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Hi guys! while I'm drawing the sequel with the Duchess of Oxton, I wondered what to draw next... I wanted to try something new and global that might be interesting to you too.

I just want to somehow diversify the content that I draw (drawings, strip games, etc., comics) with something else additional

I asked myself a question and realized that I was interested, and this is the list that turned out:

1. Animation

at the moment, I have started studying animation, I would like to draw animations with my characters and fan art (but my skills are still very modest, I need to continue studying, but I could share with you my animation work while I study)

2. A computer visual novel with one of my OC (I'm thinking about Lola)

I have some experience working with visual novels, so I would like to make a romantic novel for you where you can get to know my OC better and maybe choose your own waifu and continue your relationship with her

3. More fan art. In fact, I often wonder if you're interested in something like this. I could try to do some fan art once a month for any universe of your choice

so far, this is all that has come to my mind, I would also like to hear your opinion and maybe some other ideas in the comments. And I will add the best options to the survey, which will be available to all levels, because I really want to understand what kind of content you would be interested in, I really want to try something new hehe

I will be incredibly grateful for your feedback in the comments, so I can figure out where to move on.

(everything I'm doing now I'm going to keep doing, I just want to add something new)


Derek Mauric (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 16:19:10 An animation would be great, but a Visual Novel would be amazing. Would the visual novel be something you have to pay extra for or would it be included in a patreon tier?
2024-03-27 15:18:24 An animation would be great, but a Visual Novel would be amazing. Would the visual novel be something you have to pay extra for or would it be included in a patreon tier?

An animation would be great, but a Visual Novel would be amazing. Would the visual novel be something you have to pay extra for or would it be included in a patreon tier?

Shine Hunter

A visual novel wpuld be awesome! Also fan art would be great, but I would prefer it if you mostly go with characters you like