy, leaning down and grabbing Daisy’s stomach with her own hands. “You do feel more firm than Peach, but there’s still plenty of room. Don’t worry, Daisy. I’ll make sure to help you all the way to the end.”

Daisy started to splutter, but already Rosalina was presenting her with a cupcake. Daisy stared hesitantly at the chocolate-frosted confection before swallowing hard, closing her eyes, and opening her mouth.

Peach watched the show for a while, reclining in her seat and massaging her aching stomach to soothe it. She was slightly jealous that Rosalina’s attention had shifted, admittedly, but she couldn’t complain about the results. Daisy’s stomach, which had already been bulbous, was now large enough to begin pressing into the edge of the table thanks to Rosalina’s efforts. The orange-clad princess squirmed in discomfort and managed to scoot herself out a few inches, but even as Peach watched, Daisy’s stomach began to creep back towards the edge once more.

The pink princess felt her heart start to speed up as she watched Daisy eat. It sped up even more as she noticed that Daisy’s breath was starting to become laborious, and as her stomach was starting to twitch from its muscles being so overstretched. Peach wanted in on this. Maybe she couldn’t match Daisy, and maybe that was fine. After all, Peach could still enjoy Daisy’s stomach no matter how big her own was~.

Peach gritted her teeth as she slowly pushed herself to her feet. Heavens, she felt nearly as heavy as she had after filling herself to bursting with water after her fruity snack despite being a few sizes smaller than she’d been back then. This was the difference between light water and thick, calorie-dense snacks, she supposed. She would have to work hard to counter the effects of this particular stuffing…

Now that she was up and steady, Peach carefully made her way around the table. Daisy was too preoccupied to notice her approach, but Rosalina gave her a knowing smile. Peach returned a mischievous grin. Then she picked up a dense muffin and joined Rosalina in her quest to empty the table into Daisy’s stomach.

Peach wasn’t sure if Daisy had noticed the second pair of hands feeding her, nor did she react to Peach’s touch as she ran a hand along Daisy’s tight flank. The tanned princess was so incredibly full, her stomach soft from her small layer of pudge but then exceedingly firm beneath that. Peach just couldn’t get enough of that stuffed feeling as she massaged Daisy’s distressed stomach again and again and again. Peach had really been missing out on this for all these years? This wonderful, tense, and exciting experience? What had she been thinking?

More than half the table had been crammed into Daisy’s packed stomach now, but the orange princess was really slowing down. Even a bottomless pit had its limits, it seemed. Daisy’s plush chest was heaving for breath in-between every bite, her face red and her free hands plaintively clutching at her belly. Peach could hear the giant orb’s distressed groaning clearly even without bringing her ear near it, much to her delight.

“N-No more… p-please, girls, I- *BuuOOOUUUOOOrrrpp*... I’m too f-full…”

“Already?” Rosalina lamented playfully while dangling a lemon drop cookie in front of Daisy’s mouth. “But you’re so close to being done, you know. Are you sure you can’t fit just a few more bites, hm?”

“N-Nooo…” Daisy continued to groan, “Uuugghh… so fuuuulllll…”

Rosalina sighed, setting the cookie down on top of Daisy’s churning gut. “Well, that’s a shame.” She glanced up at Peach, an evil light dancing in her eyes. “Are you sure you’re finished, Peachy dear? You don’t seem nearly as stuffed as our precious friend here…”

Peach’s heart skipped a beat. She was desperately tempted to agree, but… “I- N-No, I can’t-”

While Peach was speaking, the cookie on Daisy’s stomach was snatched up and shoved into her mouth. Peach stumbled back in surprise, falling flat on her rear. She hastily gulped down the cookie and was about to demand an explanation when a great weight suddenly pressed down on her stomach. Peach gasped loudly. Rosalina had just straddled Peach’s bulging stomach, which stuck out just barely far enough for the lean princess to rest on - though it was putting an extreme amount of pressure on Peach’s poor belly.

“R-Rosie! What are-” Peach started, but her words were once again interrupted by a large slice of cake being crammed into her mouth. She looked up at Rosalina and her brain froze.

Peach was starting to understand why Rosalina had never expressed an interest in any men. Ho boy.


Rosalina hummed happily to herself as she glided down Peach’s gilded hall, gracefully waving her wand to guide the two precious payloads behind her down the hall. She was truly quite impressed by how well Peach had managed to hold up. The slim princess had managed to fit all the rest of the tea treats into that lovely belly of hers. She had passed out soon afterward from either pain or pleasure (Rosalina was not quite sure which), but the fact remains that she had done it.

The celestial princess pushed open the doors to Peach’s opulent bedroom and carefully floated the two overly glutted princesses in. If not for her magic, Rosalina would never have been able to move them. Each one had a wonderful belly filled to bursting with delectable treats, after all. Mishandling the succulent girls would lead to issues, wouldn’t it?

Both of the sleeping princesses were gently lowered onto the master bed. It was more than large enough for both princesses to rest side by side, the apexes of their large, crushing stomachs pressing into each other.

Rosalina floated above the bed, looking down upon her work. She smirked. What a perfect lie she had told to ensure that these two would overeat. It was true that Rosalina preferred starbits, but she truthfully enjoyed a good shortcake or blonde brownie quite a bit as well. But forsaking overburdening her own stomach for the joys of seeing the tasty Daisy and the perfect Peach stuffed, packed, and generally glutted? And now getting to lay down for a delightful nap while pressed tightly between their hot and cacophonous bellies?

Passing up a few snacks had been more than worth the bliss she was experiencing now~.


This fic is the perfect example of my writing process from start to finish. I started off wanting to have Rosalina and Daisy stuff Peach, it turned into a three-way stuffing, then it became Rosalina stuffing Peach, then Daisy, then both stuffing Daisy, then Rosalina force-feeding Peach. And, of course, I get an idea at the end of 'oh hey, wouldn't it be fun if Rosalina was like *THIS*? And so now Rosalina is a total top with two bottoms entirely under her thumb.

Oh, and of course, this fic only happened because the Tasha and Kat fic I was working on was going a weird way and I wasn't sure if I would finish it in time, so I switched gears to something I knew I could finish. That's pretty much an integral part of my fic writing process at this point.

So yeah- that's how this fic happened, lol.



I think this fic might be one of my new personal favorites of yours! There's just so much goodness going on here: three-way stuffing, awesome clothing malfunctions, a duel-feeding, plus a bit of force-feeding—there's so much to like! And the girls had great chemistry with each other, which makes things even better. Dom feeder Rosalina was also something I never knew I needed till now lol.