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Chapter 35

Unexpectedly, this time Duan Chengyuan didn't use the death ray to look at Xiaoyuanlin, but instead nodded at her in a somewhat friendly manner. "In the future, take care of Xiaolang in school, please."

"Sure, Uncle. I'll take good care of Yuanlang," Xiaoyuanlin responded, feeling pleasantly surprised by the attention.

Ling Chunann didn't mind the portrayal of the two as children who couldn't take care of themselves and needed constant attention.

On the car, Ling Chunann fell asleep on Duan Chengyuan's shoulder. In a daze, he vaguely heard Duan Chengyuan say something, but he was too tired to pay attention and just instinctively responded with a sound.

Upon waking up, they were already home. Ling Chunann suddenly remembered something, "098, what did Duan Chengyuan say in the car just now?"

"He said not to hold hands with others in the future; he wouldn't be happy. Also, he mentioned giving you a week off, planning to go abroad. You agreed," 098 repeated the approximate meaning to Ling Chunann in a straightforward voice.

When did he become so unguarded against this man? Ling Chunann stared at the ceiling, thankful it was just a week. If it were a month, how would he complete his tasks?

"What are you thinking, sweetheart?" Duan Chengyuan walked in, pushing open the door. "Are you hungry?"

The little bit of caution that had just surfaced immediately dissipated.

A week later, Ling Chunann was once again reluctantly sent to school by Duan Chengyuan. The foolish father wished to attend classes with his son, only to be glared back by Ling Chunann.

Entering the classroom, Ling Chunann was surrounded by enthusiastic classmates. After some small talk, when the bell rang for class, the crowd dispersed, leaving Ling Chunann's desk piled with snacks.

Yuan Chengyuan entered the classroom right after the teacher. Ling Chunann couldn't help but notice that the bright, fluffy hair on his head seemed dimmer. His dark circles were larger, indicating several days of insufficient sleep.

"Are you okay?" Ling Chunann offered some snacks from his desk to Yuan Chengyuan.

Surprisingly, Yuan Chengyuan didn't glare at Ling Chunann this time. He shoved the snacks into his desk and started daydreaming.

Smiling at the approaching teacher, Ling Chunann opened his textbook, "098, did something happen to him?"

"According to the plot, tomorrow he will die," 098 replied. "The specific cause is a conflict with the female lead tonight. His family will side with the female lead, making him run away in anger and get kidnapped."

"Then the kidnappers will ask the Yuan family for money, but the family will think he staged it and, in the end, the kidnappers will tear up the ransom." Ling Chunann continued, "If I remember correctly, it's the male lead who misleads the Yuan family, intentionally or not, he's not a good person."

"Yes, host," 098 acknowledged Ling Chunann's memory. "I read the plot when I entered this world ten years ago, and you still remember it clearly."

"The task is to leave the male lead with nothing, right? How about we save this young master and let the Yuan family have a successor?" Ling Chunann suggested. "I am a good person after all."

"...There's no need to praise yourself like that."

Just as 098 was about to ask about Ling Chunann's plan, he began teasing the young supporting character again.

"Yuan Chengyuan, Yuan Chengyuan?" Ling Chunann poked his desk mate's arm.

The handsome youth's eyebrows furrowed, showing a hint of displeasure. When he saw that his desk mate seemed scared, he withdrew his hand and looked at him. Suppressing the swear words he was about to utter, he grumbled, "What do you want?"

"Long time no see, just saying hi," Ling Chunann happily replied.

"...Oh, too lazy to bother with you."

Watching the young man with his head back on the desk turning red again, Ling Chunann's smile grew brighter. "I really can't bear for him to die. How about we visit the Yuan family tonight?"

"Sure, host." Close contact with the target would be more beneficial for the task.

Then 098 heard Ling Chunann say, "Yuan Chengyuan, come to my house tonight."

"...This doesn't match the script from earlier."

After school that day, Yuan Chengyuan followed behind Ling Chunann again. Xiaoyuanlin was already waiting downstairs, "Yuanlang, over here!" Then she saw Yuan Chengyuan, but this time, instead of mocking him, she looked sympathetic, "You're Yuan Jiayu's brother, right? It must be tough for you with such a sister."

"What did she say?" Yuan Chengyuan seemed unsurprised, surprisingly not angry this time.

"Nothing much, just asking for advice on how to deal with a mischievous and rebellious brother with poor grades who's being coddled by the whole family," Xiaoyuanlin took Ling Chunann's backpack from him, "But her friends are a bit gossipy."

"My desk mate is really pitiful," Ling Chunann sighed.

If it was intentional, it was more malicious than direct slander. 098 was puzzled; the female lead in this world was supposed to be a kind, gentle, and inspirational girl, not intentionally causing harm, right?

Although Yuan Chengyuan was rebellious, he didn't engage in bullying or similar activities at school. He was reluctantly considered a salvageable troublemaker, at least not involved in campus bullying. How did he become a wicked villain in the eyes of the female lead?

In the original plot, these words were also told to Yuan Chengyuan by Xiaoyuanlin. Consequently, the Yuan family later mostly blamed Yuan Chengyuan's death on Xiaoyuanlin. This was part of the reason for Xiaoyuanlin's tragic ending.

Naturally, Yuan Chengyuan was displeased with being smeared by Yuan Jiayu. He wanted to go back and argue with her but was suddenly stopped by a hand. "Yuan Chengyuan, you said you'd come to my house tonight."

