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Chapter 46


In 098's mind now there were only these two words: "Finished." Could it be that the host's mission this time was to perish before achieving victory?

The setting of this world's dragons was extremely brutal; they never showed mercy to intruders in their territory. Even now, with Ling Chunann being an injured seventh-level mage, he wouldn't stand a chance against a dragon magic attack, let alone if he were at the peak as a tenth-level mage.

Dragons held the position of the strongest beings in this world; even the elves, who were considered nature's darlings, dared not challenge them.

Just as 098 was contemplating how to help the host escape this predicament, the carriage curtain was suddenly lifted.

A pair of dark and sharp eyes approached.

"A dragon, dragon eyes." 098 was shocked. Despite having completed numerous tasks before, it had never seen a real dragon.

It doubted whether the world of this mission had been mistakenly chosen. How could the host, at his current level, be assigned to such a savage world? Moreover, he was directly sent into a situation where his character would be defeated. This level of difficulty clearly did not match that of a tasker who had only completed three missions.

Then 098's speculation was quickly refuted. The answer given above was that all data was normal, and the timing and difficulty of the mission were completely in line with the standards.

Due to his severe injuries and the long journey, Ling Chunann's body was now extremely weak. He looked up at the big eyes close by with some surprise. But after noticing the hint of doubt in the other's eyes, he suddenly smiled at it.

098 was puzzled. "Host, I think we should focus on how to escape."

"It won't kill me for now," Ling Chunann replied.

It may not kill you now, but this dragon's temperament seems bad. Who knows, if it's not pleased, it might crush you directly, 098 thought to itself, but it didn't have the courage to refute Ling Chunann.

Then, amidst 098's trembling heart, the dragon stretched out its claws and lifted the carriage lid, grabbing Ling Chunann out. It looked at the small human in its palm, its eyes somewhat puzzled, then it regained its coldness. Its voice was deep and majestic, "Little one, you're the gift those humans sent to me. So, starting today, you are my pet."

"You may call me..." It paused, seemingly contemplating an appropriate title, then continued, "You may call me 'Master'."

Ling Chunann looked up at the dragon, said nothing, and closed his eyes, fainting.

"Little one?" Seeing that the human didn't respond and even fainted, the dragon felt somewhat nervous. "Roar!" The dragon shook its tail in agitation, sweeping away several large trees behind it, then carefully closed its palm and flew towards the depths of the dragon valley.

When Ling Chunann woke up again, he felt warm all over, and his magical power seemed to have improved.

Ling Chunann didn't immediately open his eyes but called out to 098 in his mind, "098, how did he turn into a dragon?"

Initially, upon hearing the dragon's voice, Ling Chunann had speculated. When it was placed in his hand, he almost couldn't control his immediate boiling appetite. Ling Chunann almost immediately confirmed that this dragon was the same soul that had followed him through several worlds.

But why wasn't it a human?

098 was also troubled. It should have probed the soul's aura the moment it saw the dragon, so it wouldn't have been so nervous for so long.

But for now, it had to answer the host's question first. "Host, I can't predict this kind of race, but according to the setting, the dragons in this world can transform into human form."

"I don't think I can bite through dragon scales," Ling Chunann said. "Even if he turns into a human, his skin isn't something I can bite through. I'll starve."

Initially, 098 thought the host was concerned about the difficulty of intimacy between different species, but it suddenly choked up. How could it forget the host's illness? "Um... he shouldn't starve you."

098 had a mysterious trust in this host, who was a faithful pursuer. Ling Chunann seemed to realize this. "098, it seems you trust him more than you trust me."

098: "..."

"When I brought up that matter earlier, you should have responded: 'Host, I believe in the sharpness of your teeth. I would be happy then.'" 

"I'm sorry, host, I was wrong." 098 actively admitted its mistake, although it didn't believe Ling Chunann could truly bite through dragon skin.

Ling Chunann opened his eyes and found himself in complete darkness. He then realized that it wasn't because it was getting dark, but because he was entirely enclosed in the dragon's embrace. Somehow, those seemingly very hard dragon scales now felt warm and soft.

