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Chapter 141: World Hunt

Nie Jia's eyes widened in terror as he desperately tried to grab Shi Chen's hand, only to futilely grasp a cufflink.

Thousands of people were thrown off balance and shot straight into the sky. In the blink of an eye, Nie Jia couldn't even see Shi Chen's figure anymore. One by one, people crashed onto the bottom of the island, instantly turning into a mess of shattered bones!

Nie Jia kept flashing back to the ground in the gravitational pull, casting a glance at Ning Lang.

"I wonder how capable you really are," Ning Lang smirked wickedly.

Nie Jia flashed back to the ground again, his breath cold and urgent. Clenching his fists tightly, he let out a desperate roar and forcefully tore two islands apart in mid-air. Although Ning Lang's gravity did not disappear, by tearing the islands apart, Nie Jia saved everyone from certain death.

However, Ning Lang sneered contemptuously, pressing down fiercely with one hand, instantly altering the gravitational core, causing everyone in the sky to plummet rapidly to the ground!

Nie Jia's eyebrows furrowed tightly, his breath catching.

"You damn Ning Lang!" He Qingtang cursed loudly in mid-air, continuously releasing her red mist, enveloping herself and her companions. Even though it couldn't counteract the momentum caused by gravity, it prevented them from fainting amidst the sudden weightlessness.

A gunshot rang out, the bullet immediately deflected by Ning Lang. Shi Chen shielded his mouth and nose with his arm, his eyes full of hostility.

Nie Jia glanced at him, immediately understanding.

"Do you still think your human bullets can harm me at this point?" Ning Lang sneered, single-handedly lifting Shi Chen out and flicking him away. Shi Chen was sent flying horizontally, on the verge of crashing into the observation platform, and He Qingtang's mist couldn't stop him!

"Director!" He Qingtang roared in despair, looking to Nie Jia for help.

Shi Chen was in imminent danger, but Nie Jia didn't move to save him. Instead, he teleported back towards Ning Lang.

"It's futile," Ning Lang waved his hand, and a large rock came hurtling down. Nie Jia and the rock collided as if drawn together by magnetism.

With a thunderous roar, the rock shattered under Nie Jia's assault, breaking into countless pieces. Nie Jia clenched his hand into a claw, his expression angry and full of murderous intent as he charged towards Ning Lang.

Both were masters of the three fundamental forces. Perhaps Ning Lang couldn't overpower Nie Jia, but "killing me won't be easy for you either."

With a snap of his fingers, Nie Jia was once again flung away from Ning Lang.

"Is that so!" Nie Jia gritted his teeth viciously. Sparks flew from his fingertips with crackling sounds, terrifyingly intimidating. In an instant, the entire sky lit up as bright as day, amidst the chaotic scene, all of Ning Lang's gravity disappeared.

Nie Jia didn't linger in battle. As soon as his attack hit, he immediately teleported back to Shi Chen's side, bringing him back to the ground in time.

With Ning Lang's gravity gone, although the abilities were still falling under the influence of the Earth's gravity, its impact on them was almost negligible. They all released their abilities and returned to the ground. As the dust settled, it was discovered that half of the main island had been split by Nie Jia.

"Is Ning Lang dead?" He Qingtang ran back to Shi Chen's side, sweating profusely with fear.

"We're still floating in mid-air," Nie Jia stomped his foot, but the ground remained unmoved, and half of the main island still floated steadily in the sky.

Shi Chen put his arm around Nie Jia's waist and brought him closer, Nie Jia sighed in relief, resting on Shi Chen's shoulder, still panting heavily, obviously exhausted.

"Thank you for your hard work," Shi Chen patted his head.

With such a commotion on the main island, it had already alarmed the surrounding islands. Countless abilities were converging to kill them. Even if Ning Lang was truly dead, the crisis was far from over. With a spatial ability user sacrificed and Nie Jia nearing exhaustion, facing the remaining millions of abilities in Oasis, they were practically without hope!

At this moment, the abilities who had landed safely resumed their fight, and the greatest task for the abilities of Huaxia was to protect Shi Chen's safety.

"Lieutenant Song, you said you could find the telepathic ability user behind the scenes?" Shen Su ran over with Song Nuanyang, and Shi Chen wasted no time, immediately asking seriously.

Song Nuanyang nodded earnestly. "Yes, Ning Lang is a sixth-order ability user with a strong mental threshold. The person controlling Ning Lang cannot distract themselves to control Nie Jia, so she hasn't noticed my weak telepathic ability. She's still on the main island!"

Shi Chen asked, "Colonel, can you block off the entire main island?"

He Qingtang was taken aback, snorting arrogantly, "Even if it's impossible, it must be done!" She stepped back two steps, clenching her fists tightly at her sides, exerting all her strength to release her maximum field. The vast sea of red mist spread from under her feet, enveloping everyone. In just a few minutes, it formed a halo, covering half of the main island inside.

Then He Qingtang felt she had spoken too early, panting heavily. "I'm so tired. Director, whatever you want to do, do it quickly. I don't think I can hold on much longer."

"Even if you can't hold on, you have to. Lieutenant Song, lead the way," Shi Chen stood up, picking up a hunting knife from the ground as he got up.