Initially intending to shake off Ling Chunann, Yuan Chengyuan hesitated for a moment, "Sorry, I have something tonight. How about tomorrow?"

"You'll die tomorrow," Ling Chunann thought. But with a determined expression, he insisted, "No, you can't break your promise. If you don't come to my house, I'll go to yours!"

A child's voice was soft, with a hint of a teary tone, making people feel soft. Yuan Chengyuan was still in a dilemma, but before he could decide, Xiaoyuanlin slapped him on the head, "I hate people who don't keep their promises. How can you treat my brother like this!"

With a chunk of his previously standing hair now flattened, Yuan Chengyuan looked somewhat dazed. Ling Chunann's expression remained unchanged, but inside, he was laughing. According to logic, Xiaoyuanlin was supposed to be Yuan Chengyuan's real sister.

"Well, go to my house then," Yuan Chengyuan finally gave in under Xia

oyuanlin's gaze.

Seeing Ling Chunann nod happily, and wanting to refuse but not daring to speak up, Xiaoyuanlin gave Yuan Chengyuan a fierce look, as if saying, "Let's see how your uncle deals with you!"

098 silently watched as the situation took a turn, deviating from Ling Chunann's originally planned route. It decided not to question Ling Chunann's decisions in the future.

Duan Chengyuan naturally couldn't allow his precious one to go to a classmate's house whom he had recently met. But seeing that Ling Chunann seemed determined, he didn't want to upset him and decided to accompany him to the Yuan family.

Xiaoyuanlin originally wanted to follow, but upon seeing Duan Chengyuan, she immediately gave up on that idea.

Sitting on the back seat on the other side, Yuan Chengyuan almost tried to minimize his presence. Although he didn't know Duan Chengyuan, their last encounter was enough for him to feel that this man didn't have a good impression of him, perhaps even a bit hostile.

As soon as Ling Chunann got in the car, Duan Chengyuan pulled him into his arms possessively. He was used to it, finding Duan Chengyuan's embrace comfortable, and soon fell asleep again.

"Baby, we're here," Duan Chengyuan patted Ling Chunann's back when they arrived.

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann was still a bit groggy, his brain aching from lack of sleep. Subconsciously, he grabbed Duan Chengyuan's arm and bit it as he woke up.

Almost the moment Ling Chunann opened his eyes, Duan Chengyuan's other hand circled around his back, conveniently blocking his face, and his gaze swept towards Yuan Chengyuan, who was sneakily glancing at them.

The small supporting character, who hadn't seen anything but was startled by Duan Chengyuan, chuckled, "Uncle, Duan Yuanlang, we've arrived at my home."

"You go down first," Duan Chengyuan nodded towards Yuan Chengyuan.

"Sure, sure." Yuan Chengyuan obediently complied, quickly opening the car door and stepping out. Standing at the doorstep, he suddenly furrowed his brows, unsure if it was his imagination, but he felt a faint smell of blood in the car.

"Baby, awake now?" Duan Chengyuan took out a handkerchief and wiped Ling Chunann's mouth, which had stopped eating. He briefly bandaged the still-healing wounds, rolled down his sleeve, then kissed Ling Chunann's face, eyes filled with indulgence. "We've arrived at your classmate's house."

"Dad." Ling Chunann nuzzled into the man's embrace, his ears filled with the steady heartbeat.

"Hmm?" The man's voice was deep and sexy.

Ling Chunann blinked, then propped himself up and gave a kiss near his mouth, "Love Dad the most." Then he opened the car door and ran down.

Duan Chengyuan watched Ling Chunann's figure, then gently touched his lips, a smile flickering in his eyes. "Dad loves the baby the most."

Supposed to return with determination to confront the female lead, Yuan Chengyuan, now with Duan Chengyuan by his side, appeared a bit cautious. He asked the butler near the door, "Are Mom and Dad at home?"

"Young Master, " the gray-haired butler slightly bowed to Yuan Chengyuan, "Master and Madam are both at home. Young Master and Miss have also returned." Then he looked at the father and son behind Yuan Chengyuan, "Who are these two?"

"These are my classmates, and this is his father. I invited them to visit," Yuan Chengyuan quickly introduced.

"So, they are Young Master's guests," the butler's gaze lingered on Duan Chengyuan for a moment, becoming more courteous. "Please come in."

Setting aside the resentment towards Yuan Jiayu, Yuan Chengyuan was actually pleased that Ling Chunann could come to his home. This was evident from his occasional introductions about his family to Ling Chunann.

However, his good mood only lasted until they entered the main hall.

Looking through the entrance of the main hall, one could see the Yuan family sitting around the dining table. The first was a middle-aged man with dignity but gentle eyes, next to him was a well-maintained lady, and then the female lead, still a bit tanned but with bright eyes and a gentle smile. Finally, there was the slightly slim, handsome male lead.

There wasn't even an extra set of tableware on the table.

"Come, Xiaoyu, try this. Mom made it especially for you."

"Thank you, Mom. You're so kind."

"And this, Mom stewed it for three hours."

Watching the harmonious scene at the table, Ling Chunann looked at the dark-faced supporting character beside him. "This supporting character is genuinely kind. He's been pushed to this extent before running away from home. If it were me, I would've flipped the table and given the female lead a good beating."

Just as 098 was about to retort, it noticed that Yuan Chengyuan seemed to have heard Ling Chunann's words. He charged towards the dining table with a fierce demeanor.


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