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Chapter 42

Since returning home that day, Yuan Jiayu stayed in her room for over a week, ignoring everyone and everything around her.

Yuan's parents, preoccupied with Yuan Chengyuan's hospitalization and company matters since he excelled in his studies, hadn't noticed Jiayu's abnormal behavior.

When Jiayu finally emerged from her room ten days later, her once plump cheeks had sunken, her eyes seemed vacant, darting around as if expecting monsters to pounce on her at any moment, her expression a mix of fear and dread.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" asked the Yuan family's servant, hesitatingly breaking the silence.

Jiayu had been holed up in her room, taking her meals there without stepping outside, causing them to worry.

As the servant approached from behind, Jiayu, who had seemed odd just moments before, suddenly screamed in terror, shoving the servant aside before darting back into her room.

The middle-aged servant let out a grunt as she fell to the ground, the tray she had been carrying scattering food everywhere, taking a while before she managed to get up.

"Zhang Yi?" Hearing the commotion, Yuan Chengyang hurried over from inside the house to help the servant up. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"My back twisted a bit," groaned the servant, Zhang Yi, as she held onto her waist, her gaze shifting to Jiayu's room. "Young Master, do you know what's been going on with Miss these past few days? When I saw her just now, she seemed... strange."

Helping Zhang Yi to the sofa, Chengyang's expression remained cold, even disdainful. "Don't mind her."

In fact, Chengyang wasn't the biological child of the Yuan parents; he was the son of Yuan's father's sister. When he was two, his aunt and uncle died in a car accident, and he was taken in by Yuan's father, inheriting their family business as well.

Later, the Yuan family welcomed a daughter, Jiayu.

Jiayu was born a year after Chengyang arrived at the Yuan household. Initially unattractive at birth, she grew up to be beautiful, garnering the family's affection, which naturally overshadowed the adopted child.

Yuan's father instructed him to take care of his sister. So, when he was out playing in the amusement park, he "accidentally" left his sister behind.

Jiayu's disappearance plunged Yuan's mother into grief temporarily, but as Chengyang was only five at the time, his intense crying spared him any blame. Soon after, their attention shifted back to him.

So, Chengyang believed he did the right thing.

However, not long after, Yuan's mother became pregnant again.

Chengyang didn't handle Chengyuan like Jiayu; he took a different approach. Children always need special attention, so he redirected Yuan's parents' focus onto himself just as Chengyuan began to crave it.

Sure enough, Chengyuan turned into a completely rotten student. Whenever he saw the disappointment and pride in his parents' eyes, Chengyang felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

Later on, he wasn't satisfied with just this feeling of accomplishment; he wanted the entire Yuan family.

He knew that as long as Chengyuan existed, this wish could never be completely fulfilled because he was not their biological son; he was an outsider. So he teamed up with the fake Jiayu. Yes, he knew from the beginning that this Jiayu was fake. Her way of claiming kinship was too crude and foolish. If he hadn't secretly replaced the hair Yuan's father used to test DNA, this impostor would have been exposed long ago.

He thought her scheme could be a bit more sophisticated, but she turned out to be even more foolish than he had imagined, and Chengyuan turned out to be far more capable than he had imagined.

He actually got involved with the Duan family's big ship.

Chengyang was getting anxious, but for the past two years, he hadn't found an opportunity to take action until recently when Jiayu suggested targeting both Chengyuan and the young master of the Duan family.

If successful, this move could send Chengyuan straight to hell because, naturally, with the favor shown by the ruler of the Duan family toward Chengyuan, he wouldn't overlook anyone who harmed his own son.

However, the plan, flawlessly laid out by Jiayu, ended up in utter failure, dragging her down instead.

Recalling the scene he witnessed in the alley that day, Chengyang couldn't help but feel nauseated. Then, the thought of the consequences if Duan Chengyuan caught wind of this scheme made his limbs go cold. But soon, he calmed down; he hadn't been involved in this matter from start to finish; it was all Jiayu's doing.

"Young Master, are you alright?" Watching Chengyang's changing expression, Zhang Yi couldn't help but worry. "Are you feeling unwell somewhere?"

"I'm fine, Zhang Yi. You're injured, so rest for a few days first." Chengyang nodded at Zhang Yi, his tone carrying a hint of warmth.

Just then, Jiayu, who had burst into the room moments ago, suddenly slammed the door open again, wielding a baseball bat and rushing downstairs toward Chengyang's direction. Her screams echoed, "It's you! It's all your fault! Why didn't you save me? Why didn't you save me!"

Jiayu looked disheveled, her eyes sunken and dark, filled with madness, resembling a demon as she lunged toward Chengyang.