"I'll go with you," Nie Jia hurriedly said.

"Nie Jia!!!" A hoarse roar came from the burnt cliff. Ning Lang had lost half of his shoulder, his body in tatters, completely burnt. He floated up into the air, locking onto Nie Jia's position with a furious and crazy roar, "I'll take your lives!"

Ning Lang's left hand was still intact, suddenly lifting and moving an entire island to smash down indiscriminately, disregarding his own safety!

Everyone looked up at the enormous black shadow above them, despairing and losing all resistance in their hearts.

However, when the island fell and crashed onto He Qingtang's red mist, it was unexpectedly supported by her. He Qingtang spat out a mouthful of blood and knelt down directly, groaning with blood in her mouth, "Damn it..."

Nie Jia stepped forward, placing his hand on He Qingtang's shoulder, instantly healing her injuries and restoring her strength. He Qingtang bounced back to life, flipping off Ning Lang with a middle finger.

Nie Jia turned back to look at Shi Chen, tears glistening in his eyes. "What should we do..."

Shi Chen hugged him gently before letting go, a tender smile on his face. "Only you and Major Shen can hold Ning Lang back. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll find the person behind all this and put an end to it as soon as possible."

Nie Jia hesitated, reluctant to let go of Shi Chen's clothes.

Meng Jia, covered in blood, walked over and said, "Don't worry, boss. I'll go with Shi Chen. I won't let anything happen to him and Lieutenant Song!"

"Ning Lang has gone crazy. There's no time. Let's go first!" Song Nuanyang pointed in a direction and ran off. Before leaving, Shi Chen leaned in for a kiss on Nie Jia's fingertip, then disappeared into the boundless darkness, with Meng Jia following closely behind.

Shen Su stood panting in place, not even meeting his lover's gaze before Song Nuanyang ran off!

Nie Jia anxiously turned the ring on his hand, glancing up at Ning Lang in the distance, who seemed neither human nor ghost.

Shen Su snorted, bringing Nie Jia back to reality. "Don't worry. Although Shi Chen is just an ordinary person, he's the commander of a special operations unit. There's no need for you to worry."

"Yeah, Director... But even if our general is targeted by abilities, it's at most a fifty-fifty chance." He Qingtang gasped for breath, "Could you restore a bit of my energy? I'm so damn tired..."

Nie Jia didn't respond, silently restoring He Qingtang's energy. With a glance at Shen Su, they immediately disappeared on the spot to join the siege against Ning Lang.

Taking advantage of her current vitality, He Qingtang shouted, "You all saw Ning Lang's actions just now. To him, you're just bricks and tiles of Oasis. If necessary, he'll kill you all! What are you fighting so hard to protect now? If Ning Lang doesn't die, all of you will perish with him!"

After narrowly escaping death twice, the abilities of Oasis were already resentful and angry at Ning Lang's indiscriminate attacks. After He Qingtang's shout, Huaxia's abilities first stopped their attacks, followed by Oasis's abilities calming down.

Survival was now the most important thing!

Under the clock tower, Song Nuanyang carefully made her way through a row of rubble, guided by her perception of the domain. Though the entrance was underground, it had been destroyed by Nie Jia earlier, blocked by layers of rubble and debris.

Shi Chen pried open a cable with a knife and said in a deep voice, "It's the elevator shaft."

"Shi Chen, won't we die if we jump from here?" Song Nuanyang asked.

Shi Chen dropped a small stone down, hearing a clang immediately.

"The elevator is still there." Shi Chen estimated it to be only a meter or two away. Biting the back of the knife, he jumped down first, landing with a clang, followed by the sound of metal cutting through metal. In a few minutes, the sound came back up. "Follow the cable down carefully."

"I'll cover the rear." Meng Jia said to Song Nuanyang, making him feel a bit embarrassed. After all, among the three of them, he had the lowest combat power, so he reluctantly went down first.

Shi Chen pried open the elevator door, and the three of them fell into the dark elevator shaft one after another.

As he reached for the crack in the elevator door, suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled violently, and Song Nuanyang almost fell but was quickly pulled up by Shi Chen.

It was quiet again, and Song Nuanyang realized that the commotion just now was from the battle at the observation platform. Suddenly, he felt a bit worried about Shen Su's safety. But considering that Nie Jia was there, and even with Ning Lang, nothing major would happen. Besides, he and Shen Su were both protagonists of this world; if either of them died, the data of this world would collapse and cease to exist.

"I wonder how our boss is doing..." Meng Jia muttered.

Just as Song Nuanyang was about to comfort her, she suddenly felt like her feet were off the ground, her face turning pale with fear. "Is Ning Lang here?!"

"No, this doesn't feel right..." Meng Jia was also panicking.

Shi Chen swiftly pulled the hunting knife out of the door crack, then forcefully drove it into the iron wall, sparks flying.

"The entire island is plummeting. Hold on tight!" Shi Chen's voice was chilling, one hand gripping the knife handle so tightly it almost bled, the other lifting up Song Nuanyang.

Song Nuanyang was stunned and quickly hugged Meng Jia close.


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