"Little one, you're awake." The dragon's voice came from above Ling Chunann's head. "What's your name?"

"Kaxiu Lande," Ling Chunann said. "You can call me Baby."

"Baby?" The dragon looked puzzled, then repeated it twice, "Baby, I like this name. My true name is Monashus. Keren. Seya. You can call me Master." The dragon evidently hadn't given up on this title.


"Because this way, it proves you're my exclusive treasure," the dragon replied matter-of-factly.

Ling Chunann chuckled inwardly, "He's still amusing like this."

098: ...It could already predict the host's reaction every time he uses this term in the future.

Ling Chunann sensed his current level of satiety, "098, what did he give me to eat when I passed out?"

"Dragon blood," 098 replied, "Dragon blood has extremely potent healing properties, and it can also enhance human talents and current energy levels, extremely precious." Pausing for a moment, it continued, "The swordsmen who brought you here exchanged a few Dragon's Spit Grasses for you. Dragon's Spit Grasses are far less effective than dragon blood but are popular among humans."

"Are these the Dragon's Spit Grasses?" Ling Chunann glanced at the dense grass in the valley beside him.


After not getting a response from his new treasure for a long time, the dragon became somewhat anxious, "You don't want to call me Master, how about Monar?"

"Sure." Ling Chunann nodded slightly and moved his body slightly, realizing he was completely wrapped by the dragon's body. "Can you loosen up?"

Reluctantly, the dragon loosened its grip on Ling Chunann.

At this moment, Ling Chunann noticed that he was almost naked, with scattered pieces of fabric nearby. "Do you have any clothes?"

"It's fine like this," the dragon almost immediately replied.


"Yes, I do." The dragon sounded a bit aggrieved, then maneuvered its massive body to stand up.

Ling Chunann almost had to strain his neck to see the dragon's head. After a glance, he lowered his head again.

"What's... what's wrong?" The dragon felt a bit rejected but didn't know where it went wrong, its tone somewhat flustered.

"It's too tall, it's tiring to look at you," Ling Chunann said frankly.

098: "Host, you're too straightforward." If it weren't for knowing who this dragon was, the host would have been turned into a pancake by now.

"In that case..." The dragon suddenly transformed, standing in front of Ling Chunann as a man nearly two meters tall, with bronzed skin, sharp features, jet-black hair framing dark eyes, emanating a powerful aura.

Ling Chunann's current height from this mission wasn't low, at 1.8 meters, but he still looked like a child in front of the man. He sized the man up from head to toe, finally focusing his gaze on the area between his legs, taking a sharp intake of breath inwardly, "Really big!"

098: ...Should it remind the host that dragons have two of those?

Ling Chunann continued, "It must feel very exciting."

It still didn't remind him.

The dragon seemed to react to Ling Chunann's gaze, but it was an unbelievably innocent reaction. Even when Ling Chunann was about to put on clothes, it didn't dare to do anything.

"Host, I suspect your attractiveness to him has decreased," 098 said, thinking back to how the host used to strip naked, this guy would have pounced on him immediately.

"He's just too shy," Ling Chunann said. "Didn't you see he couldn't even look at me?"

098 glanced at the dragon again and found that he was indeed looking everywhere but at Ling Chunann, and that area looked quite spirited.

At this point, with Ling Chunann holding clothes and looking at the shy dragon, his expression somewhat helpless, his voice innocent, he said, "Master, I don't know how to put on clothes."

"I, I'll help you." The dragon carefully shifted its gaze to Ling Chunann's face and then took the clothes from his hands.

The result was predictable. The dragon, who had never worn human clothes, clearly had no idea what to do. Skin-to-skin contact was unavoidable, coupled with Ling Chunann's intentional closeness, and a spark ignited in an instant.

Watching the two of them rolling together without any surprises, 098 felt despair. Was the host's dissatisfaction from his poor health in the previous life finally erupting completely this time?

"098, don't blaspheme me in your heart."

At this moment, 098 heard its host's voice, knowing full well not to remind the host of how powerful the dragon, who had gone meat-eating, was.


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