Her movements were too swift; caught off guard, Chengyang only managed to block one blow with his arm. The clash of bone and bat rang out crisply, but before he could cry out in pain, another blow was hurtling towards his head. Hindered by his injured right hand, Chengyang couldn't evade it in time, and he watched as the baseball bat was about to strike his head.

At that moment, Yuan Jiayu suddenly slipped and lunged forward, unable to regain her balance, and ended up knocking Yuan Chengyang, who was half a head taller than her, to the ground.

With his hand just broken, Chengyang's face turned pale from the second blow, and he couldn't even utter a word. Zhang Yi, the servant, anxiously interjected, "Young Master, Miss, please stop..."

Jiayu seemed to regain some clarity at this point. She struggled to get up from the ground without bothering to pick up the baseball bat lying on the floor. Instead, she glanced at Chengyang, who was trembling in pain, let out a mocking laugh, then raised her foot and stomped down hard!



"Counterattack value +5%, current counterattack value is 85%, please continue your efforts, host."

Ling Chunann, who had been obediently sitting in Duan Chengyuan's arms waiting to be fed, suddenly heard this notification. "Huh? What's going on?"

"Host, the male lead's storyline has been completed," 098 replied.

"Oh? I thought it would only be completed after Yuan Chengyuan became the head of the family. Quickly find out the reason." Ling Chunann became interested; he hadn't been paying much attention to the dynamics of the male and female leads recently.

Soon, 098, also puzzled, replied, "Host, the female lead harbored resentment toward the male lead for not rescuing her last time, coupled with not receiving proper guidance after the trauma, resulting in mental instability. She initiated an attack on the male lead, broke his right hand, and stomped on his reproductive organ, preventing him from fathering offspring."

"..." In short, one went mad, the other became a eunuch.

"Babe, open your mouth," Duan Chengyuan's voice came, and instinctively, Ling Chunann opened his mouth, only to receive a deep kiss. Slightly surprised, Ling Chunann naturally wrapped his arms around Duan Chengyuan's neck.

"Host, I've said not to do this in public places; this is the dining room now..." 098 reminded.

Three months later, when Yuan Chengyuan was discharged from the hospital, Ling Chunann quietly slipped out of the house while Duan Chengyuan wasn't paying attention and drove to the hospital.

So much had happened in the past three months for the Yuan family: news that Jiayu wasn't their biological daughter, exposure of Chengyang and Jiayu's scheme against Chengyuan, which left Yuan's parents utterly disappointed. Although Chengyuan was still in the hospital, he was completely ignored.

Ling Chunann had no doubt who was behind these events. "It's a pity that the female lead and the male lead had a falling out before the truth came out; otherwise, it might have been more fun," he remarked.

"Uncle, Auntie, hello," Ling Chunann greeted Yuan's parents with a smile.

After these incidents, Yuan's parents seemed to have aged several years. After all, it wasn't easy for parents to accept such behavior from a son they had raised for over twenty years. But when facing Ling Chunann, they smiled particularly kindly. "Xiaolang, we really appreciate what you've done for Xiaoyue."

"We're good friends; Uncle and Auntie, don't be so formal." Ling Chunann always knew how to be likable, and as expected, the smiles on their faces brightened even more. He continued, "You both seem busy. I drove here, so why don't I take Chengyuan back? You have things to attend to."

Just as Yuan's parents had received an urgent report from the company and indeed had things to deal with, they thanked Ling Chunann repeatedly and gave a few instructions to Chengyuan before leaving.

"Your parents really care about you," Ling Chunann said to Chengyuan.

"But Uncle Duan is the one who really cares about you to the bone," Chengyuan replied, though he couldn't hide the strain in his smile.

"I'll take you home," Ling Chunann smiled at Chengyuan.

Watching Ling Chunann's smile, Chengyuan hesitated for a moment, then coughed. "Alright."

In the garage, Chengyuan looked suspiciously at the empty sports car in front of him and then at Ling Chunann. "No driver?"

"Huh? Why would I need a driver?" Ling Chunann blinked.

"Do you even have a driver's license?" Chengyuan was starting to panic.

"It's okay; I can drive. Trust me, I've already told Uncle and Auntie earlier, and they agreed, didn't they?" Ling Chunann said, "Don't worry. I just told them I drove here."

"But you didn't tell them you drove yourself here." Chengyuan took a step back.

"I told them 'I drove here.' Alright, enough talking; get in the car." Chengyuan nervously got into the car, double-checking his seatbelt several times and firmly holding onto the door handle, fearing that he might end up back in the hospital under the care of Ling Chunann, this unlicensed driver.

"Haha, he's so cute!" Ling Chunann said to 098 in his mind, then called out to Chengyuan again, "Let's go!"

With a roar, the sports car's engine ignited, and it gracefully swerved out of the garage, heading towards the exit.

"Ahh! Slow down, slow down!"


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