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hello! It's finally happened! You have waited, here she is, the incomparable Duchess of Oxton

it has been a long time since I drew it, but finally it came to her (thanks to your suggestions and voting, for which I thank you very much and for taking part)

I have also prepared for you a short excerpt of the story telling what happened BEFORE what is depicted in the picture, this is my first story, I hope you will like it! Have fun reading


Somewhere, on the outskirts of the palace park, quiet steps were heard, a shadow quietly emerged from the bushes and headed towards the palace. The guard, who serves at one of the many entrances to the castle, noticed a thin figure slowly approaching him.

-Stop where you are! - He shouted

The shadow slowly continued to walk, and in the flickering warm light from the lanterns near the entrance, it became clear that it was a woman of small stature, in a dress with barely noticeable blood stains at the hem. The lady slowly approached the frightened guard, now it’s visible that that the woman was short, with greenish skin and the top of her head barely reached the middle of the guard's chest.

-I came at the invitation of His Imperial Majesty Claudius II. - The woman handed the invitation to the dumbfounded guard.

He noticed that the woman’s dress was stained with blood, and her hair was slightly disheveled; he was also surprised that she, the one invited by the emperor himself, did not enter from the main entrance.

The stranger noticed that the guard was looking at her for a long time, and with impatience and irritation asked her to hurry up and look at her papers.

The guard looked at the invitation card and began to read it quickly with disbelief. After a short reading, he again cast an appraising glance at the stranger and, seeing that the girl had green skin and large ears, which meant she belonged to the goblin race, he grimaced and said:

- Even though you have an invitation letter, you must also have a document confirming your identity, my lady. - He clearly expressed the last word with a dose of sarcasm and contempt. He immediately realized that standing in front of him was none other than Duchess Amelia Oxton herself. But nevertheless, he could not let her in without a document confirming her identity, even though earlier he had let absolutely everyone in, but now in his head he was flattering himself with how well done he was for doing his duty.

disgusting goblin - he thought to himself and again began to examine the Duchess - they brought a lot of trouble to our empire, a dirty race, even if they are not purebred, but still a goblin - he said to himself.

- I can't let you through! - He said and grinned.

Amelia, clearly irritated and tired from the long trip, touched her forehead, lowered her head, and looked from under her brows at the grinning guard, after which she said in an authoritative, commanding tone:

- You recognized me, right? Don’t squirm, you know exactly who I am, and you know that I was invited by a special decree of His Majesty, and as you might have guessed, I was a little late, and he doesn’t like it when his special guests are late, and you understand who will be reprimanded first, so please try and let me in.

- Sorry “Milady”, I can’t let you in, you have to show me your documents, or get out! - He said laughing.

Amelia Oxton, menacingly approached him, hit him with all her might on the tendons of his foot, causing him to scream loudly and fall to his knees, holding his injured foot.

“That’s better,” said the Duchess and approached his face, crying in pain.She grabbed him by the armor lining and said to him furiously:

-Let me in now! or tomorrow, in addition to not being able to walk, you will be thrown out of your job! - after which she hit him in the face with her fist with all her might.

-Oh, you goblin spawn! Monster! - he shouted

A couple of guards came running to the screams, they grabbed the Duchess by the arms and dragged her away from the warrior distraught with pain, the guards held Oxton tightly, unfortunately, she could not escape, somewhere in the bushes, after a mercenary attacked her, she dropped her dagger.

“Oh crap” - tiredly thought Oxton, “Claudius now owes me a dagger...And a drink.”

Some of the banquet guests came running to the noise and began to examine the situation with interest.

The Duchess, clearly dissatisfied, but too tired to resist, simply decided to wait until it all ended, maybe she would be sent home, and she would not have to spend time at this boring ball, with a bunch of hypocritical humans.

-What's that noise? - a powerful loud voice was heard.

A tall dark figure with a glass appeared from the door. Everyone fell silent and stared in the direction of this man. He went out, and His Majesty Claudius appeared before the eyes of the crowd.

