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Chapter 451: I Bet Within a Month, the Magic Kingdom Will Collapse! - Part 2

The sharp insight and deductive power are simply born for intelligence activities. It was really a waste to just serve as a deputy of the Divine Punishment Legion before! Although Alvise trusted Monroe's judgment very much, he still shook his head and pointed out a flaw in the plan.

"Three months is too long! I suspect that when the wizards sense something wrong, they will take a desperate gamble, watching the kingdom decay and then launching a massive attack on the empire!"

He dared not imagine what the wizards would be armed with in three months...

The kingdom had a population of over three million, and even if it was one in fifteen, it could still muster tens of thousands of troops. Each person only needed a week to proficiently handle a firearm and become a qualified soldier, posing a threat to the fully armed Divine Punishment Cavalry on the battlefield.

Not to mention the wizards' new flying machines, airships, alchemical vehicles, and thunder cannons (railguns) and many other powerful alchemical instruments. Even with the power of the entire empire combined, it might not be able to win this fierce battle.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" Monroe hesitantly asked.

"We might as well accelerate this process!" Alvise, with wisdom in his grasp and a glint in his eyes, said in a deep voice, "I think you should have noticed that the actions of the wizards in the kingdom have already caused dissatisfaction among some people."

Monroe's thoughts turned slightly, immediately thinking of the nobles in the kingdom that the Pope referred to.

"Although they have betrayed the empire and the church, I think some of them have chosen the wrong path only because they were coerced by the wizards. We might as well give them another chance to prove themselves..." A cold and sharp edge flashed in Alvise's eyes, then he continued.

"I will let someone else handle this matter. You just need to continue investigating intelligence in the City of Fire Oil, and under the condition of ensuring your own safety, provide some cooperation!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Monroe nodded in response.

He was well aware that the church would never send only him and Ivina to infiltrate the kingdom's territory. In fact, from what he knew alone, there were more than three hundred spies captured by the wizards. Those who could still hide in the shadows were the elites among the elites.

"If we can successfully provoke chaos in the kingdom, then you will be the first contributor. After defeating these heretics, I will personally baptize you!" Alvise praised.

Monroe was so excited that he could hardly speak. In the past, only the high-ranking members of the church were eligible to receive the Pope's personal baptism, which was equivalent to a guarantee of reaching the pinnacle of power!

With a plan to weaken the wizard kingdom, Alvise's worries over the past few months were greatly reduced, and he continued, "Do you have anything else to report?"

Monroe hesitated for a moment, then recounted many strange and exotic theories he had heard in class in recent days.

From geometry and the laws of celestial motion to cosmology...

Alvise listened halfway and raised his hand to indicate that Monroe didn't need to continue, then explained.

"It is obvious that they are trying to distort the Bible. I think Gustav must have warned you that all the books of magic carry demonic power and are very seductive. The best way to resist corruption is to neither listen, nor hear, nor ask!"

"I understand, Your Holiness. Thank you for your warning," Monroe said earnestly, realizing that the rhetoric of these wizards was indeed very persuasive.

For example, cosmology, such an extremely counterintuitive thing, could actually concoct many seemingly true but actually false theories as evidence, confusing tens of thousands of people. Even after listening to it himself, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of truth in it.

It was not until now that Monroe suddenly realized that he had been contaminated by demonic knowledge, and his soul was no longer pure!

Perhaps this was the reason why the Pope wanted to baptize him personally.

Realizing this, Monroe was extremely moved, but soon he thought of his companion Ivina!

The contamination she received might be even more serious than his own because over the past two days, Monroe had noticed that the girl had even started taking notes during class!

This was an extremely dangerous trend, which made him feel deeply uneasy!

However, just as Monroe was about to speak up, the image of the Pope in front of him suddenly became blurry, and the red light emitted by the crystal ball began to flicker irregularly, then went out directly.

Monroe was startled and looked around, thinking he had been discovered by those wizards, interrupting his magic.

Fortunately, Monroe immediately remembered that the Cardinal, who was in charge of managing dangerous magical creations, had reminded him that this 'signal' was not good, and it was best not to have too long a time for one communication, otherwise the signal might be interrupted...

"Damn magical creation!" Monroe cursed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He was not a wizard, let alone an alchemist, so he could only wait for it to recharge itself before he could make another connection.

The only thing to be grateful for was that the crucial matters had already been discussed!

Monroe quickly sorted out his emotions, put away the crystal ball, and pushed the door out.

Ivina was leaning against the wall in the living room, her right hand never leaving the hilt of her sword, to prevent anyone from suddenly breaking in and disturbing the call. When she saw Monroe coming out of the room, she curiously asked.

"Everything went smoothly, Monroe?"

"Very well, His Holiness has recognized my abilities and strategies!" Monroe said with satisfaction, then immediately glanced around at Ivina, noticing the thick notebook hanging from her waist.

This place was originally used to hang the Bible, but now it was used to place notes on wizard knowledge.

Monroe said dissatisfiedly, "You seem to have been very interested in wizard knowledge these days, haven't you, Ivina?"

"It's because you're too obvious, Monroe!" Ivina's expression remained unchanged, but she reminded him, "Wizards have a strong thirst for knowledge. People like you, who never take notes in class, are the absolute minority and are very likely to attract their attention!"

"That is indeed my negligence." Monroe's expression changed slightly, and his tone slowed down. "You must be extra careful too. The knowledge of demons is very persuasive and delving into it may distort our cognition..."

Ivina hesitated and nodded.

"One more month, we just need to hold on for one more month!" Monroe confidently said. "According to my plan, coupled with the help of those people, at most one month, the vast wizard kingdom will collapse on its own!"

One month?

Ivina thought about what she had seen and heard over the past few days, sighing inwardly.

The poor people of the kingdom were afraid they were going to suffer again.


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