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Chapter 127: Hunting the World

"No, you can't leave! I won't allow it!" An Yuan rushed forward, blocking Nie Jia's path with outstretched arms, his trembling lips unable to hide his emotions. "I refuse to accept your reasons. Suddenly deciding to join the Huaxia government... Were all your previous words just lies?"

"Yeah, boss, you're just going to abandon us like this? Huaxia might overlook your killing of Kong Fei because you're a sixth-tier ability user, but Kong Fei's fate will be your future! When true peace comes, they'll start settling scores with you." Meng Yao wiped away her tears, pleading with Nie Jia. "So please, don't leave, don't abandon us."

The hall erupted into chaos once again, countless people pleading for Nie Jia to stay. An Yuan's eyes were bloodshot, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to stand, yet he still blocked Nie Jia's path relentlessly.

If Nie Jia truly didn't care about these people, he would have left quietly yesterday.

He had spent half the night yesterday in the cold wind, contemplating many things.

Currently amidst turmoil, Huaxia, among the three nations, had always adhered to President He Tian's ideology of staunch anti-war stance. Therefore, Huaxia never recognized the Oasis' independence. The Oasis, born from the splintering of Huaxia, remained a target for Huaxia's reconquest, combating any separatist movements while defending against external threats.

This was also what Shi Chen had been doing all along.

Shi Chen led the Ninth Bureau of the National United Front, his ruthless covert operations making him the sharpest blade in seemingly gentle Huaxia's possession. So many ability users had died by his hands that he had become the bane of almost all Shark faction ability users.

He not only killed ordinary people but also numerous compatriots. Both the Hunters and the Oasis, along with the United States, had many who wished to eliminate Shi Chen.

Shi Chen was dangerous, and Nie Jia wanted to return to his side as soon as possible. With Shi Chen's identity and stance diametrically opposed to his own, Nie Jia simply gave up his mission and his identity.

In this world, there was no such thing as justice. Perhaps there was a way to complete missions in what was deemed the right manner, but Nie Jia didn't want to do so. He had once slaughtered indiscriminately because the whole world was just data, but Shi Chen made him realize that even in such a virtual world, everyone had their independent thoughts, personalities, joys, and sorrows. Each person was a living being.

If he were to engage in indiscriminate slaughter again, he would only drift further from Shi Chen.

Nie Jia was well aware that his hands were already stained with blood. He wanted to do his best to save, for himself and for Shi Chen.

"The peace you all expect doesn't exist. Every war is preceded by peace. War, peace, then war again. Even if one day, you exterminate all humans and the Porcine faction, what awaits you won't be peace but struggles among all Shark factions, followed by extinction." Nie Jia stared into An Yuan's despairing eyes, his calm voice tinged with a barely audible sadness. "Whatever the reason, it's not a justification for launching a genocide war. We ability users aren't gods; we're all humans, don't overestimate yourselves."

"You're talking nonsense!" An Yuan gritted his teeth, breathing heavily.

"I've said to respect your way of life. You can continue hunting humans in the future, slaughtering Porcine faction, and establish your own kingdom like the Oasis. Let's all move toward our respective goals. Perhaps we'll meet on the battlefield in the future." Nie Jia patted An Yuan's shoulder as a final farewell, seemingly irretrievable.

"Who is it?" An Yuan lowered his head slightly, letting his arms drop, lost and soulless. "Who's the person you love so much that you're willing to abandon all of us?"

Nie Jia's eyes flickered faintly, ignoring An Yuan's question directly.

Turning away from An Yuan, Nie Jia faced the crowd. "Now, who else is willing to leave with me?"

Whispers erupted among the crowd; most people hadn't even reacted.

An Yuan lifted his head, fists clenched, staring at Nie Jia's retreating figure. The tears in his eyes had gradually dried up.

Not all hunters had only one goal; some people broke away from the crowd. Amidst the astonishment, they walked towards Nie Jia. "Boss, I'm with you."

"Me too."

A woman with short hair followed suit. Meng Yao grabbed her wrist, her face pale, tears rolling down her cheeks in disbelief. "Meng Jia... even you're leaving?"

Meng Jia looked at her sister, her expression slightly moved, but still cruelly said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to continue surviving like this. I want to live a good life. Boss is right; the end of genocide won't be peace. I don't want to live these days relying on killing."

"But you used to work for the Huaxia government. How many of us did Huaxia kill? Can you forget even the blood feud?" Meng Yao said.

Meng Jia heartlessly replied, "We're all guilty. The government killed us rebels, and we killed how many innocent ordinary people?"

Meng Yao stared blankly, tears streaming down her face, looking at her sister as if she were a stranger. "You're my only family now."