What's going on here? – he said and evaluated the situation.

He noticed three guards, one lying on the ground holding his face and leg, and two others who were holding a clearly displeased duchess by the arms.

Laughing, he came closer, the crowd parted.

- You obviously could use some help, right, Amelia?

- If only this is the help that will send me back home. – Oxton chuckled.

- Ha-ha, you’re true to yourself Amelia,  sharp-tongued as always, I’m glad that you came after all!

- As if I had a choice, you left me choice, Your Majesty. - she said dissatisfied

How does she talk to the Emperor! What an impudence! - shouts rang out from the crowd

- Quiet! - the Emperor said menacingly, then he turned to the guards and said: Let the Duchess go, she is my guest of honor, we should settle this misunderstanding.

“Yeah, really,” said Oxton. “You probably won’t get away with simple compensation.” - she said to the Emperor.

- Ha-ha! Let's go, let's go to the hall quickly, the banquet has already begun! – Emperor replied, and gave his hand to the Duchess. She took Claudius by the arm and said:

- Kha! You should check your castle guard, they allowed to let an assassin into the palace, we had to deal with him, he was clearly hostile. - She pointed to the bushes at the end of the park.

The Emperor ordered the guards to check the entire park and redouble patrols around the castle, then turned with those guards who were holding Oxton, and ordered other soldiers to take them to the captain for further proceedings.

What a weak punishment for their misdeed! – Amelia was indignant

-and also, today send these three to the north to patrol the border and protect residents from monster attacks, there are always not enough knights there, I think this will serve them as a good lesson. - said the Emperor

Oxton turned and stuck her tongue out at the guard who was lying on the ground. He glared at her as the knights lifted him up and then led him away.

-Good hit! – the Emperor noted – strong as always!

- You should train your knights better. - said the Duchess - and teach them manners, also - you owe me a new dagger.

- Well, perhaps I’ll do a couple of additional grueling training sessions with them, I think they’ll remember this. – the emperor smiled and winked at the duchess, she rolled her eyes and they disappeared into the castle doors.




I'm really looking forward to your feedback on the story! and also your opinion should I continue to write excerpts about Amelia Oxton


Seems like she would be well suited to the position of royal spymaster.


If I could offer a few suggestions; in the first sentence the word “quiet” feels a bit repetitive, maybe instead of “…a shadow quietly emerged…” you substitute “quietly” with a different word such as faintly or softly; and in the second paragraph you wrote “…it became clear that it was a woman of small stature…” but then in the following sentence say “…now it’s visible that the woman was short…” and “…the top of her head barely reached the middle of the guard’s chest.” it feels a bit redundant, unless you’re really trying to make it a point to the reader that she’s short, although it that case the use of “…now it’s visible…” after stating “…it became clear…” could be seen as redundant as well; also up until the fifth paragraph where you wrote “…she belonged to the goblin race, he grimaced…” I had assumed the guard was a goblin as well, earlier on you might want to tell the reader that the guard isn’t a goblin in some way, for example “The guard, who serves at one of the many entrances to the human castle…” or “…the woman was short, with greenish skin unlike his own…”. Now nitpicking aside, I did enjoy reading the small story you crafted to accompany the picture you made of Amelia Oxton 💚 Got a good vibe of her character from what you wrote, and am curious about the other characters in the story too -how’s she acquainted with the emperor, will she cross paths with the guard again, will the guard seek some kind of vengeance? All in all your story just left me excited for what might come next. Hope you’ll consider writing little tales for your other ocs as well :D


hello! first of all, I want to thank you for such a detailed review of my story. I am very glad that you liked it and you took the time to write your review. Regarding the replacement of words and repetitive phrases- unfortunately, this is something that I will not be able to fix 100 percent, because English is not my native language, and it is very difficult for me to translate the text while maintaining the original meaning, but I will try to improve the quality of the story! thank you! Yes, I think I'll continue to write stories about the Duchess of Oxton sometimes ^^