"You can come with me." Meng Jia said.

Meng Yao remained silent for a while, then finally weakly let go of Meng Jia's hand. "You go, my family is every member of the Hunters, but you're not anymore."

Meng Jia walked to Nie Jia's side without hesitation. She was one of only seventeen fifth-tier ability users in the world, and she was a medical ability user. Many hunters owed their lives to her. If Leader Nie Jia was their fearless leader, then Meng Jia was their unyielding support.

But now, both of these people had chosen to leave.

In just a few minutes, over a hundred people chose to stand behind Nie Jia, until no one else came forward. Nie Jia calmly said, "Let's go."

"Nie Jia!" An Yuan shouted angrily and resolutely from behind him, "I'll never forgive you for abandoning me! As you said, if we meet on the battlefield in the future, I won't show any mercy!"

Nie Jia glanced back at him. The young man's face was filled with anger and vitality. Nie Jia smirked, "Use that determination of yours and work hard. Maybe one day you'll really defeat me."

He waved his hand, bidding farewell to everyone, and stepped out of the base.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Shi Chen finished a long day of meetings and returned home, looking a bit tired. He Qingtang followed him, reporting on the Oasis monitoring report sent by the red personnel. Since Ning Lang took over the Oasis, it had become a hidden time bomb, waiting to explode across the strait into Huaxia at any time.

"Director, Nie Jia's situation has been reported to the president. There might be news tomorrow. The military region is the only one left that hasn't taken a stance, but most of them support Shen Su's decision to directly kill Nie Jia instead of recruiting him. The Oasis isn't cooperating, and we really can't spare more energy to guard against Nie Jia." He Qingtang said.

Shi Chen paused on the steps, a fierce look crossing his brow. "Didn't I express my stance? Anyone who dares to touch Nie Jia can try."

He Qingtang opened her mouth but eventually nodded. "Yes, I understand. I'll inform you as soon as we get the president's reply. As for the Oasis..."

After entering the door, Shi Chen didn't let He Qingtang follow him in. Instead, he suddenly slammed the door shut, nearly startling He Qingtang outside.

Then, Shi Chen's indifferent voice came from inside, "You go back and rest first."

He Qingtang was puzzled, but it was late, and after a day of meetings, she was exhausted. She decided to leave the remaining work for tomorrow and responded before going to rest.

In the dim foyer, Shi Chen took a few steps forward, his breath somewhat unsteady as he looked at the silhouette leaning against the window.

He reached out and turned on the living room light. The sudden intense light made Nie Jia furrow his brows, waking him up. He stood up and turned around to see Shi Chen standing nearby.

These few days, even his dreams were filled with Shi Chen's figure.

Nie Jia's breath hitched.

"Are you okay? How are your injuries?" Shi Chen suddenly asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

Nie Jia shook his head, bypassed the chair, and immediately ran towards Shi Chen, throwing himself into his arms. Shi Chen stepped forward to meet him, wrapping his arms tightly around Nie Jia. Nie Jia held onto Shi Chen's waist tightly, his voice trembling, "I miss you so much."

Shi Chen hugged him, patting the back of Nie Jia's head.

After failing to intercept Nie Jia in time, Shi Chen had been on edge. He had dispatched many people to track down the Hunters' main base, but Huaxia had been searching for so many years without success, let alone just one or two days. He never expected to see Nie Jia today, and his heart was pounding so hard it almost exploded.

"I miss you too. You were so badly injured, I thought you..." Shi Chen breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the warmth of Nie Jia's body, finally easing his heart.

If He Qingtang saw this scene, she would be shocked. Clearly, these two were mortal enemies, yet they inexplicably embraced each other and poured out their hearts. Who would believe it if it were said?

"I'm fine. I just... miss you so much," Nie Jia said, tears streaming down his face and into Shi Chen's collar.

Shi Chen could clearly feel Nie Jia's sadness and helplessness. He gently comforted him for a while, waiting until Nie Jia stopped crying before pulling him to the sofa to sit down, handing him a tissue to wipe away his tears and snot. "What happened? Did you come by yourself? Hum a little."

Nie Jia closed his eyes obediently and hummed forcefully. Shi Chen, holding a wet towel, wiped Nie Jia's face, scrubbing away all traces of tears.

"I've left the Hunters organization. Can I stay by your side from now on?" Nie Jia said. "I'm sixth-tier now, capable of manipulating electromagnetic fields and outputting them. I can help you, protect you, and do whatever you want."

This was earth-shattering news. Shi Chen knelt in front of Nie Jia, wiping his dirty fingers with a damp cloth, and smiled gently. "Really?"

Nie Jia nodded quickly.

Shi Chen said, "Then be my wife."


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